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Newcastle KDR (Sekisui)-Post build -Patio cover & Landscape

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yep story of our build about extra brick and brickwork etc (we had this for removing the side door for the garage since we have the french doors there and wanted to replace the sliding door in the laundry to a 'proper' door with window). And now we have a fair number of excess bricks (which will get used but still!!).

As for the FC above windows you know I was very worried about ours and it turned out OK. However since you have 60cm can you see if you can get taller windows to compensate?
Over the last week I'd forgotten we were building til I got a call from the SS today. They've done the site cut, with plumbing and concrete prep due to occur next week. Exciting stuff!

We now have a new addition to our family. Our little boy arrived on Friday and is keeping us busy.

Congratulations!!!!!! That's lovely news hope you are all well.
It's all happening for you cat_dunc!
Oh the siteworks look promising - and congrats on baby!
Congrats cat_dunc! No wonder you forgot about the build - more important matters occupying you

So glad to finally see them starting your build too though
We got piers today!!

The $3.2k provisional sum for fill import or export won't be needed as the cut /fill was quite equal and they used a bit of our backyard fill for the small amount of extra they needed. They'll replace that with the export from piers and trenches. So a saving of $3.2 k there!

Met the SS on site today and we're getting a heap of extra piers which is good (the more the better I feel!) so that will come out of the $3.2 saving.

Weather dependant the plumbers are out tomorrow with concrete next week. They've got frames and windows ordered with delivery of two weeks away.
Trying not to get our hopes up!!

Thanks all for the baby well wishes! Little Zachary is a cutie, though I do wish he'd give me more sleep.
Times like these I wish we were already in our own home. I feel so guilty with him crying ruining my in-laws peaceful home. Hopefully it doesn't bother them as much as I've convinced myself it does

Congrats on Bub and the build!
Big congrats on Zachary's arrival

Great news about the progress and the savings
Congrats on your baby boy Catdunc!

And congrats on siteworks starting too!

I am sure your in laws are just so thrilled they are able to be a part of Zachary's newborn days that they don't mind hte crying too much
Thanks all for the baby well wishes! Little Zachary is a cutie, though I do wish he'd give me more sleep.
Times like these I wish we were already in our own home. I feel so guilty with him crying ruining my in-laws peaceful home. Hopefully it doesn't bother them as much as I've convinced myself it does

Don't feel guilty, he's a baby that's what they do! Agreed living within laws + baby is difficult! And the no sleep.. That's a shock to the system! My little one is 8 weeks.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Glad to see a start has made on your block! We'll be in before we know it
Thanks KateTodd! And yes leksie the lack of sleep is a shock though I'm happy to say so far it's been better the second time around than it was the first.
Thanks bobbin. They've already invited some friends over to show off Zach so maybe it's not such a bad thing.

I'm SUPER excited to share some photos:

We have piers and plumbing in, and waffles ready to go!


Toilet and bathroom:

Water tank.. I think?

Kitchen, laundry and 3rd toilet. We couldn't work out what each of these were for.. Fingers crossed they're all in the right spot.

Pile of fill taken out of trenches and piers that we'll use to level the yard. Looks bigger than it is.

Looking back toward the street.

All our waffles.
Before contract signing in exchange for the huge site fencing cost they were charging us we negotiated to have fencing along the side and back as well so we had clear all hours access to the shed and back yard without going into the 'construction zone'. They didn't do that, only installed fencing along the front. DH wants to demand a partial refund as we've paid for more fencing but I'm not sure I want to bring it up in case it gets the SS in trouble and he's been so brilliant doing all this in a week. Maybe we'll mention it later once the house gets going more and we want to do landscaping out the back.

We'll probably dig this batter out later and retain in so rain doesn't run down straight toward the house.

Oh how exciting!
I see string lines but did you get the sprayed outline of the house? That's the only way we could tell what was what. Also was our indication on for big the house was/is!

This is definitely an exciting period!!

I'm sure your in laws are loving it!
Before contract signing in exchange for the huge site fencing cost they were charging us we negotiated to have fencing along the side and back as well so we had clear all hours access to the shed and back yard without going into the 'construction zone'. They didn't do that, only installed fencing along the front. DH wants to demand a partial refund as we've paid for more fencing but I'm not sure I want to bring it up in case it gets the SS in trouble and he's been so brilliant doing all this in a week. Maybe we'll mention it later once the house gets going more and we want to do landscaping out the back.
If you are getting access anyway (without the extra fencing), just leave it for now as it seems you are working well with your SS. I would do the same as you and not bring it up with head office right now.
Down the track, maybe you will have some extras you can talk directly to the SS about - at that point you could raise the issue of the variation that wasn't used and ask him if he would just like to do the extras for you or if you should take it back through head office and get it sorted out that way.
It wasn't clear to me in your post, but are you sure they're not going to do the rest of the fence later? Congrats on the pipes!

It wasn't clear to me in your post, but are you sure they're not going to do the rest of the fence later? Congrats on the pipes!

Hmm yeah that's possible though the SS didn't seem to know about it when we asked him about it. In saying that if he looked at the drawings more closely he would've seen it clearly drawn on them

Our build:
Clint- good point, some bargaining power! Also a reason why I haven't responded to them about a refund for FC above the window instead of bricks. Figured I don't want to start a 'do it by the contract' war just yet when I'm going to ask for extras direct via the SS later

Our build:
Can you cover up a window in a bathroom ?

Bathrooms and Laundry

No probs, thanks for the reply...

What can I cover this with?

General Discussion

Excellent, thanks for the tip ... not in Sydney, but I might give the Dy Mark a try, cheers

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