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Metricon Lincoln 32 in Adelaide

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Late last week the earthworks were completed and steel mesh done, with the concrete pour done yesterday.

Apparently is was just over 100m3 of concrete. I spoke to the Metricon site manager for the first time yesterday and he seemed like a good bloke. He was saying after the slab cures they will start the frame next month. Hopefully mid next month will be the first proper walkthru of the site as the framework will be well underway and I will be able to get a good idea of the spaces and areas. Cant wait for that!

Nice! That's a super big slab!
perfect timing before the rain!
Your for the Raft slab too. Looks impressive indeed

My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45
The slab has come along nicely and I am very happy. Today I noticed that it appears Metricon have done the stormwater, water connections to outdoor tap points and the power to the street. Its good to see these things happening while the slab is curing!

Luckily the weather has been pretty good here in Adelaide, we got a small amount of drizzling rain and some overcast days, but nothing bad, and some good cool sunny days.

The slab and site are cleaned up, and Austral Urban One Nougat bricks delivered. Its a bit muddy after all the rain, but things are looking good!

As I am a nerd, I have also started doing my own 3D model in Sketchup. Over the next month or so I hope to get this done with cupboards and the house fit-out, then can start on doing landscaping ideas!

The 3D designs look great. It really helped us. I still use mine to test if furniture will fit without getting a measuring tape out. Also helps to confirm things with the wife with regards to how landscaping might look before lifting tons of dirt around
The framing started yesterday, despite the rain. I went past around 3pm and there were 6 workers plus a carpentery supervisor on site. The supervisor was telling me the roof truss will be delivered Monday, and all the framing and roof trusses should be completed on Tuesday. They were flying thru the work, and it looked like they had the apprentices doing the cutting and measuring, with the qualified older guys doing the frame install. Since it was a friday afternoon, they had been working hard, so I went and got them a carton of beer for their good efforts.

I had a chat to the Metricon Site Manager about getting noggins installed at this stage, and he is meeting me onsite bright and early Monday morning to highlight the places noggins will be needed.

Its early days, but so far I am extremely impressed with the progress and support of the SM and the folk working on site and cannot recommend them highly enough.

I had a walkthru on Monday with the SM to identify placement of noggins/trim for pictures and TV's, this all went smoothly and things are looking good.

Tuesday afternoon the framing was fully completed, and the windows are installed. It now has the full shape of a house which is looking great.

The SM informed me that the roofing will be starting Monday, they had left an extra couple days of time between framing and roofing for possible weather delays, but they finished on schedule.

Congrats. Wow. How quick did it take them!

My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45
More small progress has been made despite the rain this week, yesterday they did all the guttering and fascia for the house, and this morning a guy was there doing the sisalation wrap.

The Site Manager has said that the rest of the roofing will be completed at end of the week (pending rain), and the brickies onsite mid next week.

The roofing guys were there today, and got the whole lot completed. The safety rails are still in place, I guess they will come down sometime in the next few days. They did cut holes in the wrap of the house to get get safety rails attached on the western wall, I am not sure if this is normal or not, so will discuss with the site manager when I see him next time. It can probably just be taped up, but I dont really like it, maybe I am too fussy .

Looking good, you're flying along =)
The roofers scaffolding is removed, and the bricklayers started their prep-work on Friday, and looks like they are all set to commence work on Monday. The windows have also been Goop'ed, so I guess I wont be peaking inside when they get to lockup stage.

There is forecast for some rain showers this week, fingers crossed it does not hold up the brickwork.

Walk thru with the Site Manager today, and things are progressing pretty well. The site has had a lot of rain, and only had two downpipes temporarily connected to stormwater, so there was a huge pool of water building up out the front. The SM is going to get another downpipe connected for better drainage..

The brickwork is about half done, and should mostly be finished end of this week or early next week. To my untrained eye it is looking pretty nice!

The upcoming trades are all booked in:

First fix electrical - Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th August

Brick cleaning - Friday 18th August

Insulation - Wednesday 23rd August

Gyprock Delivery - 24th August

Gyprock Install commences - 25th August

A few things were picked up during the walk thru today -

1. They have not taped up the holes cut in the sisalation wrap for the roof scaffolding, its just been bricked over with the holes still all there. I thought this would reduce the effectiveness of the wrap, but the SM said this doesnt matter and the wrap is really only for weatherproofing their build. I am not so sure but I am not an expert, but a private building inspection will be done soon and I will see if they agree or not. Anyone have experience with this?

2. A downpipe connector on the gutter is missing at the front elevation, but the stormwater provision has been done for it. The SM is recommending we dont put it in, as there is another already very close. I am happy to have one less downpipe for aesthetics reasons, so if they can sign off that it is acceptable. The missing downpipe is the highlighted one.

3. The voids in the living room were not installed, so its just a square room currently. The SM will get that fixed.

4. I did notice a little dent in the fascia, but it will be hidden by a downpipe so didnt bother mentioning it. Maybe the site inspection will pick it up.

Now some photos of the progress:

Powering along! I too am no expert but I have read in several places the wrap has little effect on insulation and it usually used for weatherproofing before bricking and a little advertising! Many builders don't use it and some have it as an option.
Usually that wrap they use is just plain plastic and it stops rain and wind coming inside when the roof is up, but brickwork isn't done. it gives them a bit of time to start on the inside stuff. The sisalation that they use for insulating in roof spaces and such usually is a few layers and is foil with some sort of air pocket or foam like one of those car windshield sun visors. I'm not sure what they have used on yours. There could be a small argument made that an extra layer all around the house would add a slight benefit for thermal insulation in creating an extra separation of air flow, but I think this is really only going to be effective where you have a large temperature difference like directly under a metal roof.
I received a phone call this morning from the Site Manager, hes handing over our site to another SM as hes too busy to take care of the build. I am pretty sad about this as the guy was good and seemed very proactive. Fingers crossed this is the last person change I have to deal with at Metricon.

So far there has been two sales consultants (the first was an a** so I dumped him, and almost dumped M at the same time), two coordinators (the first one left Metricon), and now two Site Managers. Not a good record so far.
Its a nice day, so I went to take a few photos of the progress. Brickwork should be finished this coming tuesday.

I have a few concerns about some of the bricks where it appears the glazing has been damaged and the underneath colour showing thru, I will wait to see what it looks like after the cleaning as I am no brick expert, but overall the job looks good to me.

The Site Manager has asked if I wanted any of the leftover structural timber and bricks piled up at the back of the property for future use which I thought was nice, so they will be leaving some of it behind for me for garden beds and other use in the future back garden.

Brickworks was completed yesterday and its now starting to look like a proper house. I was a bit anxious about the colour of the bricks and if the house will look too light or too grey and second guessing the colour choices, but I think its turned out pretty well. When the timber front door and timber-look garage door go in it should be nice. Pretty excited!

The sparky was there yesterday doing the first fix of the electrical, so things are still progressing as scheduled.

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