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Serpentine Build - with Cachet Homes

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Jeepers these brickies move fast ! Started this morning and this is the result of maybe 1 1/2 hrs in ?!
archetto you have me intrigued now! Lol I'll have to get off tapatalk and pull out the laptop so I can check out your build and see your pics properly :p

archetto you have me intrigued now! Lol I'll have to get off tapatalk and pull out the laptop so I can check out your build and see your pics properly :p

Pic of our plans ..

Oh my gosh I love your plan! So looking forward to seeing how it all goes with your build
Well brickies will be done by end of today apparently ! Roof starts next week

Living looking out to alfresco - steel beams put in place yesterday for raked ceiling

Looking out opposite direction - exit out of winter room

BTW your place is looking great, moving very quickly.

Soo dilemma , we were marking out chasing for the electrics Sunday and the steel beams are a bit of a problem . Picture is our recessed wall for tv and cabinet - ideas on how to chase for data and electrics ? Don't think we can drill through the steel I beam overhead ? It's in the brick work above the lighter strip . The beams also sit above two sliders going outdoors which we've been unable to have outdoor switches on the wall next to doors now
bit annoying !

We had a similar issue with external switches and the beam above our sliding door.
The electrician just came at it from a different direction.
With the tv recess they may chase it on the other side of the wall inside the master suite. That wall appears to be double brick so the lintel may only be for that front course and not the second course that faces your master.

Are you doing your own chasing?
Hubby is an electrician so we are doing our own wiring - someone doing the chasing for us
our external switches we just moved to side wall as was just too much of a pain to go around the beams ! Had a site meeting this morning and ss reckons there is a gap to the left we can go down and come in from the side . A bit of a disappointment today though , as we were marking for chasing I couldn't help noticing our ensuite doorway wasn't quite right . Turns out when we made our ensuite bigger whoever was changing the plan decided to move the position of the doorway . The way it was supposed to work was doorway was in line with our floor to ceiling window at other end of the room which we plan on having an outdoor feature to look out to . OCD in massive overdrive as toilet wall is now not in line with doorway
pic attached . There is supposed to be a void to the right as they will put framework in for a recessed sliding door ..

I'm actually pretty devo about it but trying to move on from what I can't change now
roof also started today .

Also met with plumber to confirm we were installing an atu unit as seems slight communication fail at cachet and they still had us down for a septic . they also forgot to get plumber to put in pipe work for our storm water to tank :/ so here's hoping that doesn't cause too many dramas !

To overcome the OCD, you could frame up both sides and put in a conventional hinged door that lines up with window. (which is the less of 2 evils in your OCD world hinge or off centre?

At this rate your place will be finished before ours.

Which ATU did you end up going with?
They are moving so quickly, can't believe how fast it is all coming together. Looks great
Decided to frame up and leave doorway open to ensuite . Roof is nearly done !

Wow your roof will be finished in no time, love the pics!
So looking around at house today and noticed a few things not quite right , from the start we provided photographs of what we liked / wanted and asked builder to incorporate in our build . Example we had a very specific facade in mind and looking at it now ... It's very different indeed
feeling pretty let down and disappointed atm m

No good K! Did they not give you a drawing of how the façade would look before commencing works?
We had supplied drawings already done by another builder ( family who we originally were going to build through but we would have had to wait too long to go through him ) and didn't realise they had changed it when we signed
we also had raked ceilings in our theatre and they've put struts across the top so there will be a flat strip along the raked part . I'm definitely not having that! They extended a bulkhead in the kitchen so it turned out the whole kitchen ceiling was lowered but that's an easy fix so feeling better about that part . Just hate when we supplied ready down drawings and Pinterest photos and they change things without mentioning them and it's an obvious price cut for them
I guess we just assumed that if they were changing anything they would let us know but rookie mistake I guess!

Will be hard to change study ceiling now as the wood beam they used is a pine ceiling beam so can't really expose it now . They had more than enough of the good timber beams they could have put in there - they even used a good beam in the ceiling where it's all covered up ? Just doesn't make sense to me .

Study ceiling with crappy beam

Beam they should have probably used in study ? They had another spare too?

Have you checked what they are building is what's is on your signed off plans?
Yep signed plans def don't show what they are doing now
was supposed to be raked . Roof carpenters are back today and are saying not sure how it could be changed now . Will be pretty upset if they can't fix it !

That isn't really good enough! They need to take the whole roof off and start again if it isn't to plans surely??
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