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Our Ben Trager Build - New photos!

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Very exciting to have plans. I love the scullery addition and the flexibility of doing bits by yourself as per your capabilities. Kitchen/dining/alfresco combo is going to be great.
Thanks for all the lovely comments about our plans

I really hope the council let us have it the way we want it, not sure what to do otherwise! As I love it how it is. Fingers and toes crossed.
Sounds great archetto! Any reason why the council might have any issue?
We're still waiting for titles but this is the time frame we were given so nothing out of the ordinary. Engineer's report done and all ok, so expecting working drawings before too long. Started doing the rounds to pick tiles, etc but weekends r the only free time so pretty hectic squeezing things into a Saturday! We liked the ones we saw at swan ceramics, not mention really liked their approach to us. The lady took lots of time to show us different options and even delayed closing the shop for us! Anyway, still got a while to go.
All the best!

Just worried about the front set back but fingers crossed! Also we only have the kitchen window facing north on the bottom floor (upper floor ok as balcony faces north) so also worried about the energy rating. I'm sure i'm worrying for nothing!
Finalized our tile selections today and made a couple of changes.

Our main bathroom:

Feature will be 5 rows of the sheet, the wall tile has changed to a browny tile rather than the white, the bath and shower hobs will be the floor file.


Upgraded the tiles to these rectified ones (used in Byford display ensuite) on wall and floor, full sheet of feature tile

The Byford display with the same tiles (just different version of feature tile)

Hoping our tiles don't come in toooo expensive!

Larger sample of our bathroom/laundry cupboards - Formica smoke melange

We are keeping the taps as standard and will change them over later when we find something we really want, however changing the kitchen tap

Liano basins to ensuite in the smaller basin

Larger Liano to main bathroom

Bathroom and laundry benches - White Truffle

Formica Snow Drift Gloss for kitchen cupboards

Bench - upgraded to New Basmati

Still trying to pick our render colours, we wanted to base it on the Baldivis display but now not sure if we want to change it a little - so hard!!

We really wanted the same garage door but way too $$
Render colours on that display home look fantastic. I'd like that. A plain surf mist or dune garage door will also look great with those colours.
Wow, looks terrific! We're still undecided about the render colours...sigh...
I know what u mean about the garage door. The BG display has a similar one which we loved but way too pricey...Are u planning to match your garage door colour to the main render?

Not sure depends on what we decide to do in the first place I guess, so many decisions to make ahhh.

I have an idea in my head it's just putting it to paper!
Story of my life! Suddenly all the decisions have to be made in a matter of days.....

Love your selections and especially your feature tiles, they're the same colour as ours
except ours are the square mosaic version
Nice choices. The display in Baldivis is really good looking with the white windows. It made us think about our window colours.
Same! So we are doing white windows because of it :p
Same! So we are doing white windows because of it :p

It was a bit late for us. However, with our Domino render upstairs, white windows might look strange. And downstairs the black against white looks pretty cool.
Great choices too. We love the white window frames. Only problem... We have to get shutters! Need to do some overtime!!! Where did you take all the photos of the sinks and taps?
The Caroma concept store in Osborne Park and the benches and cupboards at the Laminex store in Ossie Park too.

Mmm now you've made me look more closely at shutters too...dammit!

Mmm now you've made me look more closely at shutters too...dammit!

What made it worse for us is we were going to just do the front windows then figured the kids were getting the best rooms in the house so we had to get them for our room too. 10 weeks to make them. Only problem is the window sills aren't finished yet so can't be measured. Fall back of having timber frame upper floor.
10 weeks to make! That makes it difficult to get organised. Demand too high?
I love your colour selections and can't wait to see how the bathrooms look.
I like how the Baldivis display colours look as well.
Right up until prestart we had our hearts set on going with the exterior colours of the Arcadia. We were pretty certain that it was what we wanted, but then on the day of prestart we just totally changed our minds and went for the same colours as the Apella.
Haha we still haven't decided! Prestart is in 19 days and we are over east for 5 days before hand so I guess it's something we can discuss on the boring plane ride...which is also where we will do our electrical plan
very excited to see how our bathrooms come together.
I love you selections for prestart. Especially you feature tile from the showhome as it's the same as the one I have chosen. Have fun at prestart and take your time to go through everything.
Builder connecting our new toilet for his trades

Bathrooms and Laundry

"Losers" "humanity" "off time" "your" "top notch" "love symbol" Sounds like ponzo is done using other people's toilets

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