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Who is building with Beechwood

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2.2-if u get no start date today PM me and I'll give u the details of the GM in sydney. The day after I spoketo him they started there work.
I hope the weather holds out - I want my slab. Also we are going camping over Easter for 4 days. Haven't been camping since we had the boys (3.5 and 17 months.) So not sure what to expect .
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, didnt we have some rain on Saturday in Sydney, I went to the block and it was waterlogged including the frame
, hopefully it wont effect it too much...

Still no roof frame on yet, but they had seemed to finish off internal wall framing on Friday and no work Saturday so hopefully today we have the roof on......fingers crossed, it is exciting as it is becoming home now, hubby is like it is smaller then I thought, but I think everyone who builds says the same thing, I dont care I just want my house!!!

Acre - What a surprise but hey that means a step closer to the slab yey!!
, praying you have clear weather, our was wet when they laid and it took them twice as long according the concretor...he wasnt keen on doing it as we had had a lot of rain but BW said it had to be done with our stamp duty conditions nearing....GOOD LUCK! look forward to the pics.....

Acre2.2 - How frustrating for you.....just keep calling and emailing as I say the "squeaky wheel gets oiled".....hoping you get some good news today. I am always 2nd guessing our decision with choosing BW but then I am like I am sure the other Builders have there faults and delays......hang in there!

Noringv - Welcome, dont worry we have all gone through your current experiences. We are still ponding with to get a private building inspector or not, maybe just for the PCI.
Hi everyone
I came across this forum a few weeks ago while deciding whether to build with BW or another local builder. We finally made our decision to go with BW not only because of the price but we love the layout of the Hermitage Lodge. We paid our deposit yesterday and we'll be building in the Maitland area.
After reading all your posts over the past few weeks it seems we're in for a few grey hairs!! I'm confident though that I've made the right decision and after speaking with a friend over the weekend, who is building with a very well known local builder, I'm sure that all builders are the same.
Can't wait to discuss all the details with you all.
Welcome Swan Family! You'll find this forum a fantastic resource for information and support. We are also building a Hermitage Lodge (our plans are back a couple of pages)

and guess what everyone


According to SD we will have earth works starting on Wednesday!!!

That will put us at day 57 to start but at this point I don't care as long as things are moving!!
choice is limited.

Tell me about it. That's the ONLY reason we went with Beechwood......everyone else is extremely expensive and not many builders out our way.

Hi Kelly-Anne,
Is this your first build? Where abouts in Maitland are you building? Hope your journey is alot less rocky then the rest of us.

2.2acredream-glad to hear you are starting on Wednesday. At long...long last.
2.2acredream - I saw your plans and they're fantastic. I love the Hermitage range!

Moon River - Yes, this will be our first build...very nervous! And we're building in Windella.

Swan Family - did you only recently buy the land?
Swan Family - did you only recently buy the land?

No, we bought the land 4 years ago. We've been living overseas for the past 2 years and now we're back and ready for the "building" challenge!
Hey all, congrats to those who have had some progress the last couple of weeks!! Im finally able to post some news, bank contracts came through today after needing to be done again, signed and in the post. Now hoping the bank gets Beechwood their letter of commencement soon so that we will finally see some action on our block
we are not far from windella and go there quite often for landscaping ideas (we are renting in ABER......)
will have to come check out your place once it starts.
we got a phone call yesty and our SLAB is going down tomorrow and the first week of May we have organised for our septic tank to be installed.
we got a phone call yesty and our SLAB is going down tomorrow and the first week of May we have organised for our septic tank to be installed.

It must be great to see things moving along! Bring on the frame and stay away rain!!!
opps, i meant Thursday not tomorrow. going away over easter so may not get photos up until tuesday/wednesday next week, but ill try for thursday night as soon as its layed.
we got a phone call yesty and our SLAB is going down tomorrow and the first week of May we have organised for our septic tank to be installed.

very exciting!!
we are not far from windella and go there quite often for landscaping ideas (we are renting in ABER......)
will have to come check out your place once it starts.

where abouts are you building?
And we're building in Windella

Lovely area. That's two posters with the Hermitage Lodge.
Glad to hear that everything is starting to move along. One the slab goes down there is no excuse for all the other stuff to stop. Keep on their case to keep it moving. Hopefully you will have a good ss and keep it moving.
Photos please.......

Earth works due to start today but no one showed up. Called SD who called the contractor. Apparently the machine broke down yesterday and has to be fixed. Contractor just didn't feel the need to let anyone know.
Should be on site tomorrow.

Got a call an hour ago to day machine has to be inspected before it can go on site. Because of the long weekend they won't be there till Thursday next week
That will make it
Day 65 before we get started on anything.

I know it's just one of those things but at the moment I could loose my mind
Hi all

Seems some have made progress and some are still waiting. How frustrating.

Good news here,my plans are ready to look over on the weekend.

Hopefully everything will be ok and we can sign off on them.

Hope the weather holds off for everyone i know we got loads of rain here in Newcastle last weekend.

Didnt the machinery break down in an earlier post for someone and they were delayed?

Hope to see pics soon of the Merlot -JacknRuby

Have a safe Easter everyone

2.2 - im very sorry, but its a load of crap, maybe the contractor needs to get a new machine as the same bull was told to us except the part had to come from kentucky or sweedan and had to wait - thats when i called PR and it was 'conveniently' fixed the next day ready for site scrape.
I cant believe they told you the same storey as us.
Our slab is meant to be poured tomorrow, i have a few appointments in the morning so wont get to watch it being done, but will be up there tomorrow arvo to have a look.
gawd i hope it happens, its already been put off a few times due to wet weather.
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