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Simonds Homes

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I signed on with Simonds last Sept to take advantage of the FHOG and build the Milan 2200, awaited land settlement and like grom ran into the same delay issue, site start first week of April, Simonds were not so understanding with my Banks delays usually a week late with invoices and hence have charged me interest (boo hiss).

I'm now a week away from Final PCI after the delays, wrong garage door colour, a facade render issue that was never going to end well for them (LOL) and a break in i can say my experience hasnt been too bad and honestly had more issues with the bank, my CSO is a bubbly happy person and SS has been more than helpful aong the way whenever needed. Although when it comes to technicalities they are lacking compared to other builders, there is a tendancy to rush through things you may consider important that they don't being a volume builder, there is a sense of being a number more than a person during the building stages, their sales consultants (again i agree they are far from sales people) dont like you to more informed then they are and have very poor knowledge of their own products. ive learnt to triple check every single word on every letter sent as they have made some critical errors but were more than willing to correct it without question.

Sure they have driven me nuts with simple tasks on the odd occasion but nothing unexpected when building a home and i cant wait for this to be over. Would i suggest them? if someones looking for a cheap home yes they do have value for dollar, if you have a few extra dollars id look around and put them to the personality test before the price test and talk to a few people in different offices.
Lets say I have been waiting for a bricklayer for a couple of months and nothing is still happening yet. Communication on my end has been great through, just the tradies they get in really need to lift their game as I have some issues with my independent inspections and they will need to be rectified.
Hi guys, I have been looking at Simonds homes and am at a stage to proceed with a contract

has anyone of late heard of anything in the Caroline Springs area of any trouble with building?

can anyone please help in what i should do before signing the contract etc etc

I have read all of your comments and find it very hard to proceed with Simonds after so many complaints but would like to here from anyone of late

regards Steve
love our build...only a few things annoying, like a minor flood from a loose pipe in laundry tub, and a kitchen drawer that has broken due to not being secured with enough screws,,but I loved our build!!!...Minor issues as I stated before but overall it was a pretty good overall build..and massively quick, 15 week build time, great quality, really happy!
Its been a little annyoing as my house got damaged by the recent Vic floods because they left holes in my ceiling without cover. As a result, my 1st floor celing is also damaged. Have been told that it will be fixed 5 weeks ago, its still sitting there and recently discovered mould in one of the bedrooms!
Quite disappointing.
I can sympathise somewhat Cream (although thankfully my home hasn't been damaged like yours)

I handed in my "3 month maintenance" checklist over a month ago; received a letter which basically said "we're really busy at the moment, we'll get to you when we can" and have heard nothing since. Sad to say that based on my experience to date I'm not surprised.
To anyone considering building with these guys, especially in NSW beware, they run their own race, and trust me, it’s not a quick one. Our land registered at the end of July, and now while pretty much every other house in the street is being built, Simonds are still doing Drafting and trying to find other excuses not to go to site.

It seems Simonds is only capable of only doing one thing with your build at a time, and have no multitasking capabilities at all.

I’m not going to say don’t use them, instead my advice for anyone considering building with Simonds, negotiate a start date to be put into your contract. They will tell you they can't do this, and if this is the case, just remember there are hundreds of different builders who will bend over backwards to help you. Don't trust staffs verbal comments regarding start times, get everything in writing. While I am giving advice, don’t hold your breath while you wait for your build to start, nor for management to ring you back regarding a complaint. I received an email on Thursday saying a staff member would call me, and hear I am Tuesday afternoon still waiting. Apparently it is way to much effort to get back to their customers after they have signed contracts and paid deposits.

Simonds Management, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You need to be better then this. My wife and I are looking at purchasing a second block of land at the moment, just letting you know you have lost this repeat business.
Hi Max,
If you know what is good for you please run from Simmonds. They built our home in 2014, and since we took the key we have been having one problem or the other. The first few weeks they have to do over a whole bathroom because of licking water into tiles that damaged the whole bathroom, once they finished that the en-suite bathroom started similar problem. Then we moved to the walls, the inner walls has been has been fixed many times now yet it continues to crack, then we moved to external brick walls which was not touched till date. Other problem is that the whole second floor makes lots of cricking sounds that is so loud enough to wake people sleeping on the ground floor. We complained about this sound the very first day we moved in, the building manager told us it’s normal for a new house now it’s been six years only for them to tell us that the window period for their structural warranty has elapsed now and that we have to do any further repair by ourselves. I took them to building commission since July 2019 we have not heard anything yet. I have given up.

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Thanks for the insight.

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