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KDR Rawson Benham in Sydney

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Freakin hell red!! What are they doing!? Im guessing your bank doesn't need the ioc... Would anything really happen if the inspector had been, outstanding items are done and you move in without it? I know that's not the point but just thinking worst case scenario if it doesn't come through...

Only 8 hrs to go and you have keys!!

C U S T O M. C O R A L. B R O N T E. 43
That doesnt surprise me at all. I really hope they get a move on. Hope all goes well in the morning.

Freakin hell red!! What are they doing!? Im guessing your bank doesn't need the ioc... Would anything really happen if the inspector had been, outstanding items are done and you move in without it? I know that's not the point but just thinking worst case scenario if it doesn't come through...

Only 8 hrs to go and you have keys!!

C U S T O M. C O R A L. B R O N T E. 43

We're about to find out, because everything is booked so we're moving either way!

Good luck red. Fingers and toes crossed for you today!!

Woohoo CONGRATS!!!
Congrats, your 'The Day' has come!

It's either smashing incredible success or crushing hopeless defeat. There is no middle ground! - Calvin and Hobbes
Congrats! I know the feeling is bitter sweet considering now the issues are post handover, but your in!!!!

Congratulations! Full steam ahead now for Christmas yay!!

Red! And Merry Christmas!!!
Congrats red! Merry Christmas

Thanks everyone! I managed to get out of my grumpy mood by handover yesterday and just be happy to be IN.

Yesterday was nuts but all the things that were meant to happen did happen.

Our friends came over last night and we celebrated with quite a lot of wine so I'm feeling a little dusty this morning but I've woken to this view from my bed.

Now I just need to find the energy to keep unpacking. Maybe after a little panadol!

And? This is like reading a thriller! Good for us but terrible for you, Red. Unreliability is such a huge issue on the builder's and retailers' part. We had terrible stuff arounds with our fridge too. YOU HAVE ONE JOB PEOPLE and that's to make sure your products actually work/are delivered as promised to the customer. Very grrr.

Hope your stress levels aren't too high today and you can still enjoy Christmas

Ha, whoops, now I see your post! Congratulations

So happy for you! Take three aspirin if you have it to hand - works better on dusty heads

Congratulations Red!! So glad you got there in the end. What a wonderful Christmas present to yourselves!!!

Congratulations red!!! Beautiful view from your bed! Remember all those little things WILL be fixed. Just enjoy being in! Merry Xmas

C U S T O M. C O R A L. B R O N T E. 43
Congratulations red what an amazing effort to get in before Christmas. Awesome news

Nice view. Well our built in bin collapsed one night post handover. Called elba kitchens and they try and put the blame on us. Mind you the bin only had a bin bag in it. They will be coming out to fix it after the new year.

We're slowly getting organised. Here's a pic of our bedroom with our wall lamps in. Still need our floating shelves each side of the bed - these will be done when the wardrobe is fitted out.

We've been in coming up to four weeks now and it's definitely feeling like home.

There are still quite a few things outstanding on Rawson's side, including a few that have been on the list for aaaaages like the stupid entry shelf which needs to be replaced. But our SS is back on deck now so hoping we'll start ticking things off the list.

Meanwhile we're pretty organised inside. Just waiting on our dining table to be finished and we need a spare bed.

Outside is a different story. Landscaper turned out to be a complete con artist. He's damaged our property so here we are less than a month in and we've made our first insurance claim. He's also run off with a fairly big chunk of our money which I'm not that confident we'll see again. So that sucks. And then yesterday we discovered squatters had smashed their way into our other house. Hasn't been a great week for us.

We're trying to find a bright side though. Pool people have been super professional and pool should be done in about six weeks, so that's something

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