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Our Homey - Finally Moved In!!

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Annietom - Cozmo is correct. We picked the Boral "Jarrah". It was the best of the Cat 1 bricks. We didnt like the rest very much..

Those jarrah bricks seem to have a lot more red in them than I remember from hopetoun! Jarrah is my second choice, first is Brushwood which is a bit darker
Minor Update: Bricks have been washed. They look really great! (if I do say so myself!) I'll try and get a picture up soon. We're very happy with how the colour came up.. nice and reddish, just the way we wanted.
What else.. ooh yeah, cornices finished (except for where our rangehood and upper cabinets are going to be in the kitchen) and our internal doors have been delivered! WOO HOO!

AND we were actually properly locked out this weekend! Haha.. we've managed to get in and have a look so far, but this weekend all the doors were locked tight! I guess it's a good thing; if we cant get in, then hopefully no one else can either and steal our doors!

Nearly there, nearly there! *does happy dance*
Mini update: Havent seen much being done, but skirting boards are in, door frames in, door handles on our French doors have been installed, cabinet-makers should be in early this week and painters in on Thursday! (I really need to get some pics up.. hee hee.. I've been so slack!)
Well, now that work is well under-way on the inside, I shall reveal the colours we’ve picked and hopefully, they’ll look pretty good together.

Our timber bifolds, French doors and front door will be stained in “Rosewood”. I wanted to keep the natural look of the wood.. I think I have a thing for timber.. hee hee.

For the walls, we’ve picked Wattyl “Kid Leather”, architraves Wattyl “Oriental White” and for the internal doors we’ve picked a third colour, Wattyl “Flokati” (at an extra cost of course.. *sigh*).

Our kitchen benchtop we upgraded to Cat 2 Quantum Quartz “Tornado” with an Aris edging and we chose Laminex “Sarsen Grey” for our cabinets in satin finish at first, but a little while ago, our CSC emailed and told us that Laminex dont do “Sarsen Grey” in the satin finish anymore, but they do do it in the gloss finish. Go figure! I really like the colour so we changed it to the gloss. We upgraded to the vinyl wrap cabinets cuz I was worried the standard ones would start peeling in a couple of years. I think the price was worth it.. I just realised we do have alot of cupboards! We also changed the sink to two full sinks instead of the 1&3/4 or whatever it was. I cant work with a small sink!!

Our bathroom vanities and laundry cabinets are in “Oyster Linea”, and our laundry benchtop we changed to “Stipple Seal”.

< Sarsen Grey < Oyster Linea < Stipple Seal

Our wet area tiles will be a Cat 2, “Cliffstone black” with a “Pebble Tan” feature in the shower niches and along the floor next to the bathtub.

This pic is what we based our wet-area tiling on.. we LOVED the colour of the tiles!

This week, the kitchen was installed, so were the bathroom vanities and the laundry cabinet, and all our doors have been stained! Yay!

And now.. PICS!! Finally! ** partner was able to get inside on Friday evening.. buahahaha!
:D I made sure he locked up when he left.

Our lovely cleaned bricks.

Our front door.

The wood-look garage door.. LOVING this!! It matches the stain we've chosen for our timber doors. Definately worth the extra money.

Our two sets of French doors.


My kitchen cabinets! YAY!!

Pantry (left) and fridge space.

We've asked for only one set of pot drawers, but in this pic you can see there are TWO; to the left and the right of the stove space. I dont think I need that many, but am I looking a gift horse in the mouth?

The ensuite vanity.

The bathroom vanity.

Laundry cabinet. I cant see it properly, but I think they've used the wrong colour for the benchtop!!

Anyways, we’re planning to put floorboards throughout the entire rest of the house, just cant decide which to use. Thinking of going Blackwood or Merbau, or something different!! Any experiences/ideas anyone has would be very helpful.

Sorry.. such a long post.. hee hee. I havent updated for a long time! Anyways, SS has been GREAT. He's contacted us and updated us on what's been happening and when each bunch of tradies will be going through the house doing their thing. He wants to do a walk-through with us sometime this coming week, I think before the painters come through, just to make sure everything is supposed to be where it is.

So close.. so close!!
So exciting. You were so lucky your DH was able to get in. I keep hoping we'll have the same luck at some stage once things start being done inside.
I love your woodlook garage door and wood doors. They are beautiful. Congratulations on getting a good colour.
Keep the pot drawers!!! I hope I get a mistake like that. I'm building the Tulip in Wallan.
klscomps - Heh heh.. well I hope you get a mistake like that too! The Tulip.. sounds cute! Which builder is that with?

kexkez - Thanks!! We weren't too sure whether or not there was too much "red", but it's turned out really well! We're really happy with it!

I've decided not to keep the second set of drawers.. who needs four pot drawers?!?! I'm pretty sure I dont.. LoL!

Anyway, my partner rang our SS today with a few queries and especially about the pot drawers. Then he rang me to say that SS wanted to do a mini walk-through today just to make sure that everything else was in order, so I went up after work (OMG.. traffic was bad for Monday arvo!). ANYWAY.. everything seemed to be fine. My laundry benchtop was actually the right colour, I just couldnt see it properly in the photo through the painters' covering plastic so that was one thing less for us to worry about. SS rang the cabinet makers while I was on site with him to get them to fix the pot drawer kerfuffle and will keep us updated on that.

SO.. painting should be finished by the end of the week, the tiles will be delivered around the same time and SS wants us to have a meeting on site on Friday I think, to make sure that a) the right tiles have been delivered, and b) to clarify where they were going and where our feature tiles will be.. featured.. for lack of a better word.
Then our benchtop will be installed and he'll measure up for our glass splashback, get the electricians back in, touch ups.. then hopefully.. HANDOVER!!! YAY!!
Still no definate date yet, but I'm estimating around 6-7 weeks.

I'm rapt!!
Fingers crossed....
The Tulip is by Burbank and I'm just up the road from you in Wallan.

PS. Pot drawers are also great for Tupperware etc.
It's looking great! I love all your colour choices, we are having light coloured vanity units too. PD build a great home don't they?
Extra pot drawers are a massive bonus! Keep them!

klscomps, I'm also building in Wallan!
Oh wow! So many new neighbours! Even if you guys are a little way up the road!

klscomps - I barely own any Tupperware!! LoL.. I'm sure I'll eventually accumulate several hundred miss-matched pieces, but that wont be for a while!

Hels_n_Greg - Thank you! PD do build great homes.. nice and spacious! Just the way we like it! Your home is going to be HUGE!! Looks like you guys are about to put the pedal to the metal! Going from slab to frame is going to go so quickly.. I remember it like it was yesterday..
Good luck with everything!

joles - Too late!!

Unfortunately, I've already spoken to SS and our extra pot drawers are being turned back into cupboards. I thought really hard about it over the weekend, asked my mum, my aunties.. LoL.. friends.. pretty much anyone I could think of who would know about pot drawers and the need for, or lack of them, and concluded that I didnt need them. And anyway, they're too close to the other cupboards on the left.. they might scratch my other spanky new vinyl wrap doors!! Heh heh
well neighbour it looks like it might not be too many more weeks after we move in that you will be in...we will have to have a cuppa and compare the 28 to the 29...and what fantastic choices we have made...

all looks great
Looks fantastic
brittany - Thanks! Are you building? Where abouts?

Hey shaz.. will definately take you up on that! Perhaps something a little stronger after all the stress.. to relax.. hee hee
I too think we've made a great choice in choosing the Heywood first and foremost, it's a great floor plan! How's the packing going? Have you started yet?
i Love the oyster linea!!

We are having it in our bathrooms too - its my favourite laminex!!!
Hello boys and girls! Just a quick update with some pics from our mini walk-through on Friday. So paint is finally finished.. YAY!! I was a little worried it would be too dark from what I picked at Hopetoun, but again, I've doubted myself and it's turned out better than I expected!!

My kitchen cupboards.. finally revealed! I reckon they look pretty spiffy.. heh heh. I'm excited to see how my benchtop and splashback looks with it all!

Master br WIR and ensuite.

BR 2.

BR 3.

BR 4.

Rumpus door. I'm a little bit sus about this door.. it doesnt look square but SS has assured me it is.. hmm... should I get him to check it? Or check it myself?

Our palet of tiles in the rumpus.

Also, on that walk-through, SS explained to us about how difficult it was going to be to install the mirror in the ensuite because of our raised sinks and suggested that we perhaps do a tiled splashback so the mirror could sit on top. We werent told by CSC that it would cause problems when the mirror was supposed to be installed, and SS was not happy Jan when we told him that. So we've just spent all weekend checking out tile shops where we were told all the ones that we liked were special order... GRRR
We finally tried Bunnings where we found another tile we wanted, but AGAIN we had to special order it!! Up to 2 weeks for delivery!! ARGH!!
Now, SS has stressed to us that it's our choice whether or not we do the splashback in the ensuite making the job easier for him, the plumbers AND the glaziers, or whether we just go with the full mirror.
Looking good! You must be getting excited!

I love the paint colour and the contrast with the skirtings etc...haven't actually seen Kid Leather - does is have more of a grey or brown tinge in real life?
woohoo looking stunning

Just googled for the Jarrah brick and came up with your progress pics for your lovely home!
I chose the jarrah brick for my lil place, with primrose window frames and gunmetal roof.
Can you possibly email me some hi res brick wall shots as I am trying to do a mockup to see how mine will look?...

Thanks heaps and once again awesome colour selections scheme!

It all looks gorgeous

We were going to do Kid Leather for our walls but I chickened out and went for the lighter Flokati! Now I'm wishing I had stuck with it - it looks fabulous on your walls!

Gorgeous kitchen too - what have you picked for benchtop and splashback?
How would you make this room feel homey

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Hi Simeon, Thank you for laying it down for us. Makes sense. Appreciate it very much. Have a nice day. Cheers

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