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Switch Homes. WE'RE IN PICS

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Thanks everyone for your good wishes.
We are in
It's been very hectic, paving out the back done, i have started the prep work for painting, carpets going in next week, planks going in after that, I had to do a floor scrap as it wasn't done, I looked like a dog dragging it's little bottom on the ground
so far so good
we just have to pick a colour for the walls, we are tossing up between snow season quarter or lexicon half we did originally decide on lexicon half but i'm a bit worried about it throwing a blue hue any thoughts??

I am going to paint one side of the hallway a dark grey maybe tranquil retreat even grey pail I have a nice white hall table to sit against it, the door frames are bright white and the balustrading is white we like the contrast of the dark grey with pale grey then the bright white.

Pics to come very soon
I need some colour help please i'm looking for a soft grey colour for the walls to make the crisp white door frames pop any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks
Hi Petad
Sounds like everything's going great. We've chosen solver soft apparition. It's a gentle grey but with some colour.

We have gone with a Duplex's Silkwort for our weatherboard and have considered using it at quarter strength on our walls... but then thought it may be overkill.

Good luck with the colour selections! Have loved checking out your build.
woohoo... looking forwards to seeing lots and lots of photos
Excellent news! Yay for keys! We are looking for the same grey and white look and are considering flooded gum at this stage

Congratulations Petad, now the work begins!

Congrats on moving in. Looking forward to your new home pictures.

Thanks all it's been a huge day today our brick paving out the back has finished yay!!!
OH...............and a new grandson was born today

I was up at 2.30 driving to kwinana i'm knackered so not much done today just under smelly coating

Wow congratulations on your new baby grandson.

Not looking forward to doing the sealer

Wow congratulations on your new baby grandson.

Not looking forward to doing the sealer

Cheers he is soo cute with curly hair crazy.

The sealer smells horrid open every door and window and the ladies at dulux told me to drink plenty of water as you may get a headache.

We have chosen our colours all dulux, Ghosting quarter for all the living areas, natural white for the upstairs bathroom and loo and for the downstairs wet areas snow season quarter.
It has been head down and you know what up most of upstairs living areas are down heading downstairs tomorrow.
Congratulations on your grandson!

Looking forward to seeing the paint done.

Hi all so we have been in for a month now how time flies I have got some pics for you to see.
I have painted the whole house except for the stairwell that was the old boys job
The plastering on the walls is so bad we had to patch so much incredible, the old boy and his mate have done all the paving so we have all the paving done. Planks for the floor we have nearly finished that the old boy is doing that.
Today I have to do the cardboard run sooooooooo much cardboard.
Wardrobes were installed on Friday that cleared up so much.
Would I build again not with this company the things we have found with closer eyes they still have not fixed most things from PCI, the powder room door we have discovered has been installed crooked so the door doesn't close properly.
WE just shake our heads, I looked out the bedroom window and said to the old boy why is the garden bed around the paving slanted (big on one end smaller on the other) the answer "the retaining wall is not straight" I looked then laughed why am I not surprised. Having said that we do love our home.
So here are the pics

kitchen/living(big tv coming)

otterman is for the wir

feature wall
Awesome stuff. Beautiful home.
Your house is gorgeous. What a great job your OH has done with the paving.
I absolutely love your WIR it looks amazing. Shame about the issues. Hope you enjoy your new house.

Cheers guys the driveway and one side of the house was exactly 14 pallets of pavers his pants were falling off him after a week usually that's a good thing (not the tradie crack though
) but he only takes a 32

We are enjoying sitting on the balcony in the sun the house is cold so we are going to buy a split system aircon asap.
Your house is looking amazing. More than a little jealous of your WIR. I don't think I will have a full length mirror in mine.

Great work on the paving too. Looking at how much was done it's no wonder his pants were loose by the end 😁

Your house looks amazing! You must be over the moon
Looks great guys! So disappointed they haven't pulled their finger out for you tho! So worried about handing over the cheque for keys now after hearing they don't come back

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