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Fairmont Homes in Mallala, SA - Moved in pics

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Love the white look.
A few colourful accessories will make it come alive. All looking good, especially the store room and kitchen.
All looking very good, love white with aqua blue accessories!
Sigh, I'm in a bit of a slump at the moment. In the last 3 weeks we have had cornices put in, down pipes, lights, switches, powerpoints and splash back. Really starting to feel it dragging on now. Could be so much quicker if they didn't aim to do one thing a week!
Oh Tasha you poor thing... you must be so frustrated

Theres a FM build around the corner from our block that we pass when we go to visit, about 3 weeks ago the windows got delivered and installed and it hasn't changed at all since then.

I hope that they get to it el' quicko and get moving for you!
Ah yes, the old one thing a week, you have my sympathy!!!!
Sounds similar to ours: cornices, skirting, light switches, power points - 3 weeks

The slab next to ours (different builder) went down more than 4 months after ours and they have very nearly caught up.

I keep telling myself QUALITY not SPEED but it can be very frustrating sometimes....
Oh Tasha you poor thing... you must be so frustrated

Theres a FM build around the corner from our block that we pass when we go to visit, about 3 weeks ago the windows got delivered and installed and it hasn't changed at all since then.

I hope that they get to it el' quicko and get moving for you!

Yeah, I probably shouldn't complain. Those first stages waiting for the shell of the house to go up was one thing every 4-6 weeks. They're working at lightning speed at the moment compared to that

Ah yes, the old one thing a week, you have my sympathy!!!!

and I shouldn't have complained about one thing a week because I have just been down after dropping Ella off for her first day at Mallala primary to find nothing had happened all last week. Now that was depressing.

Sounds similar to ours: cornices, skirting, light switches, power points - 3 weeks

The slab next to ours (different builder) went down more than 4 months after ours and they have very nearly caught up.

I keep telling myself QUALITY not SPEED but it can be very frustrating sometimes....

It is unbelievably frustrating even when you look at it in other ways. Our neighbour started a week after us and has been in for almost a month! Our estimated completion is 9 days away and they haven't even started tiling. Still a loooooong way to go!

I keep telling myself it will be so much easier if it takes longer and we move in after my uni semester finishes so I can put it all together without worrying about assignments, lectures and studying but I am still annoyed! I am just dying for it to be finished now!
It would be so much better if the timing could match semester break, but I do understand how frustrating it must be to have no action on site. It will happen though, and once you have your keys you can forget about these distressing times.
Well, after two agonising weeks of nothing happening on site I spotted tiles being delivered yesterday morning when I drove past.

Today I noticed our porch tiles done so kindly asked the tiler if I could have a look inside and found the laundry and both bathroom floors done
looks awesome. Pictures to come because they were pretty dirty today.
Oh, that's great. I felt that when tiling was finished that we were well and truly on the way to the finishing line. When is your estimated PCI date?
Estimated PCI is tomorrow so here's to hoping it is the home stretch!
Tomorrow! That's fabulous. Hope all goes well.
Tomorrow! That's fabulous. Hope all goes well.

Unfortunately, that day was meant to be our PCI. It has gone and passed. We don't have too much to go. Off the top of my head we have paint, BIR's, toilets, basins, tapware, air-conditioner, oven and stove which will happen at the last minute to go. Only problem is with them not being on site a lot of the time that small amount of stuff could take a while. Noone is onsite again this week. I have my big girl panties on at the moment
even though I have just realised this week it is 30 weeks since it all started.

On the bright side of life, a week ago they finished the tiling and I have pictures

Main bathroom. Much happier with this room already. Still needs colour but the grey lines in the tiles make it look better already (you can't really see the grey in my photos and excuse the young girl who photobombed me to pretend she was having a shower


Front porch tiling

and some kitchen pics with the splashback in. Can't wait to see this room all clean without the dust everywhere and the plastic off the benches so I can admire it properly.

Love the view, grey tiles and splashback. It look so much different clean and no wrapping.

I will PM you about what we did when things got to this stage
It is all looking very nice, just frustrating time-wise.

What are our rights in the contract when they go over PCI (or 120 days plus Christmas break), as we are very similar to you, just no tiling yet either. 3 weeks since kitchen and only 1 day of work on site, started tiling, then disappeared for all of this week....

Did they go over PCI for you as well FairmontSACustom?
I will send the pm to you too jennifer
Love the tiles, splashback and benchtop. Everything looks lovely. Hope they get a move on so that you can start packing. I notice that in our area, new builds are starting, but there does seem to be a slow down of places that I would have expected to be finished by now--perhaps there's an overall shortage of tradies holding things up.
oh it looks fantastic!!!!! I love your kitchen too!!!!!

Sorry to hear they have gone over your date, that is so disheartening for you. Hope they come to the party soon. Sorry I just love your kitchen!!!! LOL
That splashback is really lovely Tasha... You're on the home stretch now

Looking good!!
Glad your build is going well. Cant say my fairmont experience has been the greatest...
We signed a contract on 31Jan2013 as of today 27May2014 the brick work is still not complete. About August 2013 my wife phoned the council to find out why it was taking so long to get approval. The council told my wife they approved our plans over a month earlier, fairmont didn't even get in touch to tell us!

Fairmont job#84639
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