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Cascades on Clyde

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Hi Kylie.Paul,

stage 10, i'm just a few doors away from leiper86...
I'm suprised how quick houses are coming up in that new part of Cascades.
Hi Kylie.Paul,

stage 10, i'm just a few doors away from leiper86...

ah nice!!! it's all going up so quickly over there!! A friend of mine is building on Thunderbolt and it's all happening to fast!!!
The Boral Jarrah brick seems to be a very popular choice!

Glad there was no delay with getting my bricks last year!
The problems started after the big storm at the start of March, now there is a large backlog.
Anyone had any dramas with Telstra Velocity? I have rang them 5 times today as I was assured (almost 4 weeks ago) I would have a technician out on site to terminate my fibre connection.

The poor bloke on the other end copped an ear full, but I have to admit.. it is absolutely crap and not good enough. At the moment I use Vodafone wireless broadband and will continue to do so (even when/if I get Velocity on). The bloke also said that I could possibly lay a claim for loss of wages (I took a day off work for these people).. I told him I was more interested about getting a phone and being able to watch TV!

I would be interested to hear anyone else's feedback.. It is absolutely *** poor and infuriating!
Hi aaron,

sorry to hear you're having so many issues with them. We had no issues at all. Are you getting the fibre connected or terminated? They tried to delay our installation and they copped an earfull from me (i don't do well without my internet
) and they made our job a priority and they were here the next day. I'd be calling back again and speaking to a manager, that's how we got it all done in the end.

As for the watching TV part, have you tried a set of 'rabbit ears' while you're waiting for the technician to come out? We did that and it worked a treat.

Hope it all works out for you
Yeah the good old rabbit ears

I will let you know how the saga plays out
Hi Aaron,

No problems here either. We got connected just over a week ago. Telstra made an appointment time of Tuesday, and the contractor rang and said it wouldnt be until Friday. Aparently Telstras appointment times mean nothing.

Anyway, we did with the rabbit ears and they were fine. Connecting my internet was fairly simple except that you have to wait until the phone is connected before you can apply for the internet.

Foxtel was probably the easiest part.

Good luck, and keep hassling them !!
I rang the contractor directly and organised for them to come out tomorrow

I am running a dish on my roof for my foxtel, as we had already paid up a bit for it (long story).. So I just chucked the dish up and a way we go..

I am probably going to go with Next G wireless, as it is cheaper than going through the land line! However with a bit of luck I should have a home phone tomorrow
I rang the contractor directly and organised for them to come out tomorrow

I am running a dish on my roof for my foxtel, as we had already paid up a bit for it (long story).. So I just chucked the dish up and a way we go..

I am probably going to go with Next G wireless, as it is cheaper than going through the land line! However with a bit of luck I should have a home phone tomorrow

You can get a cashback of $1500 for being a High Velocity customer... so make sure you can still get it without the internet !!
I'm pretty sure that cashback was only if you got both phone and internet installed because the cashback is credited to your account once the internet is activated.

Might be worth looking into Aaron.
Yea that cashback was a bonus.

I didnt feel so bad about getting Foxtel !! lol
Yeah I quized them a while back about the cash back.. they told me it only applied if I got the net put on.

The prices are robbery, so I will stick with my wireless broadband

I made a formal complaint with them, as they have rang me to re-schedule 4 times and on all occasions not rock up. I missed a call this arvo but I think they are going to come out on saturday (fingers crossed)

Its all fun and games until you deal with Telstra
Great, looking forward to it... :S
Hi all,

i posted on another topic but might ask my fellow peeps.... i've got a vacant block of land and a certain volume builder (i obviously don't have proof) is dumping steel mesh, piping, foam what ever on my block (also i can't believe they drag it two blocks away to do this). i'm getting rather sick of it and spoke to my future builder, he suggested putting up my fences and chicken wire at the front or something to block entry. I'm concerned about upsetting my future neighbours with a request to pay 50% of fencing, but i suppose you'd have to do it sooner or later... whats your thoughts.. thanks in advance.
Hi John long,

This is a very common problem. Even when we were building our house people were dumping stuff in the builders cage (even their household garbage full of nappies which was gross !!).

Unfortunately I dont think building your fences will solve the problem. If you have a fair idea which builder it is, call them. Tell them that if they continue you will be sending them a clean up bill.
oh we got the nappies as well before we moved in!!!

johnlong there's been a few posts about this problem on here, someone (I think it was cazoraz) actually took a photo of the rubbish which included a business name and posted it on here and made it very clear that she would report them. The rubbish was removed VERY quickly!! But I'd be calling the offending builder and tell them what's been happening and just advise them that any clean up bill will be forwarded on to them if needed. Also, if you can, get photos of the rubbish so that you've got the proof it was there.

And i don't think it would cause any issues with your neighbours to get the fences started, there's only one way to find out though. By the time you get quotes done and they get sent out to your neighbours and then they actually start putting them up, there's still a bit of time in there so it might end up working out well with the timing. As you said, they have to be done eventually so why not just start now

Hope it all works out for you, it's something you shouldn't have to stress about!!
yeah i tried that, i called them and told me in a very nice way, and received a rather rude how do you know its us? .. anyway I'm over it... called some places today to get quotes, hallam fencing seems to know the estate pretty well..
Hallam did our fences and i know they've done quite a lot of the fences around the estate. They were pretty good in terms of chasing up the other neighbours to get them to sign, we had one neighbour that took their time and wanted different quotes and so on but Hallam sorted it out in the end for us.
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