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Perry Homes @ Cliftleigh Meadows - WERE IN

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I am feeling you with the bins 5 people and 3 weeks of rubbish 🤢 I have been taking it to work everyday to put in the big Bosca bins and forgot one day, let me tell you I am still airing my car out.

Coral homes Modified Stradbroke 31 weeks and WE ARE IN
I am feeling you with the bins 5 people and 3 weeks of rubbish 🤢 I have been taking it to work everyday to put in the big Bosca bins and forgot one day, let me tell you I am still airing my car out.

Coral homes Modified Stradbroke 31 weeks and WE ARE IN

Omg yucckkkkk!!! Lucky it wasn't summer!!!

Backyard started today. We are doing a split level type of yard since we have the storm water access point in the back corner. Was going to cost over $16K for it to be raised and retained so we did our own wall and will make it work. And finally cracked out the letterbox I purchased before Xmas. Can't rush these things
fencing on the 16th
and will hopefully get the top soil down that week as we both have the week off. With all this wind I can't wait for grass!!! So much dirt in window/door tracks

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
Ohhh nice wall. Well done! It looks solid as. It's all hard work on your own but worth it in the end.
Ohhh nice wall. Well done! It looks solid as. It's all hard work on your own but worth it in the end.

Yeah justin did an amazing job. He's buggered!!! We are very lucky my brother in law does excavation so we got him to do the hard part of digging it out and justin & his mate filled it all back in today.

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
Wow looks so good honey!!! Can't wait to see it finished with plants or turf
Your yard will be awesome - great job on the wall! Love your letterbox too

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast
Great work on the wall. Landscaping is hard work and expensive isnt it! Dirt is so annoying!!!

Love it!! I really like your driveway XD and your mailbox.
Thanks everyone.
bring on fences! 2/3 neighbours paid for fencing but the 3rd is proving difficult to track down. He can't run far tho once he starts building lol

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
Fencing started today
winds were wild I'm surprised they did as much as they did!!! Should be all finished Friday.

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
WOOOOOO!!!! Can walk around in my undies without awkward eye contact with people!!!!

Now if this wind would go away I can clean the dirt from everywhere

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
Looking good!! Such a good feeling when things get done.
Nice fences... and so private

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast
Love love love it!!!
Holy. Mother. Of. Dear. Lord.
Buggered x 100.
What a morning. Looks a million bucks tho and makes our yard look heaps bigger.
I don't even want to know how many times I climbed the ladder into the back of the truck to move rolls of turf to the edge then back down to load them into the wheel barrow and take it out the back
I had 2 barrows happening because each time I got back it was empty lol.
We only planned on doing the back but had an extra 5 rolls so we did a bit at the garden. We look like we are poor and could only afford 5 rolls

Building with Perry Homes - Were in!!
hooray! I flipping love the grass stage.
It looks awesome! Hehehe i'll bet you'll be sore on monday

Great job!

Hahaha you're right about the front. So many people will wonder why you only did 5 rows
Yay for grass!!! It makes such a difference doesnt it. We still have so much dirt, so dusty with no rain. Enjoy

Hehehe.. my front yard looks the same, we ran out of turf.

Your yard looks great!! And huge
Looks bloody awesome babes!!!
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