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KEYYYSSS!! 14/10/15 ~ First Home, Alkimos WA

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I've never heard of these before! Do you have a picture of what it will look like?!

Sure do MrsMacca!
I initially saw them on someone elses build here and looked into it. So much quicker than digging and all that. Time is a huge factor for us so it was either this or no deck at all.

You can find out all about them on their website

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
Thank you!! I will look into it for sure
Meanwhile... My curtains are still a work in progress...

So fiddly! Especially when you're OCD!!

Not sure why they look purple in pics.. I assure you they're grey! lol

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
Good work! I need the hems dropped on mine let me know when you're open for business haha
Wow the material looks better in every pic!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
That's so exiting about your deck!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Thanks guys!!

Haha archetto one business is enough for me thanks!

Yes, excited when im have a moment to think about it lol
Looks like it will be a last minute rush for everything! And our budget only just allows for the deck only so no planter box or plants or grass or anything else. Boo..
But we'll have a deck

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
The curtains will look lovely it is a beautiful colour, DC - not sure I'd attempt that it is hard work
The curtains will look lovely it is a beautiful colour, DC - not sure I'd attempt that it is hard work

Haha true Mals, i grew up watching mum sew on her machine, and i used to make dance costumes sewing individual sequins etc - THAT's a big job, this not so much. lol
Trouble now days (now being a mum) is finding the time. Before i could get something done in a day, now i have a few hours a couple of times a week. lol

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
This morning our Bunnings delivery was dropped off.

Long story short - we went to bunnings yday and spoke with the deck guru there, have been every Sunday for the last couple of months i reckon lol Almost everyone in the trades section knows me by name lol, anyway he suggested an easier way other than using the deck blocks was to build a fram and bolt it to the house since its alfresco area, meaning less posts in the ground. So hubby had to return the deck blocks in the end and that was a hassle in itself, re loading 42 of those babies in the van and then losing the receipt... lol was a bit of a hassle to get the guy to re-print the receipt (hubby has a business acc so easy done but this guy was being a tool - pardon the pun).
We also ended up with Merbau instead of Batu as they had none left but he price matched it thankfully as we only had enough for Batu price per lm.

So here it currently sits

Can't wait to get started! However side gate will need to get done first for easier access and that's another job in itself lol

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
It will look lovely and be worth the hassle!

We are in the process of doing our deck (merbau also) and my partner dug lots of holes and filled them with concrete then bolted the frame to that and also to the house, he said that was the best way to do it also (he's a carpenter) so you're on the right track! How exciting to get to enjoy your deck over summer
It will look lovely and be worth the hassle!

We are in the process of doing our deck (merbau also) and my partner dug lots of holes and filled them with concrete then bolted the frame to that and also to the house, he said that was the best way to do it also (he's a carpenter) so you're on the right track! How exciting to get to enjoy your deck over summer

Oh yay for us both!
Will you be letting it sit without oiling for a while archetto??
What are you looking at using to oil? What look are you going for?

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
He is going to have it all done for Christmas and apparently he is oiling it before Christmas too but to be honest I can see him running out of time but we shall see! I've left it all up to him so I'm not sure what oil he is using but I can find out
Oh how exiting DC! I can't wait to see it finished! Love merbau!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Our Honeywood Build
Oh how exiting DC! I can't wait to see it finished! Love merbau!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.

Personally I LOVE Spotted Gum, but that was out of our budget

Merbau seems to be popular... just need to decide what to use to oil it. So many reviews on different products! Luckily it's not something I need to do for at least 8 weeks after it's on.
Looking forward to the pics DC what a bargain to have got that for the same price - bet you can't wait!
Oh Mal im so greatful.. We've had such a rough trot these last few years that's it's nice when the bad luck eases up!
Last night a neighbour offered us just enough turf he had left over! It's not the grass i wanted but we'll be saving about $160 by using that.

Last night hubby decided we are going on our first holiday over his time off because our brains are absolute mush and we deserve it

So we're using our credit card points to pay for flights to Lombok!! Can't wait to get there and enjoy the beaches, waterfalls, mountains, canoeing and riding on scooters as it's the only transportation on the island haha Sounds like exactly what we need.

Today i spent the day travelling all over Perth with the little man sourcing supplies to prepare the soil for turf.
When i got home i couldn't find my credit card and panicked, drove back to where i used it last, searched carpark, asked shop assistants etc, all whilst the little guy was screaming for naptime. Crikey...
Came home to find it on the garage floor

Almost gave me a heartattack..

Then this afternoon little man decided to throw a crazy a$$ tantrum in the middle of bunnings while i was pushing 250kg of soil

Luckily one of the guys there gave me a hand so i could chase after my son who kept running out on to the driveway.

Ok i think that's it for now...
I'm in the middle of booking flights and getting thing organised for the yard work to begin tomorrow!
Needless to say the curtain project is now on hold. lol
Will see how much we can get done now that we'll be away on holiday for a week.
My list:
Side gate (DIY wood).
Paving side of house and 3sqm area in corner.
Planter box.
Privacy screen.
Plants, rocks etc

If we can get the clothesline, side gate, deck and grass down i'm happy lol

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
Oh wow look at you go! You did heaps by the sounds of it. Are you doing retic or just let a sprinkler take care of the lawn? I wouldn't even know where to start lol. You seem so organized now. Also I'm jealous of your holiday! Sounds amazing

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
Our Honeywood Build
Oh wow look at you go! You did heaps by the sounds of it. Are you doing retic or just let a sprinkler take care of the lawn? I wouldn't even know where to start lol. You seem so organized now. Also I'm jealous of your holiday! Sounds amazing

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.

I've had two months + to do all the organising before something actually started happening

Now we're completely in debt but who cares, i'll have my back done and a holiday!
Not bothering with re-tic, with 12x3m yard (grass area will only be 3x4m area) i can stand in one spot and hose everything lol

You have a beautiful home already!!

KEYYYSSS!! ~ 14/10/15
hey don't worry, we just looked and our account and went "holy sheeitttt where did all our money go?" Really worried because hubby just got paid on the 15th and we are both till 15th January now
I said to him, at least we've got most people's presents lol. Christmas sucks for spending money!

First Build, Commodore Homes, Honeywood, Wandi.
First time build: Custom narrow riverside home in WA

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