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Any good/bad experiences with Henley?

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not sure if its that necessary. they can charge about $500 per inspection. I would like to know what they inspect after the footings are poured anyway the only thing i can come up with is the size and location on the block. Anyway i found it a waste of money he didnt tell me anything that i didn't already know. Most builders dont give you the timber frame plans but they have to supply them if you request them (you have payed for them already). You can also buy the Timber Framing Code for about $76. But if you are worried about something or it doesn't look right then do seek advice.
We were intially going to build with Henley, but now are going to build with a private builder. Everything leading up to the Tender stage was good, everyone was nice and friendly, then I had to deal with our Tender presenter and the Customer Service manager being pricks. That put me way off.
Here is my post about it: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=16240

Just ended up not being the right thing for us. Now our new builder has been lovely, has explained everything we asked, told us what we could do to save money and the big plus is that we get to design our own house, big plus. His markups aren't crazy eg: $40 per downlight as opposed to $110 from Henley, $13k for ducted heating and 20kw refrigerated cooling added on running off three phase power, Henley wanted $12-13k just for the cooling alone, and a long list of other rip offs. This is going to be a house we will most likely live in for the next 15 years so the extra $15-20k to get it the way we want is totally worth it imo.

Thought it bout time to share my experience so far! We signed up with Henley early Feb this year after looking at many different builders and an awful lot of houses over the prior 7 months. We found our sales consultant to be very good. Within the week we were at our colours appointment and within the month we were signing our tender and then 3 weeks later we were signing contracts. All of our drawings/tender/contracts were right first time and the communication has been excellent. Got a phone call today stating our DA came through today and that everything else is going along smoothly. I would strongly recommend Henley to anyone! We did get to the point of looking at prices with another builder but the sales person was extremely pushy and was adding in things we didnt really want/need and said just to give us and idea of what the price would be with everything.... point was we didn't want all that we just wanted a quote for what we needed... so then off to Henley we went and we haven't looked back!
Same here. I went to my house this morning.
It is almost fully painted and looks great.

Very happy with Henley - they have been terrific.

Independent inspections are a waste of money.
99% of people who look at a house can spot the defects.
We went to a Plantation homes display in Queensland on the weekend, and there's a house design we really like. The only problem is we live in Sydney. Someone at the display home said that they have ventured into NSW as far as Byron Bay. So I guess they are operating in NSW. I was going to contact Head Office to see what the situation was. Has anyone built a Plantation / Henley Home in NSW recently ? Very sobering to see all of the comments on Henley homes. We'll obviously need to go in with our eyes wide open....
I'm interested in any recent stories about Plantat!on builds too, especially in QLD.
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