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Liberty 42 - Help on colour choice!

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Day 15 - We got slabbed. It's still looking big to me...have trouble fitting the whole slab in 1 pic with my wide angle lense. They've done a pretty neat job i think. Tried to draw in some of the house layout to give an idea on where things will be.



Overview pic:
Congrats on your beautiful slab, Nightshade! I love how you've drawn in the rooms. It must be fun to be able to visualise now where everything is going! Hope the frame goes up really quickly - very exciting!
Thanks charlie,

Saw someone else draw the rooms on the slab after ppl kept asking them where rooms were etc. So figured we'd beat ppl to it

Day 20 - some of our excess dirt got pushed around and we had a delivery of bricks.

They look funny..double height and very rough..guess it makes the render stick better?

Hoping to see some big piles of blue metal arrive in the next day or two.
lol, i think we might need to draw in the rooms too, smart idea

good luck with the rest of the journey!
Day 26 - Frame arrives

This morning our pile of blue frame turned up on a giant truck right on 7am. Took them about 2 hours to unload it. Every piece is marked with a numbers...looks like a giant puzzle to put together. Have no idea what some of the bits are for. Hoping to see lots of framing action over the next couple of weeks. Any ideas how long it takes them to put up a 2 storey steel frame?

Anyone know what these big, grey, flat ones are?

Just a small part of the bigger piles
Well after a week it looks like the ground floor framing is pretty much complete

They've used up most of the steel bits, so I expect to see a new delivery in the next few days for them to start on the first floor. Never seen a steel frame up close before. Def. looks a bit different.
Day 36 - The next steel delivery turn up today. They unloaded it at lunchtime so we weren't expecting to see any work done in the afternoon. To my surprise when we went for our afternoon stroll pretty much the whole first level frame is already up! So I guess next week will just be finishing it off and putting all the roof trusses up. Can't wait to get a look upstairs! Here's some pics




WOW your house is absolutely flying!! It looks HUGE!! You must be rapt!!

Hi JL...
It is and it isn't..nothing happens for a week and then it'll take them a few hours to put a whole floor on..really bizarre. It is quite big....the more we see the bigger it looks..
Hi Nightshade,

Congrats on getting framed - really quickly too!
How funny that up in QLD, Metri3on build with steel frames whereas down here in VIC, they're still building with wood frames!
Do you reckon you'll be able to hear the steel groan as it expands and contracts? Just wondering.....
Good luck for the rest of your build!
Hi tc2000,

I paid a lot extra to upgrade to steel frame.
Day 42 - The roof trusses and our front verandah frame went up this week. The house is really starting to take shape. Next few weeks we should see roof, gutters and facia go on.

Hi tc2000,

I paid a lot extra to upgrade to steel frame. I get it....
Was there any particular reason why you chose to go steel?
I reckon, the building industry just needs to make 30-40cm width bricks the norm!!!!

Oh and another thing, WOW! You've a HUGE outdoor/Alfresco room! Mine loks like a cubby compared to yours!
Yeah...the outdoor room is kinda big. We spend a lot of time outside in summer (QLD) so it'll def. get used.
Went steel mainly due to the fact I hate termites..have massive termite issues here. Plus it's straight and has a lifetime guarantee etc.
Hi Nightshade, you house is taking shape beautifully and is soooo big.

A friend of mine built with a steel frame about 6 years ago and back then it was not mandatory to get termite protection and she thought steel frame = no termites, Wrong. After two years the house was riddled and the buggers got in and ate their way through half the plaster
She could hear them at night munching away.

What sort of protection are you getting, a steel frame is definitely a great start.

I bet you will enjoy many a day and night in your outdoor room
Hi mundie mansion,

We're getting the standard termiglass that is part of the building inclusions.
Yes..the sound of termites munching...I've heard that before...such a scary sound!

I guess u can never really stop's more about giving them less food, reducing the number of ways for them to get in and around and to continually look for them.
Yeah...the outdoor room is kinda big. We spend a lot of time outside in summer (QLD) so it'll def. get used.
Went steel mainly due to the fact I hate termites..have massive termite issues here. Plus it's straight and has a lifetime guarantee etc.

Yup, apart from the torrential rain you get now and again, anything in between is sweet sweet lovely weather!
So a huge outdoor room/alfresco area makes sense.
I think M3tricon's builder's guarantee is the longest out of all the volume builders here in VIC.
Re. the standard termite protection, I've read that the ground can't be disturbed for at least a year after the termite spray stuff is put down....I wonder what happens when you want to landscape and do the driveway (if the builder isn't doing it)....
Today the gutters, facia and temporary downpipes went on. Boy does the plactic bag piping look odd and glad it's "temporary".
Bunch of roofing was delivered so hoping to see some of that go up tomorrow.

It's amazing how light changes colour. The pic below the gutter (Evening Haze) is clearly different to the facia (Paperbark) but other parts of the house it looks the same. Just hoping now that when there's walls, a roof etc the colours will look more different or I'm gonna have a plain looking house.

looking great! as a curiosity, what is the soil composition in your area?
Hi Seeking solutions...we have lots of clay and small rocks.
Need urgent help regarding facade colour combination please

Building A New House

Thank you @. Tried to play with the facade models but the exact colour is not matching up.

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