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thing we can call home: [the pain has began]

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Hi Tuned

Just wondering if you are in yet!!!!!! keep us posted.
They've told us this Tuesday! They are sorting out more mistakes and incomplete fixtures. Poor sewer pipe preventing us getting a gas meter, poor installation of our proper bath tap which they've had to totally remove. Front door being reinstalled/lacequered. Clogged piping somewhere. We wanted to point out all the things before we got the keys so they can't blame us.

Fingers crossed on Tuesday as that's when they've booked us in.
Some photos to help vent our anguish.

And we've moved in! Some things are outstanding but I am getting tradies turn up to fix them on a daily basis.

At handover we got 24year structural guarantee and the 12 month maintenance service (you get a paper you can fill in and submit only once) all the license signoffs, certificate of occupancy and a hamper.
hey tuned


Wow I believe that was quite a quick build, few stupid errors at the end, hope they all get resolved quickly.

Love to see some "finished" piccies when you can.

Congrats again.
Lovely house! Could you post some kitchen pics please?
It's been awhile since we moved in (over 6 months). I'll try take some more pics of the kitchen (did you want to see something specifically?).

I started the flooring project 6 months ago and still haven't completed it (can only dedicate weekends here and there).

I started with some concrete grinding (painter used a spray gun and lapped the floors) so I had to remove that to ensure adhesion. Tried paper, wire wheel but only the diamond blade would last and not get clogged. No pics but the dust is nortorious (I will probably never do this again!). I used my dyson to clean it and it killed the motor. (lesson 1)

After that I primed and used some self leveling compound:

and ended up being alot of compound! I probably used somewhere about 30+ bags of the stuff.

Fun little bridge during the curing process.

That took most of the time, prepping sure was hard work (to get it flat as possible to avoid any creaks, flat spots etc. I should have grinded with a larger machine to reduce the amount of leveling but I wanted to avoid the dust at all cost. Self Leveling compound evaluations:

* Ardit K15 - best but most expensive. Fastest setting, most fluid and feather edge was best.
* Lanko 133 - Fast setting, feather edge was bit more grainy than K15 and was decent fluid. Although its not as good as K15, it did the job. For a large job, it did save money.
* Dunlop Ardit - not as fluid and appeared fair bit darker more cement like despite being made by Ardex. Feather edge was quite grainy, prob good as a filler.

Some tools used:

Flooring delivery:

Brought the plastic at Bunnings, strangely prices/stock vary between stores, as always I found cheaper ones after I brought mine ><.

almost there:

timber selection: 65mm x 14mm overlay tas oak from britton timber (ordered through Masterplus). Majority lengths are 2.7m. Sample laying:

I also undercutted the plaster since my skirting boards are 10mm as well as door jambs. I had refix alot of the plaster on the stud walls (around every 600/650mm).
Hi tuned, glad to see a recent post from you, was wondering how you were settling in. In the six months you have been away our build is nearing completion - we are extremely pleased with the build and quality of trades, cant wait to move in.

That is a fair amount of self leveling you had to do - we just had our flooring people in to have a look at our slab and see if any levelling was required - thankfully there isnt any.
to you for doing your own flooring, hope all goes well for the laying, it will look fantastic when done.
Can you tell me are your bricks Austral Newport.Are your windows and roller door classic cream,it looks nice.
Yes Austral Newport, rolled finish with off-white mortar. Roller door is classic cream and facade windows are sandbark whilst rest of house are primose (lighter than classic cream but not white).

Some dush mugged all our spare bricks (pallet full) during construction
Thanks for the great photos. we are building with boutique some time this year.
Hi All,

We are just about to begin building with Boutique in April...we are building a customer Vogue 34. So far they have been great apart from waiting on some phone calls back.

Will keep you updated on how we go!

Hopefully they've improved their paperwork process in their shiny new office! It's been maybe 8-10 months and no major problems so far. Things I've noticed:
* cracks on window/door architraves (but this is normal for a house still settling i think)
* Cabinet doors start interfering (again, I readjusted using the screws to bring them back into alignment)
* Some window handles not operating smoothly (can't expect much from plastic handles).

I'm still doing flooring! hopefully be finished by end of this year lol. Made some garden beds out of untreated fence posts. First was redgum but i didn't like the sap after I made it, so I switched over to cypress.

Builder has not done something - can I ask for a variation f

Building A New House

I work with owner, he/she is my man on the ground and I instruct them when to visit the site and take photos and I have other tools in the bag.

Has anyone built a home with Masterpiece Builders?

Building A New House

Hi All, we are starting to think of building with Masterpiece Builders in Victoria, has anyone had any feedback or experience with them

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