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Quick update- we went by our palce last night and some a$$holes threw bricks threw all our west facing windows and 1 of our front windows which means where there are holes where the brick hit the sheet rock, which will now need to be filled or replaced!

The a%%holes also tried to kick the front door in and thankfully the deadbolt was locked, but looks like we will need a new door frame as the frame has chipped and the actual locks are now exposed!

Left message for SS last night- i wonder if he knew or not? I will be emailing the BC this morning advising her too.

A display home across the street was also effected. I would think it would be all builder best interest for stage 1 building to have a security person on site?!

Hi Sammyjane31,

I’m so sorry to hear about the break-in, I’ve also alerted the PD office about this too. It’s not very nice at all and I hope your SS is able to get new windows and sheet rock as soon as possible for you. Have you managed to get in contact with BC regarding this yet? Regards, Ebony
I'm interested to know how many people here have had more than one CSC or Site Supervisor during the relationship with PD. If more than one, was there an improvement or downgrading of service when the change happened?

I sent you a PM

Also. Go Roos!!!

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse my spelling mist cakes
Team PD
Quick update- we went by our palce last night and some a$$holes threw bricks threw all our west facing windows and 1 of our front windows which means where there are holes where the brick hit the sheet rock, which will now need to be filled or replaced!

The a%%holes also tried to kick the front door in and thankfully the deadbolt was locked, but looks like we will need a new door frame as the frame has chipped and the actual locks are now exposed!

Left message for SS last night- i wonder if he knew or not? I will be emailing the BC this morning advising her too.

A display home across the street was also effected. I would think it would be all builder best interest for stage 1 building to have a security person on site?!

Hi Sammyjane31,

I’m so sorry to hear about the break-in, I’ve also alerted the PD office about this too. It’s not very nice at all and I hope your SS is able to get new windows and sheet rock as soon as possible for you. Have you managed to get in contact with BC regarding this yet? Regards, Ebony

Hi Ebony,

Thanks for responding!

Yes our BC has responded and advised that our SS is aware of the problem. BC noted they will fix all of the windows as soon as new ones are delivered and the fixing stage is due to start on Monday. SS also confirmed with the BC that he is aware of the damage to the door frame and plaster as well. BC said all of the damage will be rectified before the paint stage and will hopefully be done in the next week or two.

So hopefully we haven't lost too much time as i am really hoping for a handover around Easter.....I maybe dreaming though as I dont know how long the fixing stage usuallu goes for.

Thanks again Ebony!
How many days after lock up was handover for you?

How many days after lock up was handover for you?


Good question TBB, we'd love to know too!

Our lock up is scheduled for 24 Feb (aka: invoice day). Our BC indicated that handover would be around May... Good access to trades at the moment should keep things moving along.
How many days after lock up was handover for you?


Good question TBB, we'd love to know too!

Our lock up is scheduled for 24 Feb (aka: invoice day). Our BC indicated that handover would be around May... Good access to trades at the moment should keep things moving along.

fixing takes about 2 weeks....
Now from fixing to handover is where it takes the longest I reckon 8-10 weeks for your house Rups.
tstr1a - we are supposedly starting fixing stage on think it will be approx. 2 weeks? Our house is 27 sq! We would LOVE to be in sooner!

We haven't been there since Tuesday, but as of then the only thing was done was cornices and cabinets and we now have to have windows and door frame replaced. I am sure other things can get done while they wait for this to be rectified.

We are hoping to move in the week before Easter so we can use the public holidays to help.
tstr1a - we are supposedly starting fixing stage on think it will be approx. 2 weeks? Our house is 27 sq! We would LOVE to be in sooner!

We haven't been there since Tuesday, but as of then the only thing was was cornices and cabinets and we now have to have windows and door frame replaced. I am sure other things can get done while they wait for this to be rectified.

We are hoping to move in the week before Easter so we can use the public holidays to help.

my fixign took 2 weeks (46 sq house) but I had only one chippie doing all the work, my SS uses the same guy for all jobs and has been working with him for many years.

yours will take less time. I suggest to buy a spirit level and check that all walls and windows are straight.

I went through the who house
I just can't imaine them being done in 2 weeks, it seemed like there was a LOT to do.

I have no idea how many my SS uses as we have met once and didnt seem like he was very easy with giving out information especially a completion date. I said i was hoping for early April?easter and he said when is that and i said first week of April and he said it maybe after that!

Mu hubby just showed me an app on his ipone with a level- should i still go and get a big level? Good advise thanks!!!
I just can't imaine them being done in 2 weeks, it seemed like there was a LOT to do.

I have no idea how many my SS uses as we have met once and didnt seem like he was very easy with giving out information especially a completion date. I said i was hoping for early April?easter and he said when is that and i said first week of April and he said it maybe after that!

Mu hubby just showed me an app on his ipone with a level- should i still go and get a big level? Good advise thanks!!!

I wouldn’t recommend using an iphone, Bunning’s sell spirit levels for about $10.

The fixing stage goes by very quick... the PCI stage is what takes the longest.. from fixing to handover my place took 10 weeks.
Oh I forgot about the PCI stage....

If our fixing takes 2 weeks thats the beginning of March and I am hoping to be in beginning of April.....i think I am dreaming with that:( I guess we will probably move in right on the 160 days.
Oh I forgot about the PCI stage....

If our fixing takes 2 weeks thats the beginning of March and I am hoping to be in beginning of April.....i think I am dreaming with that:( I guess we will probably move in right on the 160 days.

It is a bit of a stretch, does your house have heaps of tiling?
Team PD
Quick update- we went by our palce last night and some a$$holes threw bricks threw all our west facing windows and 1 of our front windows which means where there are holes where the brick hit the sheet rock, which will now need to be filled or replaced!

The a%%holes also tried to kick the front door in and thankfully the deadbolt was locked, but looks like we will need a new door frame as the frame has chipped and the actual locks are now exposed!

Left message for SS last night- i wonder if he knew or not? I will be emailing the BC this morning advising her too.

A display home across the street was also effected. I would think it would be all builder best interest for stage 1 building to have a security person on site?!

Hi Sammyjane31,

I’m so sorry to hear about the break-in, I’ve also alerted the PD office about this too. It’s not very nice at all and I hope your SS is able to get new windows and sheet rock as soon as possible for you. Have you managed to get in contact with BC regarding this yet? Regards, Ebony

Hi Ebony,

Thanks for responding!

Yes our BC has responded and advised that our SS is aware of the problem. BC noted they will fix all of the windows as soon as new ones are delivered and the fixing stage is due to start on Monday. SS also confirmed with the BC that he is aware of the damage to the door frame and plaster as well. BC said all of the damage will be rectified before the paint stage and will hopefully be done in the next week or two.

So hopefully we haven't lost too much time as i am really hoping for a handover around Easter.....I maybe dreaming though as I dont know how long the fixing stage usuallu goes for.

Thanks again Ebony!

Hi Sammyjan31,

You're welcome. I’m glad to hear that your SS and BC are aware and hopefully it won’t cause any delays so you can still have handover before Easter. Let’s hope things keep moving quickly. Cheers, Ebony
Oh I forgot about the PCI stage....

If our fixing takes 2 weeks thats the beginning of March and I am hoping to be in beginning of April.....i think I am dreaming with that:( I guess we will probably move in right on the 160 days.

It is a bit of a stretch, does your house have heaps of tiling?

Just in the kitchen/dining area (standard living areas) and all wet areas.
Oh I forgot about the PCI stage....

If our fixing takes 2 weeks thats the beginning of March and I am hoping to be in beginning of April.....i think I am dreaming with that:( I guess we will probably move in right on the 160 days.

It is a bit of a stretch, does your house have heaps of tiling?

Just in the kitchen/dining area (standard living areas) and all wet areas.

I personally wouldn’t rush the build, the last stage is the cosmetic stage and if it’s rushed and not done properly you will be unhappy with your house for many years. If the house takes an extra month to complete then so be it.... If your SS is delaying your job for no apparent reason then you have every reason to push him along. Under no circumstances you should accept the house if you’re not happy with the end product.

Also if you don’t get your house by Easter don’t fuss, you can’t accept a house based on a week off at Easter, it’s to the right thing to do as you are paying heaps of $$ for a quality house.
No definitely dont want to rush them- i just want to move in:) Living with the folks is the driving

Yes your right dont rush it as this is the cosmetic stage and i dont want to have to look and certainly pay for something ugly for years to come.

I have no idea if the SS is delaying the job or not, if i see some work done weekly then we are gernally happy as we know they arent sitting on their hands.

If we arent happy with the end result do you think holding off on the last check is the best bet? I have heard just cause you pay doesnt mean you are accepting it and if you delay the payment then they can make us pay penalites?!

Thanks for advise and help!!!
No definitely dont want to rush them- i just want to move in:) Living with the folks is the driving

Yes your right dont rush it as this is the cosmetic stage and i dont want to have to look and certainly pay for something ugly for years to come.

I have no idea if the SS is delaying the job or not, if i see some work done weekly then we are gernally happy as we know they arent sitting on their hands.

If we arent happy with the end result do you think holding off on the last check is the best bet? I have heard just cause you pay doesnt mean you are accepting it and if you delay the payment then they can make us pay penalites?!

Thanks for advise and help!!!

The last stage is where you have the right (to a certain degree) to withhold payment. Also the builder can’t send you an invoice if the work hasn’t been completed (they can get fined for doing this), pay only when the stage is completed, all errors will need to be fixed before handover and you can’t withhold based on a minor error during the construction stages.

The 3 month maintenance is for maintenance issues only, a lot of people accept handover while the builder continues to fix issued. Avoid this situation!

Glad to help 

Oh.. I understand why you want to move in so quickly, my parents would drive me nuts as well 
Do not make them rush, quality is king.
We have taken a more mellow approach lately including the delay of 3 months for our bricks to become available to view, we actually viewed them for the first time the day b4 bricking started when they were delivered onsite.
Happy we waited for the kooyong.
Bricking now complete for the lower floor basically.
Our rental has been sold we need to find somewhere to live for maybe 3 months but again rather rent longer and end up with a better job, just do not want to be paying "extra" rent along with a mortgage so my focus is more on scheduling , thanks for the info from previous bloggers as i find my SS does not volunteer info, so our expectations can be managed.
My SS is Ok when asked and very happy with my BCA....

our update today - we should be at lock up by mid next week. Checked the house today, bricks are almost done, I wouldn't think more than a days worth left to do. Heating, cooling, electrical, plumbing and data rough ins are all done. We have insulation done, doors and windows are in, and plaster and cornices are delivered.
There is now also a bunch of yellow and pink fluro spray paint on a few areas around the house, so I assume an inspection has been done. Hopefully these get fixed up fine, I don't know the best way to make sure these things are all done. I have only heard from our SS once to hear the slab was being poured, and that was only because I whinged to our BC that we hadn't heard from him yet. I'm not overly worried about this, he seemed very nice during that one phone call, but if I didn't go down to the site every day I would have no idea what's going on, as I haven't been offered a site meeting at all.
Very excited at how it's all coming together!

hey tstr1a is that you on the pd blog discussing design tips?
Nice one Wateman - great progress! We were discussing the other night what the best bit has been so far, and we reckon it was frame... and the next best bit will be plaster, although I'm pretty keen on seeing the bricks get finished / cleaned. Our plaster was delivered yesterday too, with a tentative start date of 22/2.

PD's inspector came through the other day (that's the pink spray) and they picked up a few things that need addressing. I asked our BC yesterday when / how this gets dealt with. She said our SS gets the report and he is obligated to fix them all, as it won't pass re-inspection and subsequently the stage. Our own pre-plaster independent inspection occurred yesterday, with about 10 items for rectification, all relatively minor.

We'll organise a walkthrough with our SS this week, prior to plaster, to make sure everything is in and in the right spot (although may do this on Sunday ourselves so we have it all covered). It may be a good idea for you to ask for this too, as once plaster is up...
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