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New here we are building the Doulton 56 with extension

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Congrats Sanuaka

Congrats Sanuaka

Thanks Renman. I have to get my site clear soon so that they can start the work.
Congrats Sanuaka

Thanks Renman. I have to get my site clear soon so that they can start the work.

That only takes a few days to do.

[quote="Doulton777"]Apparently we are one of the first to build a Doulton. And apparently Its merticons biggest project on new land. We also have over 200 variations. We have a few problems with getting the house to fit on the land. Because of over shadowing as our neighbours built on the fence line. Which intern cost us $11,000 more.

We have just finish signing contracts finally. We have a site start in April. Which I'm hoping goes to plan. This is our forth time building. So we do know bit of what to expect. The house in total with no outdoors. As we have a lot of kids. And made a lounge room out of it. It brings the house in total to 66.5Sq meters. As we also added another 2 bedroom. So it has 7 in total. We opted for 2 two way bathrooms instead of 4 ensuite's. But still kept one ensuite.

Is anyone with Commback? How did they go with adding your tile variation?

Wow 66.5 squares?? thats MASSIVE!! its more of a palace than a home.

I completely understand with the over shadowing issue as we have just come from a single story home where both doubles next to us had over shadowing issues and it was still passed! it was horrible for us as we were getting no sunlight at all and then having the double behind us it wasnt exactly ideal.

This time around we are building a double story home and from what I know all the houses around me are single stories! So the tables have turned haha

Yeah it's a pretty big baby lol. It will be like a dream to have so much room. It's about 20 sq bigger then the one we are in now. And with 9 kids at home it sure is needed.

As for overshadowing. I understand that. But in this case it's our neighbours fault. As he built right on the fence line purposely then we had too move the house over to not overshadow his house. I wish that was never allowed. I don't believe he should have been able too. As I don't like that his garage will be in our yard. I mean it is on our land. Why do we have to have his garage on our land
as well as it cost us. My consultant reckons no one usually builds on the fence line now days. So maybe if he got the overshadowing it would have taught him a lesson lol. Plus would have made it cheaper for us. I just don't get how he could do that. Why pay for a land to be yours in the council lets them have their garage on your land? That was done 30 years ago. But not today.


Our CSC told today that our building permit is expected tomorrow and the work might start by end of this month or beginning June.
Most of our windows upstairs are Obscure Glazed. I am not happy with that but have no options. Its going to block most of our sunlight or natural light too.[/quote]

That's good news. I really hope they stick to what they say.

Ours told us the same. Apparently we still are in the permit stage. Got the final variation today. It's only taken them 3mths.

[quote="Doulton777"]Apparently we are one of the first to build a Doulton. And apparently Its merticons biggest project on new land. We also have over 200 variations. We have a few problems with getting the house to fit on the land. Because of over shadowing as our neighbours built on the fence line. Which intern cost us $11,000 more.

We have just finish signing contracts finally. We have a site start in April. Which I'm hoping goes to plan. This is our forth time building. So we do know bit of what to expect. The house in total with no outdoors. As we have a lot of kids. And made a lounge room out of it. It brings the house in total to 66.5Sq meters. As we also added another 2 bedroom. So it has 7 in total. We opted for 2 two way bathrooms instead of 4 ensuite's. But still kept one ensuite.

Is anyone with Commback? How did they go with adding your tile variation?

Wow 66.5 squares?? thats MASSIVE!! its more of a palace than a home.

I completely understand with the over shadowing issue as we have just come from a single story home where both doubles next to us had over shadowing issues and it was still passed! it was horrible for us as we were getting no sunlight at all and then having the double behind us it wasnt exactly ideal.

This time around we are building a double story home and from what I know all the houses around me are single stories! So the tables have turned haha

Yeah it's a pretty big baby lol. It will be like a dream to have so much room. It's about 20 sq bigger then the one we are in now. And with 9 kids at home it sure is needed.

As for overshadowing. I understand that. But in this case it's our neighbours fault. As he built right on the fence line purposely then we had too move the house over to not overshadow his house. I wish that was never allowed. I don't believe he should have been able too. As I don't like that his garage will be in our yard. I mean it is on our land. Why do we have to have his garage on our land
as well as it cost us. My consultant reckons no one usually builds on the fence line now days. So maybe if he got the overshadowing it would have taught him a lesson lol. Plus would have made it cheaper for us. I just don't get how he could do that. Why pay for a land to be yours in the council lets them have their garage on your land? That was done 30 years ago. But not today.


Our CSC told today that our building permit is expected tomorrow and the work might start by end of this month or beginning June.
Most of our windows upstairs are Obscure Glazed. I am not happy with that but have no options. Its going to block most of our sunlight or natural light too.[/quote]

I have many windows obscuring. But I'm going to take them out and replace them after the build.

From what I've seen, in Melbourne they use a film on the window that can be removed after handover.
One had come away from the window in a display so I pulled on it a little and it was just like contact and easy to remove

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne
doulton777 you should start your own thread so we can follow your journey!


Was there many errors with your final plans or it is pretty good?

Renman even if there's no errors in your plans it could be possible that the construction team work on old versions of them! Happened to me and luckily I intervened before the poured the slab. Engineering drawings for the slab did not match my plans.
Renman even if there's no errors in your plans it could be possible that the construction team work on old versions of them! Happened to me and luckily I intervened before the poured the slab. Engineering drawings for the slab did not match my plans.

Very true same happened to us too. Every time we received plans there was always 1 sheet with older versions. Even with tiles they worked with the older plans again and again. It took us so long to get the corrected plans.
From what I've seen, in Melbourne they use a film on the window that can be removed after handover.
One had come away from the window in a display so I pulled on it a little and it was just like contact and easy to remove

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne

Yeah but that's the problem. I already asked m about that. And they told me it's not a film. That it's embedded into the glass.

@doulton777 you should start your own thread so we can follow your journey!

Your in my thread now
. But there's also a link that's my signature that leads straight back too here.


Was there many errors with your final plans or it is pretty good?

The only error I seen was they didn't put square set cornices in butlers. But since then they have rectified it.

Renman even if there's no errors in your plans it could be possible that the construction team work on old versions of them! Happened to me and luckily I intervened before the poured the slab. Engineering drawings for the slab did not match my plans.

That's unbelievable that could happen. Thanks for the heads up and we make sure that they have everything correct.

Renman even if there's no errors in your plans it could be possible that the construction team work on old versions of them! Happened to me and luckily I intervened before the poured the slab. Engineering drawings for the slab did not match my plans.

That's unbelievable that could happen. Thanks for the heads up and we make sure that they have everything correct.

It's funny isn't it. We pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet it feels like we are doing most of the work in just checking up that they are doing things correctly. I never had to do so much work with my past houses. It's so much complicated now days. Because people that are suppose to be so professional and know what they are doing. Just don't. We sit there half the time correcting their mistakes.

Yup just keep an eye on them like a hawk!!! I found that errors I picked up early were all easily fixed. Just don't let it get to a stage where it's too hard for them to fix.
From what I've seen, in Melbourne they use a film on the window that can be removed after handover.
One had come away from the window in a display so I pulled on it a little and it was just like contact and easy to remove

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne

Yeah but that's the problem. I already asked m about that. And they told me it's not a film. That it's embedded into the glass.


Hmm my contract says obscure film. Oh well, wait and see I guess.

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne
From what I've seen, in Melbourne they use a film on the window that can be removed after handover.
One had come away from the window in a display so I pulled on it a little and it was just like contact and easy to remove

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne

Yeah but that's the problem. I already asked m about that. And they told me it's not a film. That it's embedded into the glass.


Hmm my contract says obscure film. Oh well, wait and see I guess.

Metricon Metro 32 KDRB Bayside Melbourne

I actually made a big deal out of it at contract. I told them all their display has the film. I got her too check. And they said no it's not. But in my contract it says provide obscure awning windows. It doesn't say anything about the film or embedded?

You know what I find makes no sense what's so ever? You don't have to have obscure windows in your bathroom
. I mean how does that make sense? You would think the bathrooms have to be obscure more then the normal living areas. Or that we will give that choice if we wanted . The bedrooms as that should be similar privacy as the bathrooms? But it isn't. And it's stupid to give one neighbour a choice just cos that got there first. So how fair is it that they can enjoy their views when they look out their clear glass windows. But we can't. It doesn't make sense.

Yup just keep an eye on them like a hawk!!! I found that errors I picked up early were all easily fixed. Just don't let it get to a stage where it's too hard for them to fix.

Oh I do dulie. That's why it's taken 3mths for these variations. Because they kept making mistakes and I made them fix it!

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