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henley home builders

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Sorry guys ……it’s all doing my head in!!!!

If I keep shaking my head as I am doing I will resemble the “nodding dog” at the back of granddads car window!!!!!
But we didnt have too many problems before lock up stage (where we were told that lock up doesnt include the front door).

How the hell do you do “lock up” without a door to lock????!!!!

fixed by Homerclese

they put a temporary door on. We had the same...and the correct door is on now. Doesn't really bother me.

We had no door to begin with. We complained and they put a door on it that was too small!!! made me laught when i saw it.
To all,

I would like to advise that my comments yesterday in regards to the delegation of the name he**nl y were inaccurate.

I have since been contacted by He nl ey who have advised that they are currently investigation the exclusion of their name.

My apologies!!!!
Looks like indeed they have someone constantly monitoring this forum....
Big brother is definitely watching!!!!
To all,

I would like to advise that my comments yesterday in regards to the delegation of the name he**nl y were inaccurate.

I have since been contacted by **** who have advised that they are currently investigation the exclusion of their name.

My apologies!!!!


What should we read into this comment??

BIG whacking stick?? bigger than Adrian's??
Nothing matt,

perhaps kdee10 has more courtesy than other and admits to a mistake (no, I am not having a dig at anyone). On another thread, they have contacted her and advised that they are ionvestigating the name being blocked.

I am going to lock the other thread to reference it to this one, just makes it easier to keep up whats going on.

I havent modified the thread, nor deleted anything. I wont delete the other thread.

Please continue to post in this thread, not the other.
Adrian……what mistake?

That she voiced her opinion on a problem she was having???
That’s not a mistake……

I am just trying to consolidate the threads so we dont have to go through 3 threads to see whats happening. Nothing else. I am not trying to silence anyone.

As I said, I havent made any changes, deleted, added or modified the threads at all. And Unless instructed to by Homeone, I wont.

Edited because I cannot spell.....
Understand the thread thing…… there’s a couple around I’m getting dizzy going from one to the other!!!
Adrian……what mistake?

That she voiced her opinion on a problem she was having???
That’s not a mistake……

Hi Michelle,

Just referencing the thread comment about the contact from the builder that they had not requested their name being masked. They advised that they did not initiated as indicated by kdee10, and the correction was made. It is one thing to express anger etc towards a company, but it shows guts to admit a statememt made was not correct, and to post an apology. It goes towards kdee10's credibility in posting what has gone on.
Thanks Adrian……yes even though kdee10 is upset, it shows good character on her behalf to make an apology.

I …..however would find it difficult!

A very close friend of mine recently build with the company we are talking about and described the experience as a joy from start to finish. I asked him to sign up here and state an alternative view but he said "Why, i have no issues"

I am not an employee of the company but do know if you speak with the right people you will get resolutions to your real issues.

I agree the issues raised are totally unacceptable and i am pleased they are looking into them for you.

and i think its great they "monitor" the forums. The power of the people!! and this great forum!!

I really hope it all gets better for you and look forward to your updates


From my knowledge, there are mixed views about Henley and I do admit that some people have been treated well.

Ultimately it all depends on your attitude and your expectations

Maybe my expectations are high and I like to ensure that things are done correctly and on time.

At the end of the day it boils down to the individual and how they expect to be serviced.
Maybe my expectations are high and I like to ensure that things are done correctly and on time.

Nothing wrong with having high expectations. Its your money and your house

Hope it all works out well for you

Good luck

Sorry to say to those that are experiencing issues, but i am another happy H*e*n*l*e*y Customer so far. H *e*n*l*e*y have exceeded our expectations to date by bringing appointments forward, calling to confirm everything, the service has been excellent.

I am also happy that H*e*n*l*e*y are watching the forum , as long as they use the good AND bad comments to improve their business. I know that NO business likes negative feedback, but unfortunately it happens, to many businesses. It is how it is handled that makes the difference. I have some horror stories about A*V*J* and another smaller builder that went out of business 2 weeks after building my house, but i wont raise them here.
Issues of some sort happen to most if not all builders - sometimes we are just not aware of them. It can be as simple as a keystroke on the PC that causes it......

I think the best possible resolution to such issues is to elevate the issue and talk to someone who is capable of resolving them to your satisfaction. If that means the CEO or Director of the company, then go for it. Isn't your home worth the extra effort - to get it right?

Lets hope that all works out well for the users on this forum.
It probably all boils down to the staff members you are dealing with - in all companies there are dedicated people who love their work, and yearn for nothing more than to do their very best. Unfortunately they are few & far between.

By the same token, there are others who probably shouldn't be doing the jobs they do, and their attitude towards the work is reflected in their customer service.

We all strike good & bad employed people in our daily lives - be it at the local shop, service station, bank or wherever. It's up to all businesses, be it a home builder or anyone else, to ensure they select the right employees, and deal with those who are not performing.
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