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Who is building with Beechwood

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Moon River
Wow!! Everyone is happy. Great to see.

Sarbear-How did your plans go?

Have now been told they can't do full plans until contour survey is done. Survey won't be done until estate is completed in approx 3 weeks.

We are not too fussed as we realise we are lucky to be this far advanced in process when we haven't even settled on land until it is registered in 3 weeks.

They did give us a draft plan and we are very happy. No errors at all.
They did give us a draft plan and we are very happy.

Glad to see your plan is all good.
Hope ours is too.

Septic guy is going out to our block today.
Well, turned up at the block this morning and found a stack of people working
Just what I wanted to see!! This is the result after day one of preparing for the slab! Great to see things taking shape!! Slab booked in for Monday!!!

Hope everyone else is moving along well!!

Arce - Where are your photos????
Yey! Acre2.2 fantastic! Your scenery looks beautiful......

Acre - frame progressing?

Well bricks almost complete no pics cause they were still there working at 4:45 first time ever we have seen a tradie working that late....but only the front of garage to go and the brick pier in the patio, so hopefully tommorrow will be all done!!!! Yey!
2.2 great looking photos - i bet you were shocked to see that.
Nice work jacknruby.
We went back up today and spoke to the carpenter. He will be finished tomorrow, i looks fab - i left the camera in the car and hubby has taken the car to work. so no photos unfortunately. It looks great, glad i extended the WIP, WIR in bed 2 and a few extra linen presses.
ill be back tomorrow or thursday with photos. sorry, i do have a few on my iphone from yesty so after the kids go to bed i might try and put them on here
2.2 acre-Looks fantastic. I'm jealous.
Gorgeous outlook. I love the bush.
Acre-Looks like that email and phone call did the trick.
Jacknruby-Your coming first in the race.

I bet you are very impressed when you saw how much had been done

Looks big even before the slab is poured.

Our SS took heaps of photos at every stage, so hopefully yours will and you won't miss out on the stages......everything is moving forward now.....onward and upward

Your going to be in your house before you know it....
.......looks those bricks
Hi guys, more updates, been alittle dramas and hold ups but the carpenter arrived on monday and is finishing today, we went out there yesty and mid day today so i dont have pics of the completed frame, but you get the idea.

The front of the house, bed 2 on the left, then bed 3 and 4 across the verandah , the the kids toy room then the media room on the right.

Bed 2 at the front and the main bedroom at the back

alfresco area, we will be concreting about another 40sqm so the entertaining area will be about 3 times it is now with a 3rd under the alfresco.

this is the side of the house
media room on left, triple garage on the right (you can see the alfresco area sticking out alittle past the 3rd garage

almost finished.
i think the guttering will be done tomorrow, then roof, with bricks starting next week
Acre - That Looks GREAT!!!!!

It must be so good being able to walk around and see walls! (well, sort of)
Have your boys seen it yet? Now it will look like a house to them! Very Exciting!

Keep the photos coming!!
Hey anna, yeah hubby is on arvo shift this week so we have all been up there every day in the morning.
my oldest (3) walks through the place telling us WHOs room is WHOs.
He thinks he owns the place.
(im giving your pm some thought, you know how it is. i hope you understand. Have u phone bero and asked them?) we did and they helped out.
Acre-It looks great. Can't wait for your bricks as I love the Sandstocks.

Received my tender via email. Not as bad as I thought. Now just wait for my plans. Another 4 weeks.

Just imagine. This time next year we will have a slab.
Moon - im not having sandstocks, sorry, are they the large blocks?
Sorry Acre. I meant the Govenors.
I thought I read you chose the Wakehurst. I might have made a mistake. Sorry.
oh yes, We chose the wakehurst.

went out to the block today and we have windows...i couldnt take photos but will be there tomorrow or sat and will def take lots more photos
Hi Guys...
Well our bricking has finished...happy to report!
. Hubby and I are pretty happy with the job! Bricks have to be cleaned now.

We can only assume now the electrical rough in will commence and the eaves also and then the gyprocking! I bet now have a lol period and no work.....I so hope not!


Anyone going to the Home Show in Sydney......I am going to and try and find some deals for Shutters at least....Most types of these shows have show specials so want find a good deal and take advantage!

Yey Acre! Windows....Bring it on!

Moon - winning the race for the moment, but I am sure some will catch us....

Acre2.2 - Yey for the Slab praying for no rain, weather has been fabulous here in Sydney! cant complain at all! Now we have bricks and roof, they should still be able to work in bad weather!

Hi to everyone else!!!
more pics
here is the front

the back of the house with the alfresco

Alfresco doors

main bedroom window (excuse the fog)

Double doors into our bedroom

Back living room

Standing in the kitchen over looking the living room
(cavity slider internal door to garage on left - media room doorway on the right

the bricks were delivered yesty and i love them

most of the windows are now in and the electricity cable has been ran to the house
Have now been told they can't do full plans until contour survey is done

Sarbear- How long did you wait for your tender?
Moon River
Have now been told they can't do full plans until contour survey is done

Sarbear- How long did you wait for your tender?

25th February was first meeting with Sales office.

Tender received 22nd March.

Main delay we had was supervisor getting access to section of estate where our land is. He kept saying our land was not ready but our block was right up the top and had no work being done to it.
Hello everyone...

Hope everyone is well.....

Me doing ok....had an update from BW advising that our site clean up and electrical rough ins and frame and wet area inspections is taking place this week, it will be good to see all that mess gone.

The home show was pretty good worth going, getting some guys that were there to come and do a quote for a deck in the alfresco area, show special 15% off all quotes and free upgrade to the widest merbau in leiu of standard skinny stuff, so we are hoping they are reasonable and we can go with them, there displays looks fab!

Got shutters quotes and finally got one around the price I want to pay and they come with a 20 warranty so happy days, they are going to come and measure once gyprocking is completed as they take 8 weeks to make, so by handover they will be ready!!!

Now have to start looking at getting driveway quotes.....hmmmm....they is still so much to do even after they finished! Man! more money arraahhhggghhh!
Well, yet another Beechwood stuff around!!

Apparently we couldn't get out slab poured today because it's raining 80 killometers away!

Honestly we have seen this happen to other people. You would think they would have learned by now! We got rain at 3am. It's now 9.45am and we have bule skies but because it's raining in Newcastle - an hour's drive away, it must be raining here. I don't understand why they don't ring the local company they are getting the concrete through to check the weather up here? It's not that bloody hard to make a phone call!! (Yes, I'm very cranky)

Tomorrow according to our contract we are meant to have our house complete in 15 weeks. It's suppose to be a 24 week build and we don't even have a slab yet!

The slab is now booked in for Wednesday but the rain forcast is that Newcastle will get rain all week so who knows what that means for us! And if we do get rain we'll be put off even further when it should've been done today!!

REALLY not happy
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