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Our Sekisui House Meridian - carpet and electricity

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Hi Ribbon,

Out lil Pip is now about 3.5kg at 8 weeks, we only seem to breed lil babies. My second daughter just had her 3.5yo check up and is only 14.5kg and 95cm tall and about the 5th percentile. But hey there healthy and that's all that matters.

Your last photo of the house is looking good. Hopefully the brickies aren't far off finishing.
... and they are done!

Just one pic for now, I'll post more once the bricks have been cleaned.

We have also heard from SS that plastering is due to start on Tuesday! Its so incredibly exciting to be moving on to the inside of the house. Our build is just smashing along... I wonder when we will get in?

Jem your little pip is a tiny bubba, but she was very early too. Aside from the mother's worry, its quite nice having a sweet little tiny one to cuddle I think

Champ - I can understand where you are coming from based on my own experiences with Sekisui House raising a variation for increased construction costs after we entered into the contract (I mentioned it a few pages back). I've given a very honest account of my dealings with them in this thread. There is no doubt though that once started our build has been progressing at a fantastic pace and we couldn't have asked for a better site supervisor. I have very mixed feelings about them and I couldn't say at this stage whether I would be willing to build with them again or not. Probably not based on all of the problems we had in the pre-build phase but I might be won over if we could have the same site supervisor again!
Hi Ribbon,

Out lil Pip is now about 3.5kg at 8 weeks, we only seem to breed lil babies. My second daughter just had her 3.5yo check up and is only 14.5kg and 95cm tall and about the 5th percentile. But hey there healthy and that's all that matters.

Your last photo of the house is looking good. Hopefully the brickies aren't far off finishing.

My DD is 5 and not quite 15kgs. At 4 years old she hadn't even hit 12kgs. She can still fit into 00 size shorts. She was good weight at birth, but has not put on much since
Hi Ribbon, your place is looking great, as is the surrounding area.

The photo of your boy is wonderful. Congratulations! I don't put much stock in percentiles as their own measure. I hope he's healthy and happy, and not worrying you too much.

The plaster has just started on our place. The transformation you'll see in your house is amazing to see. You'll love it.
I like the idea that they will be 'little' for longer.
Pip is actually bigger than our second daughter was at this stage (8wks) and she was born smaller so it won't take long for her to catch up.

Love seeing the progress of your house, bricks look amazing! Ours arrived on site yesterday but our plastering was started (almost finished, hubby's working on finishing the ceiling this weekend) before the bricks even arrived. It's interesting to see the different stages/methods/steps each builder uses.
Wow your house is looking fab!

I had a big child first - 97th percentile - and second child is in the 5th percentile. Same daddy for both in case you are wondering!!!! It's really quite funny to see how different they can be. #1 was a real chub and still has a little belly and some handlebars (6.5 now) whereas #2 is still a skinny minny and wears an awful lot of clothes that are size 1 (she is 2.5)...nice to have a little one to swing around with but when she gets sick I sure worry more with less reserves
Wow your house is looking fab!

I had a big child first - 97th percentile - and second child is in the 5th percentile. Same daddy for both in case you are wondering!!!! It's really quite funny to see how different they can be. #1 was a real chub and still has a little belly and some handlebars (6.5 now) whereas #2 is still a skinny minny and wears an awful lot of clothes that are size 1 (she is 2.5)...nice to have a little one to swing around with but when she gets sick I sure worry more with less reserves

Greenfish I had a good giggle at your "same daddy" comment! It must have been reassuring that your little baby was a second child... my sister and I were just saying last night how its a little more difficult that our little baby is a first child because its difficult to tell if its a problem with me and my supply or just genetic. But I do keep hearing from people who have had those 5th percentile children and they are happy healthy kids with no real concerns other than being little. I wish I could just stop worrying about it but I can't

and thanks Jem, Thattime and Jen for your comments too. Lovely to share the journey with you

Onto house news now! Since my last update the rough-ins were completed, external wall insulation installed, internal wall (sound) insulation installed, plumber has returned and hooked up the downpipes to the gutter and the temporary water is on with two external taps installed. Oddly someone showed up last SUNDAY in the RAIN and cleaned a small section of our bricks - maybe 1/5 of the house. And last but definitely not least this week we have been PLASTERED!

Main living area looking back towards kitchen and dining area

Main living area looking towards lounge area and toy room

The picture window in our formal living room - love how this has turned out.

Main bedroom

Ensuite looking towards shower and one of the "his and hers" walk in wardrobes

Ensuite view the other way... so loving the wardrobes

Front door looking into entryway and formal living

The house from the street yesterday

The "clean" part of the house

This picture shows uncleaned bricks on the left and cleaned bricks on the right - its amazing how much better they look!

Clean bricks close up. I love them and am so happy we paid to upgrade. They are PGH "Blue Steel Flash".

I know from the tiling company that they are scheduled to begin tiling (I assume just the wet areas) this Friday, which means the wet seal and cabinetry must be going in between now and then. I AM SO EXCITED!!! There is a bunch of cornice sitting in the house so I assume the plasterers will be back to finish that this week too, and no doubt someone will be back soon to install the roof insulation which was thrown up in its bags into the roof space before plaster.
fantastic progress love the bricks
Looks amazing, and I love love love the his and hers robes! Fab idea!

Soon the REALLY fun stuff will start - tiles, paint, cabinets, all the pretty stuff!
Thanks Rocky and Stella

DH spoke ith the SS this morning. The carpenters are scheduled to put in the architraves, skirts and doors from tomorrow and confirmed our kitchen is going in on Thursday! DH is out at the house today cutting out the electrical and has MMS'd me a picture of the internal doors and our front doors that must have been delivered this morning because they weren't there yesterday. Our laundry trough has also been delivered but still no bath apparently.

Assuming the doors, cornices, arcs, and cabinetry all go in this week and tiling starts on Friday as scheduled we surely must be looking at painting starting the week after next?!?! What is left after painting? Final fix off for electrical, plumbing, aircon, hot water and fire sprinkers, tiling the main living areas (that will be a big job) and carpet... am I missing anything? We must be getting so close now! If this cracking pace continues we could be in early or mid April. I'm really starting to get excited now!
All looks great!
What a fantastic block!!
House is looking great!!! It sounds like things are moving along very quickly and that April will most definitely be your move in month.

Your baby is a little cutie as well and they grow so fast.
I am absolutely blown away by how much has happened at the house this week!

We have had:
Plastering finished
Electrician cut out
Carpenters have installed all doors, including our front door and we are now officially locked out! Just between you and me we still got in though
Arcs and skirts also installed this week
Wet seal to all wet areas
All cabinetry installed - ensuite, bathroom and kitchen!
Screeding completed and wet area tiles delivered in preparation for tiling this coming week
AND our bricks have finally been cleaned!

Tiling wet areas is scheduled to be full steam ahead for this week, then all we are waiting on before painting can begin is for the cornices to be installed. The only other obvious jobs are installation of the roof insulation and wardrobe and pantry shelving. Then we are onto floor tiling and final fixing. We don't have any driveways or garden etc. included in the contract so that takes us to PCI and handover.

As always, plenty of pics to share

Kitchen including laundry tub and tile delivery!

Main bathroom



The little man's room

Clean bricks and front door

Just a quick update... SS confirmed today that we are well ahead of schedule and estimates handover will be in six weeks.

Tilers back on site today, cornice being installed today and painting scheduled to start later this week.
Your house is looking fantastic Ribbon! It must be so exciting for you....Love your views, just gorgeous. And that little boy of yours is beautiful!

Love reading the posts of excited home builders!

Wet area tiling completed early this week, except the ensuite feature tile. Cornices are up ready for painting and the rainwater tank was delivered yesterday too!

Its been awhile since I've updated but plenty has been happening.

Benchtop has gone on

The entire house has been painted

Shower screens have gone in (mostly)

Electrical has started - downlights in and epic 2x quad powerpoints for our big fish tank

and cupboards have been fitted out.

I'm not sure what they were thinking when they ordered the cupboard fitouts. We have no shelves, only hanging space in every cupboard except pantry #1 and the linen closet. We can deal with that - i'm happy to spend a bit more when we move in and put in the "elfa" flexible shelving systems as it will be much better in the long run.

The most odd thing is they have started fitting out pantry #2 as though it is going to be a hanging space wardrobe. The two pantrys are side by side like this:

They have fitted out the left one like this:

and the right one like this:

So we will have to have a chat to them about getting shelves in the second pantry.

Sekisui have also agreed to cover the costs of extending our sewerage connection across the frontage of our block. I mentioned a few pages back that after the drainage had been dug and our driveway approved and put in place we discovered a problem with the sewer pod design - in short it had been put on the opposite side of the block to the sewerage connection. As we were responsible for all "service extensions" outside of the contract we were concerned that we might be expected to pay for the connection from one side of the block to the other, but Sekisui have fairly accepted that it was their design mistake that caused the additional costs and that they will wear them. Needless to say we are very happy and feel like this is a fair outcome. I really can't fault the way Sekisui has dealt with us since the build started.

Final fit offs for everything are scheduled for this week, tiling and carpet for the following week. And then we are at PCI
not long now congrats house is looking fantastic
hope they fix the pantry for you
Hi, your house looks fantastic, may I ask what colours you have in your kitchen?
Thanks guys

Ted the kitchen cabinets are laminex "Moleskin" and behind the island is "Stipple Cocoa". The bench top is ceasarstone "creme brulee" which we were told is quite new. The wall colour is "New Soft Blush" by Wattyl
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