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Doing it again

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Looks great!

Looks really good Rose! The yard is coming together nicely

Busy morning so far.
● Bunnings at 7am
● Prepped the brick wall & then smeared 1st coat of Wattyl Solagard Ready Render onto it.
● Put up the privacy screen between the garage wall & retaining wall.
● Then made up a makeshift 'lock' for the side gate out of a piece of wire.

1 more job to do - lay some piping down for the retic wiring but i have to go back to bunnings to get another length of pipe. Then the front yard is ready for more paving paths & steps to mailbox and the rest of the landscaping.

Getting there, slowly but surely

Love the finish on the wall. Really coming along nicely!

2nd coat on the wall is done. Got enough leftover for 1 more coat.

Love this design - you're so clever. Can't wait for the finished product!

Modified Dream Verona - Dreamstart
10m Frontage Block - Dreamstart Build - Calleya Estate
Aw shucks - thanks El!
I can't wait til i've got plants & lawn in. Could be a few more months away yet, especially if i go to Bali with my bf in Aug/Sept.

This last week i've been off work with a horrendous cold. Instead of moping around inside, i got out in the backyard.
The yard went from flat & seemingly level to this...

And then to this....

So much crap hidden beneath the surface. Halfway through i broke my hoe, & now the prongs on my garden fork stick out every which way. I ended up having to use the spade to turn the dirt. At one point early on the 2nd day, I got so fed up & tired with digging up boulders, that i broke down in tears. I shouldn't have had to do this. If only the soakwell contractors had cleared away all the crap instead of burying it.

Anyhow, it's done now - finally - the ground is no longer rock hard. I'll be able to dig trenches for my retic and the lawn (when i eventually get it) will be able to get it's roots established.

Looks like hard work but worth it! Really coming along!

Thats so much rubble! Trades really do leave a lot of junk behind. Hard work but good to get it done now rather than trying to deal with it later or having your lawn suffer. I once had an established home that had rocks like yours throughout the front lawn. It was virtually white gravel under the surface. The lawn was always patchy and water retention was horrible.

One thing that must be satisfying is doing it yourself and knowing you didn't pay hundreds for labour!

That's precisely why i dug up the back yard. I want to give my futures garden - lawn more so - the best chance at surviving.

So , after living in my house for 4+ months now, i finally have a clothesline. Yay.

Bought the damn thing a couple of months ago & my bf said he'd help me put it up. I got fed up waiting and did it myself.

One side is about few mm lower than the other but ... meh... so what? It's up and it's not going anywhere.

Next job is to get stuck into is laying black polypipe for the garden beds out back. I'd better get to it while the sun is still shining

Your doing such a great job!!!
Everything looks fab!!!

I'd totally do the same thing with the clothesline, men... can't live with them, can't live without them

GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277
So Anzac day & yesterday were spent helping my Dad do the wall capping for my garden beds.

It looks pretty damn good if i do say so myself

I love the raised garden beds in your backyard - I'm going to do something similar when we move into our place. Do you mind sending your dad around to help us too??
You can definitely live without them
P Although I have dad... so I can call him up and demand stuff XD
Nice work rosemi. I was at rhe hous today trying tp decide where our clothesline will go

You're doing so well with the landscaping rosemi!

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):
You can definitely live without them
P Although I have dad... so I can call him up and demand stuff XD

True, you can get by without them but heck it sure is nice to wake up being cuddled/spooned by my bf especially on really cold mornings

Nice work rosemi. I was at rhe hous today trying tp decide where our clothesline will go

You're kind of limited for space but choose a spot which is going to get the most sun during winter.

When i have the money, i'm going to get a smaller fold-down clothesline to put up in the garage for those really wet days

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