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The Ponds/ KVR- Anyone building this year? Blog List added

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Hi andymin we did our rounds yday n guess wat there are roof trusses on ur block
False alarm that is not our slab. We should get ours Tue or Wed.
thats strange we where sure we saw frames on ur block on saturday.. .. damm well tues n wednes isnt long
Andy_Min - Remember seeing somewhere that you have furniture etc. in storage before you move in. Where have you bought storage space, if you don't mind me asking? Just trying to weigh up the benefits/disadvantages of buying furniture now rather than later when the house is ready to move into.. thanks heaps!!
Hi Acquah

We have a storage unit at Bella Vista where we have been storing everything while we stay at mum & dads.

about 3-4 weeks ago someone was moving out & snagged the fire sprinklers & the ground floor was flooded with water. We were pretty lucky & hardly anything was damaged but others weren't so lucky. So my advice would be to get insurance!!

Finally got Construction Certificate, signed off construction plans and now waiting for the fence and any sign of a start. Can't wait to drive down the road and look over and see some progress....
Congrats Phil & Amanda hope you get your site fence & start soon

Anna V - hope you get a site fence up soon to stop the dumping - we had the cement truck from next door driving all over our block before we started and they left mounds of concrete here and there all over the block, we didn't try to get rid of the concrete we just left it as it was, site scrape was done with no probs.

Congrats to everyone who settled on their land last week

Hope this weeks sees some frames, site starts & brickwork done!

Ah you must have your possessions stored at Rent a Space at well. We were one of the not so lucky ones who did get flooded. Our lounges got wet (hubbys fault as I wanted to wrap them in plastic but he said no lol!). Our mattress I wrapped in plastic so was OK, but my sons mattress I only wrapped in an old quilt cover so got a bit wet down the bottom. I was speaking with the guy that works there on the weekends and he mentioned that the company were thinking of sueing the guy who did it.

Anyway, on a brighter note, took a walk down to the block the other day and discovered we now have a portaloo!!

Ah you must have your possessions stored at Rent a Space at well. We were one of the not so lucky ones who did get flooded. Our lounges got wet (hubbys fault as I wanted to wrap them in plastic but he said no lol!). Our mattress I wrapped in plastic so was OK, but my sons mattress I only wrapped in an old quilt cover so got a bit wet down the bottom. I was speaking with the guy that works there on the weekends and he mentioned that the company were thinking of sueing the guy who did it.

Anyway, on a brighter note, took a walk down to the block the other day and discovered we now have a portaloo!!


yep thats the one... luckily my boyfriend decided to wrap absolutely everything before we put it in storage, lounge included so we were really lucky that 2 mattresses & the lounge were wrapped & only got slightly wet which dried out fine by the next day.

I am sorry to hear that your things were damaged
I was wondering how they would go about claiming for the damage... last time I was there & speaking to them they had sorted of hinted that this is what they were going to do as they wanted a list from me of all the stuff that was damaged but really our stuff was only slightly marked with water & we were going to get the lounge steam cleaned anyways so I didn't bother.

Note to self - be very very carefuly when moving out of there !!!

P.S. YAY For the portaloo

Philandamanda - good luck with the peiring today!! fingers crossed no rain.

Chasey good luck with council - hope you get a speedy approval
how did you go with the quickcheck agent?

BizzieMummy - congrats on the frame
Note to self - be very very carefuly when moving out of there !!!

We are paying removalists to move everything for us when the time comes

There is no way on earth we are going to do the moving thing ourselves again lol. We have already had to move everything out and back in again and repack some boxes that got water logged, so I'm not doing it again!

Bernie- we walked past your place the other night and looks like your bricks are almost finished. Looking good. Your neighbours look ready for handover too.

Thanks Min. We drove there yesterday for a look and met our neighbour on Stream St, lovely couple (Rosalind and Eric) with 2 young children. They moved in on Saturday. Lucky them.

They told us that they have to talk to 5 surrounding neighbours regarding their fence. Personally, we're keen on planting a row of evergreens as a hedge along the high sides.

We have now signed off the electrical plans and chosen the tiles included in our package for the wet areas, still to go are the tiles for the entrance, kitchen/family room and carpet for the rest of the living rooms. Fun and games continue
Well our roof is now almost complete and the windows were installed today. We are likely to experience the same problem with the bricklayers shortage.

April - I saw the bricklayers working on your house yesterday.

Mel - Your bricking looks like its finished or almost finished!

Min - We drove up your street today. It was dead quiet! No trucks or tradies bar one! But homes going up on almost every block! Hope your frame arrives soon.

Anna - Yay a site fence means action soon! I didn't see it today but will look out for it tmw.
Bizzie Mummy
Well our roof is now almost complete and the windows were installed today. We are likely to experience the same problem with the bricklayers shortage.

April - I saw the bricklayers working on your house yesterday.

Mel - Your bricking looks like its finished or almost finished!

Min - We drove up your street today. It was dead quiet! No trucks or tradies bar one! But homes going up on almost every block! Hope your frame arrives soon.

Anna - Yay a site fence means action soon! I didn't see it today but will look out for it tmw.

oh yay thanks bizzie!! I am away on holidays at the moment and seriously have withdrawals from not going on my daily visits!! Last time I checked they still had the front and garage to do
- thanks for the update!!
Bizzie Mummy
Well our roof is now almost complete and the windows were installed today. We are likely to experience the same problem with the bricklayers shortage.

April - I saw the bricklayers working on your house yesterday.

Mel - Your bricking looks like its finished or almost finished!

Min - We drove up your street today. It was dead quiet! No trucks or tradies bar one! But homes going up on almost every block! Hope your frame arrives soon.

Anna - Yay a site fence means action soon! I didn't see it today but will look out for it tmw.

Hi BizzieMummy glad to hear your roof is almost done & your windows are in - its great when you can see the house take shape!! Hope that you don't have too long a wait for your brickies.

Thanks for the update - hopefully this rain holds out as they didn't look like they were on site yesterday.

Mel - no garage wall on Monday night but will check again tonight! (p.s have sent u an email)

Min - any update on frames - are they going up today?

Anna - great news with the site fence - not long till you have slab now!!

hope everyone sees some progress this week.

Piers are done, pipes are laid. Grate stuff has been delivered...hopefully slab in the next few days!! It's going to be getting busy on our street very soon, noticed alot of plans have been approved by Council. Congrats to our future neighbours!
Congrats philandamanda,
Glad to see more of you getting progress.

For us still no resolution to the frame issue to the point that the builder is now talking to other people. The company he is using keeps changing the story about what's happening with ours. One day he says it's finished, the next he says it's still being made. I spoke to the guy and even offered him extra $ up front to do it this week but he couldn't even commit to that.
Just have to bide our time and try not to stress about it.
Our frame is now complete and it is great to see the house taking shape.

Min - What a pity your house is being held up so much. I hope they can work out the frame issue soon.

Mel - The brickies were at your block finishing off the garage wall today. It was up.
The house next to yours now has a roof.

April - I saw some guys on your block today but didn't actually see what they were doing. But I'm assuming they were brickies too.
Min i am sorry to hear that you are having so many issues with the frames, i hope this gets sorted for you soon.

philandamanda - congrats!!

Bizzie Mummy - just saw the frame pics on your blog
looking like a house now!! thank you for the update - i didn't get out there last night as I was late home but will definately go past tonight & am hoping to see some progress
can't wait to see what the front of the house looks like with bricks!

Mel - garage wall!!

well happy friday everyone!! so glad its almost the weekend
Hello everyone..
Good to see the progress happening at POnds...
By Builder says he will not subnitt to ponds, which i have to do it myself...Guys can you point out the things you heard back from POnds for any changes as its good to get the Things better in the first place...
Your feed on Ponds review panel is Much appreciated....
Ta in advance
We got approved by The Ponds!! So happy they have sent it of to council. We didnt have to change anything. Have a look at our blog if you need any ideas reddyva
Noddy - I'm just about to post the same thing! (Congrats by the way

I was advised this morning that we have received our Ponds approval and our application will be going to Council in the next few days!! Very exciting!

Great to read about everyone's progress. Good to hear!

Min: sorry to hear what's going on re: your frame. Any updates?

Hopefully this is a productive week for everyone
Piers are done, pipes are laid. Grate stuff has been delivered...hopefully slab in the next few days!! It's going to be getting busy on our street very soon, noticed alot of plans have been approved by Council. Congrats to our future neighbours!

Through council last week!

Just waiting for our construction cert, then its over to the builders. Bank has given the all-clear. Got a bit of paper work to do regards to the first home owners, but we're sorting through it. Any news on the fiber optic front?
no sorry haven't heard anything about fibre price yet. we have elect appt next week so of we find out anything we will let u know
no sorry haven't heard anything about fibre price yet. we have elect appt next week so of we find out anything we will let u know

Sounds good
26 year old Colorbond roof. Repaint or replace?

Renovation + Home Improvement

Your house roof does not show rusting other than some surface rust on the flashings. In my opinion you dont need to replace or paint the roof other than treat surface rust…

Anyone building with Zac Homes?

Building A New House

Wish you all the best. Once you signed the contract, they will find millions excuses to charge you. And have seen their sites unfinished for a long time.

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