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Spoke with Austral too, and the Magnesium brick has been delayed from 10/1 to 6/2 - and there's no guarantee of that either... bit of a pain...

Hey Rups, do you know if they're going to wait for the bricks or are they going to do an inside out build?

They / we are going to wait. The problem is that because the brick is not from their offered range (explain to me how only 4 of the 5 Elements range bricks Austral make are offered!) our BC did say at the time of confirming that PD will let us use it, that any delays caused by the brick not being available in Jan will result in delays being claimed against the contract (i.e. they will push out the build handover date by the delays incurred by non-availability), and if the delays are excessive (i.e. March / April), then penalty interest will be applied - we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. We're okay with the contract being delayed, and assuming Austral have bricks in the first week of Feb, then PD may claim ~2 weeks.

Not interested in an inside out build.

There supplier cannot supply product, you get charged interest.. right.. I would be throwing the toys right out of the cot.
There supplier cannot supply product, you get charged interest.. right.. I would be throwing the toys right out of the cot.

Yeh I know.

Not worrying about it until we have to, and we won't be paying another cent.

The only delays that we would considered acceptable is the days between when the 4 Elements bricks they do normally offer (Zinc, Graphite, Mercury & Nickel - which are also currently unavailable, and now not due till 31/1) become available and when the Magnesium becomes available.

Again - we'll worry about it when we called about it... just looking forward to roof tiles!!
Humble I am surprised your BC didnt come back so he/she could be there for your handover! Pretty poor of them. Well thats what i think anyway.

Ah its xmas, we were ment to wait till Monday, but I pushed for Friday, SS agreed, BC agreed, so we have a temp BC

Worst case, I will be appearing at PD office's tomorrow requesting keys..

EDIT: She just rang.. yay!

Hi humble,

Good luck today, let us know how it goes.
Cheers, Ebony
Team PD
Hope to get our slab laid next few days and confirmation our bricks (Kooyong) are available.


Hi Mews,

Great news about your slab, has it been started yet? Also has there been any news on your bricks? Cheers, Ebony

Thanks Ebony
Slab has been poured and framing to start next Tuesday.
Bricks continue to be delayed, latest date is Jan 30th, my new BC keeps me in the loop.
She has given me an address where the Kooyong has been used so hopefully will check out this weekend.


Hi Mews,

That’s great, I’m glad to hear your BC is keeping you in the loop with everything and has given you a place where you can go see the Kooyong brick – I think that will be really helpful. It will be great when the framing starts as you’ll really be able to see your home taking shape. Cheers, Ebony
We're okay with the contract being delayed, and assuming Austral have bricks in the first week of Feb, then PD may claim ~2 weeks.

Not interested in an inside out build.

There supplier cannot supply product, you get charged interest.. right.. I would be throwing the toys right out of the cot.

This is why I had that clause altered in my contract to state I can only be charged for delays that are client driven, not builder\supplier.
For those that have not done contract yet - Really need to check and ensure your happy with the T&C's
Got sent our framing invoice via email within seconds of the SS telling the office...framers haven't even left site yet

Rang SS to organise a site inspection considering we're fully framed. Asked if we had to pay invoice prior to site inspection and he believes that we would, he said framers are around the corner if there's a problem. I asked when PD frame inspection was scheduled and he said mid next week. Also asked about whether we could discuss noggins at our site inspection and he said yes....he sounded slightly overwhelmed with all the questions but did say that he's happy for me to ring if I've noticed anything that worries me. He's going to call Monday to arrange a time next week.

Looking forward to going and having a look at the completed frame once the tradesmen are gone.
I hope hand over went well Humble. Looking forward to hearing about it and seeing more photos!

I am enjoying reading everyone's blogs. I can't wait to join you all.

We have had 2 offers on the current house, but not high enough yet. Another open for inspection this week. I just want it sold so we can start this ball rolling for the new place!!!
Great your getting interest in your place Cinderella, you'll be telling us all about your build before you know it

Replying in another thread got me curious about the current promo from PD....I know style republic has been replaced and have had a look at the Summer promo but what is the "extra" promo being offered this month if any?

When we signed it was alarm & home theatre set up or facade upgrade to value of $10K.

Not planning on signing up again but curious as ever
Slab done today!
Now it feels like we are getting somewhere!
Slab done today!
Now it feels like we are getting somewhere!

Congrats Wateman - great news..
Should roll pretty quickly now!
Slab done today!
Now it feels like we are getting somewhere!

Congrats Wateman - great news..
Should roll pretty quickly now!


Excellent!! Frame won't be far off
Slab done today!
Now it feels like we are getting somewhere!

Congrats Wateman - great news..
Should roll pretty quickly now!


Excellent!! Frame won't be far off

and Congrats from me too

It's such a relief when most of the admin drama is over and you get to see it all begin. You're frames will fly up.
We have a new BC...its over a week and she is yet to introduce herself to us.

Is this the normal part of the deal to have more than one BC ? We are hoping that we don't have to go through all the stuff all over again and they do not miss on stuff we have discussed (by email) with our old BC.
Our real BC doesnt get back till Monday, they could be away on leave..
Hi All. We just signed tender last week and went better than expected.. Woot Woot.
Just had a few questions, does anyone know how much extra it is for an extra coat of paint to the wallings as we only get 2 coates.. Also, between tender and contract, did anyone get significant changes to the 6 star energy rating? in terms of extra cost?
Hi All. We just signed tender last week and went better than expected.. Woot Woot.
Just had a few questions, does anyone know how much extra it is for an extra coat of paint to the wallings as we only get 2 coates.. Also, between tender and contract, did anyone get significant changes to the 6 star energy rating? in terms of extra cost?

Hi D_K33,
In terms of the 3rd coat of paint just check with your BC - they should be able to provide a quote. As everyone is building different size houses (20 - 45sq) the price could vary a fair bit.
With the 6 Star rating, ours was well over the 6star with our extras (insulation and DG windows) already and no extra was required. I suspect that it should not cost too much if your just under - they just upgrade the insulation. The bush fire levy is a different story... Have you been assessed yet for this?
Hi alpal.
We had the bush fire levy and it came in just under 5k which was crap but I guess u have no option. Do u recall how much u paid for an extra power point or tv point if u got them?
I am too interested in the current extra promo?

M have big discounts off their base prices atm, plus the current promo.....

anyone know what PD are doing this month ontop of the current promo?
Hi All. We just signed tender last week and went better than expected.. Woot Woot.
Just had a few questions, does anyone know how much extra it is for an extra coat of paint to the wallings as we only get 2 coates.. Also, between tender and contract, did anyone get significant changes to the 6 star energy rating? in terms of extra cost?

Hi Doreen_Kallara33,

Congratulations on your tender appointment last week, I’m delighted to hear that it went well. There is a lot of information to go through and I’m sure you’ll have lots of questions over the next few months. The community here on the forum are always very helpful and also please feel in asking me any questions and I will assist where possible. Looking forward to hearing about your progress. Cheers, Ebony
Hi alpal.
We had the bush fire levy and it came in just under 5k which was crap but I guess u have no option. Do u recall how much u paid for an extra power point or tv point if u got them?

it was around $80 a point for TV, data or power point.
my advice - if your building double storey get all of your power points etc for the ground floor done by the builder - its too hard to do after. Upstairs is a different storey, quite a few people will do these post construction.
Another good tip - think about PP locations.. particualrly power points on the internal walls that adjoin another rooms - this way if you need a PP on the other side you just need to punch a hole in the wall and the cabling is there.
Hope this helps
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