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:) Kiwis home: Moved in & lovin it! :)

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ooow, thanks...arent you just my 'new best friend'

well the bank said YES to giving us a mortgage to build the house

we can have a wedge from them of 300k all up...

we have 15k already (mortgage on the land cos our house sale in chch didnt quite clear the mortgage up here on the land as we dropped a lot to sell. It cleared the mortg down there though, as the house had gone up a bit in 15 yrs), so the house will have to cost no more than 280k with a 5k contingency finished.
Tanks/ septic are looking to be 23k alone..
heat pump hot water tank 5k plus install etc

I am going to investigate a wormator thing for the septic, see if that is cheaper.

Am awaiting 2 quotes from 2 builders to build it, hoping it will be about 250k, and then 35k for earthworks, tanks, hotwater, flooring

feel so sick now.............scary. so much debt.

and only one wage, lucky he has a million life insurance on him.
wont feel so bad if I smother him in the night with the pillow by 'mistake'
may he rest in peace..................!!!
@ the pillow/life insurance thing! DH turned to me one day after we had been sorting out mortgage (ours is bigger than that
) and life insurance and said "YOu know I won't wake up in a good mood if you smother me with the pillow one night..." ...ummm, dear, you wouldn't be waking up-isn't that the whole point?
wouldnt be happy..what is he like!

they just dont get it do they.

a policeman told me once the only way to kill someone without being found out is a syringe with water init, straight into the middle ear...water goes into the brain..dead
by the time of the autopsy no water, no needle hole, no way of ever knowing.

pillows cause fluff evidence around the mouth!
ooow, thanks...arent you just my 'new best friend'

well the bank said YES to giving us a mortgage to build the house

we can have a wedge from them of 300k all up...

we have 15k already (mortgage on the land cos our house sale in chch didnt quite clear the mortgage up here on the land as we dropped a lot to sell. It cleared the mortg down there though, as the house had gone up a bit in 15 yrs), so the house will have to cost no more than 280k with a 5k contingency finished.
Tanks/ septic are looking to be 23k alone..
heat pump hot water tank 5k plus install etc

I am going to investigate a wormator thing for the septic, see if that is cheaper.

Am awaiting 2 quotes from 2 builders to build it, hoping it will be about 250k, and then 35k for earthworks, tanks, hotwater, flooring

feel so sick now.............scary. so much debt.

and only one wage, lucky he has a million life insurance on him.
wont feel so bad if I smother him in the night with the pillow by 'mistake'

I know the feeling our last place was next to nothing as far as debt is concerned and now with this new venutre its doubled! I figure that everyone else is in the same boat? My sister says well you are getting your dream home so its worth it! Fingers crossed it is (or I may need a pillow too) LOL!
we could start a thread up in coffee break re 'claiming life insurance 101'

when we bought our first house we had a 75k mortgage and 30k deposit from my parents which we paid back once the house went up.
(it was 105k when we bought it, we just sold for 325k but we did extend it by 70k worth of house a few years back)

I felt sick then too with 'all that debt!"

oh, those were the days..ha ha

in 10 yrs time I guess I will laugh and go, 300k, is THAT ALL!???

like you say, everyone is in the same boat.
A stand alone french tub is 4k alone. It aint 1952 anymore where one bathroom will do. We have more cabling in one house now than they had in a whole street worth of houses!!

not to mention lights and power sockets etc

gone are the days of one hanging light in a room..and a cold cupboard for meat

And don't forget the only heating in the house was a fire in the living room in Invercargill. Brrrrrr...Thank god for hotties and sox.
and no outdoor flow, anywhere. No french doors, bi folds, or stacker sliders. If you were lucky a ranch slider in brown.
...And just a back door with a porch thing, and some steps down to the 1/4 acre lawn and veg patch!

Anyway, I have some pics of the laminates for the kitchen........................DRUM ROLL

dont care if you dont like them,
just telling you how it will be

here is an earlier plan that the wonderful Nathan did, which makes the kitchen easier to see.
We have a small pantry which will have a door and a larger pantry which wont. The fridge is now at the other end so that as you walk in to the house it shields some of the kitchen.

the smaller is for broom, vacuum (just got a new upright dyson, whoaoao!) etc and some shelves for appliances, like wok, panini press, waffle maker etc

The larger one will be for food and crockery

It will have a bench in and 2 sets of drawers (900 wide) and over head cupboards for glasses on the left wall only and just 300mm deep shelves on the other 2 walls (prob about 5 shelves on each wall)

The bench in there and where the sink/ hob will be burnished wood 100mm thick

the microwave cupboard, fridge cupboard, breakfast bar side panels will be in burnished wood

and the rest (all drawers bar under the sink which is a cupboard) in a very light cream...kind of like this

and the WOW in the kitchen will be the 100mm thick breakfast bar top in ornamental express

when I am bored with it I can easily sell it, and replace it with something else as it wont be a waterfall edge. Just 100 mm all the way around, so can just 'lift it off' and be replaced

We bought these stools yesterday to go with it and our brown leather lounge suite which will be in the family room
they were from Danske and were $300 down to $149 each.

the seats swivel

dont care if you dont like the wallpaper breakfast bar, I am GOING FOR IT!!!
Looks Great - You go girl !
thanks Jazz, and thanks for your help with the burnished wood pics of cabinets etc
much appreciated.
back to the life insurance topic, we went and signed our mortgage docs the other day, and the mortgage broker was trying to sell us life insurance. I thought about it for a brief second, but thought if i have too much life insurance (already got one policy), DP might think it's a good idea to smother me in my sleep.
you are NOT WRONG!!!

dont care if you dont like them, just telling you how it will be

dont care if you dont like the wallpaper breakfast bar, I am GOING FOR IT!!!

so funny
I like it even though I wouldn't do it, but not because I don't like it
I do have something similar on a wall in my powder room and I love it, very WOW!
Tell it like it is Kiwi!
BTW- I've had my upright Dyson for 6 months and LOVE IT!
yes, loving the vacuum...I have even built it a cupboard down the hall in my plan now (I know, sad)
and Suh, glad we have the same taste, although showing it on different surfaces

ok, now feel sicker....but excited sick I think it is.
I hope so, and not morning sickness, ha ha.

This week we had to make some decisions..which builder? (I liked 2) who draws up the plans?, get the PIM into council (project information memorandum, basically telling council what we are doing, then you submit your plans for a permit)
pick up engineers report when it is done, find out earthworks and septic prices as they will either break the budget or allow enough for flooring at the end etc

So Monday, engineers report was ready for foundations and septic mainly, went in, grabbed it and went to council to lodge PIM. Got that back Thursday, and a big fat 'A' ok from council to build what we proposed.

I dont know if anyone reads The owner builder magazine (I do...I know, sad again!) but there is an ad in the back for
and Ian often writes for the mag. I notice his articles cos he is from Whangarei and so on Tuesday I rang him for unbiased help re solar passive, eaves, heat loss, heat retention, and cedar, etc. great hour long chat and arrange to visit with him and hubby on the Thursday at 10am.
Great 5 hour meeting! and....

We have decided to have Ian draw our plans up for council in the next 2 weeks (he has a window for that time frame only) He will add his magic, and then the builder ~website is appalling, blurred pics, weird angles of houses etc, but he has an excellent reputation as a craftsman and I have not heard anything negative about him in the 3 yrs I have known him and he is local.
He will work his magic and build it within budget! (which needs to be UNDER 250k. We then have $35k left for water / earthworks/ flooring/ hot water heat pump. When the plans come back from council, before we have even turned the sod, I will have spent $11,000. Eeek
not sure which budget that is coming from, ha ha )

So I am going to take my helicopter and have some R and R, as the plans get their working drawings done.

I think that is my hubby following me!!???

helloooo honey...........
Woohoo-it's all go then Kiwi! Yayness!
Hi Kiwi, just had time to sit and read your thread (well not really but who needs clean dishes...dogs can clean up later!). Awesome land (minus the water). It looks like where we are, especially after the wet. Lucky though we are at an elevation where the flooding is only brief and not very bad. You and your family are just gorgeous. All your photos make me want to bring all my lot over and dump on your doorstep. I'll just wait til the new house is done so there is enough room for your lot and my lot!!!! Did I mention on my thread that we are talking about a number 6 for next year????

Love your house too. Very functional for a big family. I miss not having enough 'rooms' or spaces. Can't wait til we are in our new place. Hopefully by Christmas. What time frame do you have for your build? As for the laundry being small for a big family...I deliberately made mine small, because I have found in a large laundry, I stock-pile too much and then have so much washing and other stuff that it is near impossible to get on top of....just my 2cents worth.

Can't wait to see more.
yayness, LOVE THAT WORD!!

Yes RF dishes can wait, they are only going to get dirty again anyway, so why not 'use them twice' before cleaning them like jeans.

I do believe we discussed number 6 on your thread and I will give my 2 cents...go for it girl! you might get a little girl too...yayness!.

We had a laundry in a cupboard in the hall in Christchurch with 5 little kiddies, and that worked so bring on this one~ as it is BIGGER!! yayness again.
Keeps the washing under control when the hamper is full and so it is time to wash, as no where else to store the smellies, easy....
(and with an undercover clothes line, I have no excuse now)
ha ha

my time line is in by christmas lunch, so lets see who wins ay....
thanks for reading,
great day, had to leave Franz Josef Glacier (
) to meet Architect this morning on the land to do a contour plan to go with drawings. Thats ok, I was happy to leave to do that.

Hubby helped by holding the big stick.

see ya snow........thanks for the R and R. It was fun!

This thread has THE best pics!
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