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Our Custom Hamptons Inspired Home - We are in!!!

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Must've been a good day for frame building as our builder ploughed through ours today.

I think our master looks small too but it looked huge in the display. Keep telling myself it'll be fine.

Must have been! That's great Mrs. We've finally got some good weather this week in Melbs thank goodness.

Yep I'm with you on that one. I'm worried we won't have enough room to get a storage seat/ ottoman at the foot of the bed

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
Eeeppp! So excited for you!

So exciting ... doing a little happy dance for you
Thanks ladies. Can't wait to go past this afternoon and see what else they've done!

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
So happy for you and your hubs! Frames are so exciting. Yes, the rooms look small with frames. He can reassess the size of the master once plaster goes up.
Woohoo Dani!

I thought a some of our rooms looked a lot smaller than expected but it got better after plaster went in and then dramatically better after ceilings went in. I had a panic attack awhile back about the size of our master bedroom and had to go back out to the most similar display home to remind myself it's actually massive so don't stress!

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):
I hope so! I went out myself yesterday and have to admit I am worried about the master too. It's more to do with the position of the door which makes it feel smaller. Now I am wondering whether we should have just gone with a single door instead of the 1.5 door, but then if we extended the wall out more, it might close the entry off further. Thoughts? I'll attach some pics shortly.

The other two issues are the ensuite is smaller than I thought it would be while the WIR is much bigger. Not sure if it's too late to move the wall a bit? There is a drain pipe in the corner of the wir which might be an issue.

Lastly and most importantly, the ensuite window is too low, like seriously, the bottom of the window starts head height for me and I'm only like 5"2. Ah, where is the mirror supposed to go??? Definitely need to get the window moved higher.

Will be calling the builder today to discuss and hope he is open to some changes...!

Looks a bit low, much! And does not feel wide enough for a double vanity (would be just less than 2m plaster to plaster) and I want bench space LOL.

This is what I am talking about with the master bedroom door and the ensuite/ WIR. Thoughts?

This is why I chose to go with a custom builder, as I knew this would happen and I'd want to change something!! Hopefully he is open to it and it is possible.


AFTER MARK UPS: Problem is there is a drain pipe where the vanity would be extended! And it would also mean re-positioning the window to make it centre!
I'm a bit late to the party but keen to see your house progress.
It might be a bit hard to change it now because the plumbing and framing is in but you could always speak to them about your options? Another option would be to have one basin centred on the benchtop so you've got the bench space you want? Is it maybe a case that it looks smaller in the drawings than it'll actually be, our ensuite vanity is 2.89m long and it's absolutely huge, much longer than we need really! We've also got the long window above our mirror but it's at the very top of the wall, the bottom of it probably starts about level with the very top of Mr Doe's head (he's 5'10" and I'm only 5'3" so it makes no difference to me
). Maybe it's an option for them to put in a slightly narrower window and lift it up the wall slightly?

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):
I'm a bit late to the party but keen to see your house progress.

Thanks blackcat

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
It might be a bit hard to change it now because the plumbing and framing is in but you could always speak to them about your options? Another option would be to have one basin centred on the benchtop so you've got the bench space you want? Is it maybe a case that it looks smaller in the drawings than it'll actually be, our ensuite vanity is 2.89m long and it's absolutely huge, much longer than we need really! We've also got the long window above our mirror but it's at the very top of the wall, the bottom of it probably starts about level with the very top of Mr Doe's head (he's 5'10" and I'm only 5'3" so it makes no difference to me
). Maybe it's an option for them to put in a slightly narrower window and lift it up the wall slightly?

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):

Wow an almost 3m vanity Mrs, that sounds awesome! I'm so jealous right now!

The one thing that really annoys me about our current house is the single vanity. Dealing with hubby's hairs in the sink after shaving, fighting over who got to the sink first when we are both getting ready and having the other spit out toothpaste while you're trying to wash your face... I'm talking backsplash ha ha
. First world problems, I know!!

Yep we definitely need a window higher up like yours. My hubby is 6 ft, so at the current height, he'd be looking right out the window!

Anyway spoke to our supervisor this morning and we've organised to meet on site next week. He said anything is possible, so fingers crossed!

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
With regards to vanity space what you might want to do is put the basins slightly further towards the outside rather than centred.

Yea the space on each side will be less, but you end up with a much bigger usable space in the middle which you can take over and claim. That's what we are planning to do. Also having undermount sinks will help with usable bench space

It might be a bit hard to change it now because the plumbing and framing is in but you could always speak to them about your options? Another option would be to have one basin centred on the benchtop so you've got the bench space you want? Is it maybe a case that it looks smaller in the drawings than it'll actually be, our ensuite vanity is 2.89m long and it's absolutely huge, much longer than we need really! We've also got the long window above our mirror but it's at the very top of the wall, the bottom of it probably starts about level with the very top of Mr Doe's head (he's 5'10" and I'm only 5'3" so it makes no difference to me
). Maybe it's an option for them to put in a slightly narrower window and lift it up the wall slightly?

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):

Wow an almost 3m vanity Mrs, that sounds awesome! I'm so jealous right now!

The one thing that really annoys me about our current house is the single vanity. Dealing with hubby's hairs in the sink after shaving, fighting over who got to the sink first when we are both getting ready and having the other spit out toothpaste while you're trying to wash your face... I'm talking backsplash ha ha
. First world problems, I know!!

Yep we definitely need a window higher up like yours. My hubby is 6 ft, so at the current height, he'd be looking right out the window!

Anyway spoke to our supervisor this morning and we've organised to meet on site next week. He said anything is possible, so fingers crossed!

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:

Fingers crossed they can come up with a workable solution that you're happy with Dani and that means your hubby isn't looking at his stomach in the mirror when he gets ready in the morning

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):
With regards to vanity space what you might want to do is put the basins slightly further towards the outside rather than centred.

Yea the space on each side will be less, but you end up with a much bigger usable space in the middle which you can take over and claim. That's what we are planning to do. Also having undermount sinks will help with usable bench space

Thanks for the tips Chris. I will definitely keep that in mind if we can't widen the ensuite!

As for undercount sinks, I love them in the kitchen but not a fan in bathrooms, don't know why! They definitely give you more bench space though.

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
Fingers crossed they can come up with a workable solution that you're happy with Dani and that means your hubby isn't looking at his stomach in the mirror when he gets ready in the morning

Follow our build with Express Two Storey (Ventura Group):

Lol. SS advised today they should be able to raise it by 300mm, which will definitely be above hubby's head height

Our 37sq Custom Hamptons Inspired Home:
my wife wanted the undermount ones
i had no say in it. i just pay the bills.

her rationale was that she could "roll" her makeup kit over my sink and then use her area as benchspace... I'm being kicked out of the bathroom before we have even built the place!
That's why you have a double sink in the master ensuite.

My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb ... are_type=t
Frames have finally started going up today folks! Woohoo.

Hubby went past after work and took some photos. He's only comment: master looks a bit small but he's happy with everything else. Can't wait to get out there myself later in the week!! ☺

Front entrance

Looking down the entrance

Powder ahead, garage on right


Living area, study

Your slab and frame looks so clean. We had so much mud in our place.

My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb ... are_type=t
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