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Doing it again

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Wow looks great!!
Looks awesome!!! You've done an unreal job!!
Gonna look great when they put the turf down!

Thanks all. I was so excited when i got home and saw it all & was glad it wasn't raining so i was able have a proper look and take pics.

Also, it has turned out better than i had envisioned it. It will look even better once the standard roses are in (better still when they have leaves & flowers on them too). The lawn should really set it all off nicely.

There is still some hard landscaping left to do but there is no urgency to finish it.

Now i've gotta work out what i need for the retic out the back. Also have to get some landscaping mix for the raised garden bed, which i will have to mix in with the horse manure there.

And then.... Plants! And last but not least some (freebie) mulch.

So much work- so little time

Looking great

My standard roses have now been planted

They will look splendid when they bloom

I still really don't know what to do about planting at my place.. maybe I should try some roses
I sure hope so!

I need to get some erigeron (seaside daisies) to put across in frontof the roses

They will look splendid when they bloom

I still really don't know what to do about planting at my place.. maybe I should try some roses
Have you got an idea of a theme you want? Modern; contemporary; mediteranean; tropical; native; zen?
Or are there particular plants that you really like?

Not really sure. I can't even decide where the garden beds are going.

I originally wanted magnolias along the back fence, with something small and flowering underneath. I've got Daphne to go along the front path.. and I'm thinking Acacia Cognata along the driveway side with some starbursts.. I've got my weeping japanese maple to go in the front somewhere..

And I'm thinking maybe hebe across the front fence, but not sure.. I have potted Frangapanis to go either side of the back door..

I guess I can stick to these plans, except can't do plants under the magnolias.. just wondering if I should consider other options..
Not really sure. I can't even decide where the garden beds are going.

I originally wanted magnolias along the back fence, with something small and flowering underneath. I've got Daphne to go along the front path.. and I'm thinking Acacia Cognata along the driveway side with some starbursts.. I've got my weeping japanese maple to go in the front somewhere..

And I'm thinking maybe hebe across the front fence, but not sure.. I have potted Frangapanis to go either side of the back door..

I guess I can stick to these plans, except can't do plants under the magnolias.. just wondering if I should consider other options..
Sounds like you got a plan all worked out

My front lawn has finally been laid! Yay!

Looks great!

On the weekend just gone i finished off a project i started a week ago - a wire trellis for my wonga wonga vine to climb up. Decided to do it with wire & eye screw, as the other options were too expensive not to mention too tempting for thieves to nick. I'm reasonably pleased with the results.

Also, yesterday, i re-did some of the piping for my garden bed retic out the back & hooked it up to the valve box. Originally had it all as 13mm black polypipe but decided to swap half out for 19mm polypipe instead with 13mm running off it.

With that done, i planted 4 potted roses into one of the garden beds. They'd never really flourished in their pots so hopefully now they will. I will need to trim them up a bit now too.

Yesterday morning i spent approx 3 hours shovelling dirt. I bought 2 trailerloads of landscape mix to fill my raised garden bed along the back retaining wall. I was knackered by the time i finished. Looks like i might still need another trailer load.

I also finally used the bunnings giftcards my bf gave me for me birthday on 5x cottonwood hibiscus plants. The 2nd photo shows what they will look like once they've been planted. I've got heaps of other filler plants that are waiting to be planted too - just gotta decide where i want them to go

Another busy day spent working in the garden. I finished filling the raised garden bed & planted the cottonwood hibiscuses.

My dad came down & finished off the steps & wall down the side of the front path. I've tidied up the path since the photos were taken

Argh!! Wanted to give my front lawn a haircut this week but the battery for my lawn mower is as dead as a dodo! Nearly $300 for a new one from bunninga. Bugger!

And in other news, i scored a heap of plants for nix this week. The ex wanted to get rid of some plants and asked me if i wanted them. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth i jumped.

So, this morning i divided and planted 36 agapanthus 'peter pan' plants; some society garlic & 3 clivias. Still got 100s of zephranthes (rain lillies) to plant. Some of these will be given away to family & bf.

I've still got to collect some more plants from the ex, like giant & regular size rhoeos (moses in the cradle); then there are some baby dietes grandifloras too.

I bought 4 daphnes & 2 syzigiums (cherry surprise) & planted them todat too.

All up it's been rather productive day

It's been a few months since i last posted and i haven't done much since. However, my plants out back have grown alot - the cottonwood hibiscus's are no longer scrawny looking twigs.

With cash i received at Christmas i have added a few new plants, so the garden beds are bow starting to fill up a little. Unfortunately i have lost quite a few of my agapanthus. Never mind.

The new plants are 5 Crepe Myrtles (Diamonds in the dark range) & 5 Radermachera Summerscents. I also planted 2 potted roses that i've had for ages - just need to get an obelisk for the climbing Salmon Scentsation rose.

Now to the pics;

A house is not a home until a cat lives there...

I adopted this little rascal from the Cat Haven (via City Farmers Baldivis) this afternoon.

She already owns the house like a boss. The Cat Haven named her Montana and I rather like the name - it suits her - though it will no doubt be shortened to Monty

She's gorgeous
Congrats on your new furkid.

If you want to get her a look alike brother, I just took in two slinky black boys as new foster babies XD

Love black cats, just so beautiful.
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