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M3 Residential - PCI STILL NOT COMPLETE 5 Months & Waiting!

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Hope so! But one day at a time happy with our progress
With only 7 weeks til xmas now and 2-3 weeks worth of tiling I don't see us getting in til the new year.

OMGoodness. 7 weeks. EEEEK! I hope your tiler is speedy
Thankyou Di I really hope so too. I'm so keen to get into this house, it will spell a new chapter for me. After so many years of crappy relationships, crappy rentals breaking leases and moving on average every 6 months I'm over it. I have finally found a great guy and the house really is the start of our future together. Haha can see why I'm a bit keen on it hey.
It sounds like a lovely start

I used to love moving every 6 months, not with 3 kids though

Well even my building company is saying we might be in before Christmas and I think we are similar, but slightly behind, you. That is a positive for you!
Fingers crossed for both of us Di!
Some shed and house photos... nothings changed though. However I have noticed someone has cleaned off the paintball marks from our front portico... painter possibly????

our lonely unlaid tiles

Ah I can't wait! Such a nice day to sit out in our alfresco and have a scotch!!
There's been a lot of days like that! Now that there is an alfresco to sit under
cleaning up the paint ball is a good sign movement at the station?
Oh yes Speedway it will be 5 weeks today since the tiler was due to start. I really hope that now the paintball marks are gone it's a good sign... my Mum has theory that they are holding back trades so they can smash it out before Xmas and pay all the contractors in one hit with our final payment. Here's hoping

We were down there yesterday and finished 2/3rd of the shed frame off but I'm so sunburnt :/ I have a wedding on Friday which this has just made getting an even tan impossible. Oops.
Good news though is I have today and tomorrow off work so I'm hoping I will catch someone down there so I can take a look inside

Shed is progressing
Hope to have that complete in a few weeks.

It's now 5 weeks since tiler was due to start and will be 4 weeks tomorrow since the house has been touched. Figure there is no point stressing over it however you can't help but feel disappointed.
I hope there is someone there for you sake Salsaby
Cheers Speedway - unfortunately another no - show today so it's officially today 4 weeks since the house has been visited by trades and 5 weeks since the tiler was due to start. All we can do is wait and save money I guess - it's not looking good to get keys for xmas
That is all so disappointing
Way to go out on a low note.
Ah yeah its frustrating but I guess it's better than having ** work done. I just wish they were upfront with us and didn't keep giving unreachable dates - told three weeks running that the tiler will start next week and we are still on track for xmas. Hey, I could be way off we could have keys in 6 weeks but I'm sure they won't have all the discrepancies fixed.
Quick update: Tiler contacted us yesterday afternoon to advise us he would be on site today
hurrah!! Met with him this morning to go over our selections he seems to think with his team it will take approx 3-4 days for the floors and same again for the bathrooms/laundry/powder room however waterproofing hasnt been done yet and that will be around 3-4 days too. Fingers crossed for 6 weeks time
Oh fingers crossed for him being accurate! I think you will go past us if he is. Our main floors haven't been done yet, cos they aren't tiled
How exciting!!
Oh I hope so Di! I don't know I think we are on par
maybe we will both get that key for xmas after all!
After the meeting yesterday we thought we would drop in and have a squiz through the windows see what has changed...

Good stuff:

We have a roller door

screating is done and tile areas measured just need waterproofing.

Bad stuff:
A decent load of rotting grass clippings rubbish and other junk dumped down the side of the house (it stinks)
A huge load of cream exterior bricks are missing. We had a huge stack still strapped around the side which is gone plus a heap we had stacked down the back of our block where the red ones were not touched.
Looks as though someone has emptied their trailer of **** and then pilfered a whole heap of bricks
we were saving those for our built in bbq

We know it wasn't the tiler as I saw they used red interior bricks for the hob etc.

We have had grass clippings dumped on our block plus rubbish before we built - I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same meat head.
Frustrating! Makes us fairly uneasy now that we will have people lurking around our block

So close now though it's so nice going in there as its starting to feel real. I tested the cupboards all soft close (no angry cupboard slamming lol) had a ** look at the stone top and shelving in the rooms.... Ah! I can see its going to happen quickly and we won't be prepared :/ still need to finish the shed, retic, retaining wall, fences and gates... plus give 4 weeks notice on current place!

Exciting times
Yay for tiles after a 5 week wait!
Looking good Salsaby! Can't wait for progress pics
Hi Salsaby!

Its going and looking great! I just got bricks!!

Kitchen bench top looks amazing! Love it! Mine is a black essa stone

I will keep following your posts!
OOOH the door!

Suckful about the bricks though
Thieves and vandals GRRRRRR
Oooh update! Contacted builder yesterday as we really need to nut out a date to advise our rental agent. Response today says we are on track for early to mid December! Eeek! That's not long at all!! So exciting but it meant we gave an advise of intent to break lease to our agent without a firm date. God does that feel good!! I can't wait to move out (never thought I'd look forward to moving again!) Woohoo
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