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Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

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Yay! Key day!

I love the colour flooring you've chosen.

Hope you have a blast today
Yay! What an exciting day you have ahead!!

Have fun today. Bet the kids love their bath. We haven't even used ours yet.

Omg thats so exciting. Have a great day enjoying that new house smell lol

Sounds like a busy day!! Have fun

Hey, just found your post.

Tell your Hubby I will pop around tomorrow for a tour. The last time I was over your indoor pool looked great.
Waiting for pics lol
Waiting for pics lol

Hehe here they are!

Hey, just found your post.

Tell your Hubby I will pop around tomorrow for a tour. The last time I was over your indoor pool looked great.

You better come in your painting clothes
getting started on the sealer tomorrow

Have fun today. Bet the kids love their bath. We haven't even used ours yet.

They did! Spent about an hour in there, I think it was just what they needed. So much plaster dust everywhere they got filthy playing before we put them in. I've put a couple of picnic rugs down on the playroom floor with some toys for them but they still manage to sit on the not rugged parts!

Woohooo! It's a great feeling unlocking the front door for the first time after getting your keys. Is the nespresso coffee machine your gift from dales? If so, nice! So begins the fun stuff, your final touches & moving in.
Oh how exciting. How very generous of them giving you a coffee machine, im pretty sure all home group give is a bottle of wine and 2 glasses, i dont drink so it will be getting regifted lol but a coffee machine would go down nicely.
Hope you have a great first night in your new home

Thanks for your comments everyone, a big day, I'm exhausted.
We brought over our picnic table in the evening and had some pizza and drinks with friends. We put the table in the garage and have decided to keep it there for the next few days, it's quite a good wee base camp.

Some photos, can't wait to get the painting and flooring done

Love it

Sorry Rosemi and Jasminelee I missed your comments whilst I was posting the rest of the pics. Yes Dales give you a Nespresso machine, I love that's it's a tangible gift you can keep and use regularly
in saying that, we've already got one, I'm been a diehard Nespresso drinker for years ☕️☕️☕️
Will work something out

Wow a coffee machine. I would have loved one. I'm saving the champagne we got. Your house is looking great. Looking forward to seeing your next lot of pics.

Mr W2T is a painting machine it seems! He got all the sealing done yesterday and this morning. He had a break around lunch when he swapped over our outside lights at the back.

The builder had installed standard bayonets for us so we got some stainless ones.
This arvo we got started on cutting in, what a fricken horrible job. He used one of those little pads that are meant for cornices (but are crap for cornices) to do the window frames and around all the GPOs/light switches, Miss 8 used a brush to do all the inside corners and I started on around the door frames and the cornices.
I did two door frames!
The little one was being a right pain today so I ended up taking him home, think he was bored out of his mind.

Mr W2T is heading back down after dinner to use up what's left in the paint tray, he's going to roll the first proper coat on the theatre walls, will get him to take pics

My you are so patient and resourceful. Keep painting love your outside lights.

We actually had family for lunch today. They loved our house such a buz.


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