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Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

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Hi JaxCook, we found that things really slowed down at the end as we were waiting on our garage door and this put things at a standstill. Our bank also slowed things down too by taking their time with their valuation and processing the final payment however we FINALLY had handover on Thursday and had our first night there last night. Well worth the wait!

It is ridiculous when we are close to the end. Waiting for email back on Monday and we will see....

I have put some pics on the blog if anyone wants to look (you don't have to read it, I just find it easier to add pics there!)

Can you repost your link to your blog?

I know things slow down but it is just frustrating when things could be being done inside while we wait for driveway...
How exciting spending your first night there, congratulations!!!

here is the link

There should be a link down the bottom of my post that will take you there x
I don't get signatures and links on my mobile? Your house looks so spacious JaxCook and your colours are lovely. Hopefully you receive an update tomorrow and a some sort of time line? I would be frustrated too about the other other home finishing first. You need some answers as to why you're experiencing a hold up.

Hi all. I first posted in June last year, just before our colour appointment.
We have had a long wait but have finally heard that our land will be titling soon. (titles are at the titles office). I contacted Hbc as we were told builders could do their soil tests but HBC won't do it until the title is confirmed. Has anyone else had this issue? We know people who have had their soil tested and submitted the plans to the developer for approval. But HBC won't.
We are becoming increasingly disenchanted with them and actually went looking at other builders today.
Please tell me it's worth staying with them.

I didn't think they could do anything until the title has been issued. In our case they didn't do anything until after Title, I also know my friends had the same experience with Simonds and Metricon but I don't know what the standard process is.
We found that all blocks did not get soil tests done until after title. You can see when they are done as there is holes in the dirt, so I think you would find it's the same with most builders.
Puglover - will you be having laminate flooring? Our pugs claws make the most awful sound whilst walking on it!

Hi Thee, we've been in our house for 3 months and are so happy.
We just love our house.
I know 2 houses here have gone on hiatus. Both through Porter Davis. Their building sites were absolutely shocking. 1 has gone through 3 site supervisors. Feel really bad for the owners.
Another house has had several I can't remember the builder at all. Trying hard to think.
Henley and Vue did well.
Our build went very well.
Few things private inspector found however that's normal.

Puglover - will you be having laminate flooring? Our pugs claws make the most awful sound whilst walking on it!

We upgraded to hard wood floors but their paws will made the same noise. We live in a townhouse with laminate now so we're used to it. Apparently you can get little shoes for them though - how cute would that be!!!
So it's something that you get used too? It's driving us crazy as we previously had tiles at our rental. I might need to look into some little shoes although it might be challenge keeping them on his feet!

Hi Thee, we've been in our house for 3 months and are so happy.
We just love our house.
I know 2 houses here have gone on hiatus. Both through Porter Davis. Their building sites were absolutely shocking. 1 has gone through 3 site supervisors. Feel really bad for the owners.
Another house has had several I can't remember the builder at all. Trying hard to think.
Henley and Vue did well.
Our build went very well.
Few things private inspector found however that's normal.

I'm shocked to hear about Porter Davis! We almost went with them, we liked their two story four bed townhouses but they were such small rooms we opted out.

We also spent time considering Simonds (their sales person harassed us for MONTHS) and then we heard from our friends who had a horror build and are going to appear in VCAT soon. Plus Simonds online reviews are absolutely appalling. I've heard wonderful things about Henley, my friends raved about them and their home is gorgeous. I've had one mate build through Metricon and it was okay, and another through Dennis Family which they said took a long time due to delays but the final result was good.

Overall so far I've been happy with HBC, our last inspection report was great - very small things needed rectification - and their way of handling it was very professional. HBC's hands are generally tied until you settle on the block of land, but once you settle things move quickly.
Our dogs sound like tap dancers on the hardwood floors

So it's something that you get used too? It's driving us crazy as we previously had tiles at our rental. I might need to look into some little shoes although it might be challenge keeping them on his feet!

we did get used to it, even the baby doesn't notice it. Now when they're gone I miss the noise
Simonds....that's it. Yah there online reviews are horrifying!

Simonds....that's it. Yah there online reviews are horrifying!

There are HUNDREDS of horrible reviews, I mean surely they must be mortified but they don't seem to be doing anything about it. The first thing I do before using a company is search for online reviews. For every good Simonds one there is 20 bad ones!
Great to hear puglover. Suprisingly our little one has settled in well but our pug has has been quite confused readjusting.

pugs definitely like their routine. I'm stressed about getting the fences up as soon as we move in so the pugs can't run away.
That has been a hassle for us. We have all fencing except for one side but my dad put up some temporary metal sheeting which has worked well. The first few nights our pug refused to go to the toilet here, so we had to drive him home to the rental. He is slowly getting better!

haha our pugs go on a wee strike if the ground is wet outside. The neighbours behind us are in and their fences are up except for the back so I'm assuming they're waiting for us to move in. I'm going to pop a note in their letterbox with my contact details in case they want to organise it. Either side of us is HBC builds at a similar stage to us so I'm going to email our Client Liaison and ask her to pass my details onto them as well. In the meantime I'm getting quotes!
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