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Building at Willowdale

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Hi all,

Does anyone know if stage 14 registration & settlement is on track for June 2017?

We received conditional approval for a loan last week; the bank couldn't offer unconditional approval as the land is not yet registered. Has anyone experienced valuation issues with their land? Was the valuation on-par with the purchase price?

I think stage 14/15 should register at the same time i.e. June 2017. Should we create a whatsapp group for better communication? PM me your contact details and I will create one.
We're lot 1403.

Did you get my message?

Calvin McCoy
^^ new trains from Leppington to Parramatta and Blacktown

That's great but people travelling to city will still have to change at Glenfield. I hope there is a direct train from Leppington to city someday.

Not so.

I traveled to the city from Leppington and back each day. The train goes via Glenfield and Liverpool. It does take longer but by the time you factor in the time waiting at Glenfield it's only a few minutes difference.

As per transport's trip planner, if you change at glenfield and head to central, you take around 55 mins including time taken to change at glenfield. Straight trip via Liverpool takes 1 hr 10 mins. That's 15 mins difference.

If there were direct trips to Central via the airport line without needing to change at Glenfield, we could be at Central in 50 mins. And sometimes trains get delayed coming into Glenfield so direct trips are always preferred.
[quote="Calvin McCoy"]^^ new trains from Leppington to Parramatta and Blacktown

That's great but people travelling to city will still have to change at Glenfield. I hope there is a direct train from Leppington to city someday.

Not so.

I traveled to the city from Leppington and back each day. The train goes via Glenfield and Liverpool. It does take longer but by the time you factor in the time waiting at Glenfield it's only a few minutes difference.

As per transport's trip planner, if you change at glenfield and head to central, you take around 55 mins including time taken to change at glenfield. Straight trip via Liverpool takes 1 hr 10 mins. That's 15 mins difference.

If there were direct trips to Central via the airport line without needing to change at Glenfield, we could be at Central in 50 mins. And sometimes trains get delayed coming into Glenfield so direct trips are always preferred.[/quote]

Well, I have travelled both routes and concluded that the trains rarely run to the planned timetable. Miss a connection and the difference is negligible.

Add to that it is much harder to get a decent seat at a Glenfield compared to Leppington. To each his own.

In any case, as you can see, the OP stet get that there are no direct services from Leppington to the city was in fact erroneous.

Hi my fellow Willowdale peeps.... I have PCI in the next couple of weeks and im wanting to hire a inspector to join me... Up until now everything has been good but i feel like they are trying to rush me into a handover even though its obvious the house is 100% up to spec. Can someone share some details of a good inspector that does this area?
Hi Guys, we r close to preliminary walk thru stage..want to know contacts for any good landscape guys ..has any of you shared the front block walls ( i mean the front retaining wall between footpath and front yard) with your neighbours?

Hi Willowdale friends,

Can anyone recommend a good and cheap antenna installer around the area?


Hi Willowdale friends,

Can anyone recommend a good and cheap antenna installer around the area?



Have just PM'd you...

Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.

L4 a home
Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.


Hi Shannon

Yes this is true, the latest release was sold in a few hours and we witnessed people sleeping out the front waiting for release. As far as your question regarding financial return no one can promise anything but going off the last 10 years i cant see how you would lose. The reality of it all these days are that smaller blocks like these are now pretty much the norm and anything over 500sqm in one of these estates is rare as hens teeth. We have a small 317sqm block and are building a double story 29.5sq home on it. To give you an idea once all is said and done we are looking at a total of 800k. Im not doing it to make a dollar but to raise our family in a safe and happy environment. We have downsized from a 600sq+ home 39sq meter home and i thought we were mad 4.5 years ago to invest 570k into this house at Gregory Hills.... 4.5 years later we sold up and made a decent profit, i dont think i could have bought that block of land for the price i paid for everything today. I cant speak for you but id rather spend 600k on a smaller house and land then put it into an apartment in the Liverpool - Bankstown area
L4 a home
Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.


Hi Shannon

Yes this is true, the latest release was sold in a few hours and we witnessed people sleeping out the front waiting for release. As far as your question regarding financial return no one can promise anything but going off the last 10 years i cant see how you would lose. The reality of it all these days are that smaller blocks like these are now pretty much the norm and anything over 500sqm in one of these estates is rare as hens teeth. We have a small 317sqm block and are building a double story 29.5sq home on it. To give you an idea once all is said and done we are looking at a total of 800k. Im not doing it to make a dollar but to raise our family in a safe and happy environment. We have downsized from a 600sq+ home 39sq meter home and i thought we were mad 4.5 years ago to invest 570k into this house at Gregory Hills.... 4.5 years later we sold up and made a decent profit, i dont think i could have bought that block of land for the price i paid for everything today. I cant speak for you but id rather spend 600k on a smaller house and land then put it into an apartment in the Liverpool - Bankstown area

Hi CD12JD,

Thank you for your response.

I'll make sure we get some comfy camping chairs and sleeping blankets to make camp at the doors. Do they start to line up at like 8PM the night before or do they start to jump into line in the early hours of the morning i.e. 4AM?

That's very interesting and sounds true, 280m just sounds so small for that price, but I guess your right... As long as we have land (no matter the size) we are secure and can put a small house on it. After all, we can always upgrade after a couple years and stay in the same community (which we are hoping as Willowdale seems like the place to be).

Hopefully we'll be Willowdale neighbours one day
L4 a home
L4 a home
Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.


Hi Shannon

Yes this is true, the latest release was sold in a few hours and we witnessed people sleeping out the front waiting for release. As far as your question regarding financial return no one can promise anything but going off the last 10 years i cant see how you would lose. The reality of it all these days are that smaller blocks like these are now pretty much the norm and anything over 500sqm in one of these estates is rare as hens teeth. We have a small 317sqm block and are building a double story 29.5sq home on it. To give you an idea once all is said and done we are looking at a total of 800k. Im not doing it to make a dollar but to raise our family in a safe and happy environment. We have downsized from a 600sq+ home 39sq meter home and i thought we were mad 4.5 years ago to invest 570k into this house at Gregory Hills.... 4.5 years later we sold up and made a decent profit, i dont think i could have bought that block of land for the price i paid for everything today. I cant speak for you but id rather spend 600k on a smaller house and land then put it into an apartment in the Liverpool - Bankstown area

Hi CD12JD,

Thank you for your response.

I'll make sure we get some comfy camping chairs and sleeping blankets to make camp at the doors. Do they start to line up at like 8PM the night before or do they start to jump into line in the early hours of the morning i.e. 4AM?

That's very interesting and sounds true, 280m just sounds so small for that price, but I guess your right... As long as we have land (no matter the size) we are secure and can put a small house on it. After all, we can always upgrade after a couple years and stay in the same community (which we are hoping as Willowdale seems like the place to be).

Hopefully we'll be Willowdale neighbours one day

Yes we seen them early the night before release... it was probably around 6pm

Regarding the 280sqm you would be surprised how big a home you can squeeze on one.... I know of some building on 250s and its more then enough.... With these smaller lots alot of them are 'zero lot' which allows for maximium footprint on the parcel of land.

Wish you all the best and yes Willowdale is the place to be
L4 a home
Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.


Hi Shannon, hope this finds you well.
It seems you are new to this process of finding, building, & maximising return on investment. This forum is a great place to start with regards to your questions. If you can, search within this thread using key words, as there has been a lot of prior discussion with regards to your queries outlined here.
I'd like to offer an alternate suggestion to your dilemma of camping requirement to secure a block...have you considered choosing a builder that provides a house type you're looking for within a house & land package in Willowdale, giving them your block budget & any other criteria (eg: slope, location), & telling them that if they have the goods to call you & make it happen..? That's what I do to prevent having to put my old decrepit self through the cold dead of night

Usually the builders are more than keen to support you, in my previous experience.
Anyway, it may be a worthwhile option after a bit of research & due diligence. Happy to help if I can.

Sent from my iThing via Tapatalk
L4 a home
Hi all,

My partner and I have received a pre-approval from our lender of $350K with our $35K deposit.

So the next land release that comes out we'll likely be purchasing a block of land for this much. I spoke with the sales people and it's likely that for $350K, we'll be looking at around 280m2 block of land - which is not what I expected, I was expecting at least 300m2 for $350k.

I heard that people sleep at the doors of the sales office overnight to get the cheapest block of land being released the next day. Is this true and something that my partner and I will have to do?

Also for a 280m2 block of land, is this possible to build on and will still have good return? I.e. if we spend $350K on land, $250K on construction, total of $600K, when it comes to selling the property after a few years, can we expect to receive over $600K - will this still be the case with a smaller block of land?

FYI - we are first home buyers.


Hi Shannon,

There is a listing of double storey house at Willowdale on which is built on 280 sq m. I would suggest you to go and have a look at it to get the feel of size and what you can have on this size of block.
Hi everyone. Has anyone/is anyone building with McDonald Jones Homes, or with a builder that doesn't include flooring and has a "skirting board policy"? In summary, if you choose to do your own flooring then they don't install the skirting boards (or paint them), but you might not get your Occupancy Cert. if you don't have that; they you don't get final payment. how have people managed their way around this? E.g. Have you had them install the skirting, then had them taken off when putting down the flooring? Anyone know how Campbelltown Council deals with OC without skirting on? TIA

Dream SS
Hi Friends, We are building with McDonald Jones, We have decided to do the tiling after handover. Anyone here did tiling after handover if so what did you do with the Skirting. Also can you suggest me where to get good tiles and a tiler contact details.


Did you have any issues obtaining OC without the skirting on?

Hi everyone. Has anyone/is anyone building with McDonald Jones Homes, or with a builder that doesn't include flooring and has a "skirting board policy"? In summary, if you choose to do your own flooring then they don't install the skirting boards (or paint them), but you might not get your Occupancy Cert. if you don't have that; they you don't get final payment. how have people managed their way around this? E.g. Have you had them install the skirting, then had them taken off when putting down the flooring? Anyone know how Campbelltown Council deals with OC without skirting on? TIA

Interim Occupancy Certificate will be issued, then you will have a given amount of time till the reinspection for the final OC, this is how it works...otherwise so many houses would not get OC's, if you think about the known & unknown issues that crop up that don't prevent living in the home, however that do prevent providing an OC according to the rules

Enjoy the weekend!

Sent from my iThing via Tapatalk
Hi everyone. Has anyone/is anyone building with McDonald Jones Homes, or with a builder that doesn't include flooring and has a "skirting board policy"? In summary, if you choose to do your own flooring then they don't install the skirting boards (or paint them), but you might not get your Occupancy Cert. if you don't have that; they you don't get final payment. how have people managed their way around this? E.g. Have you had them install the skirting, then had them taken off when putting down the flooring? Anyone know how Campbelltown Council deals with OC without skirting on? TIA

Interim Occupancy Certificate will be issued, then you will have a given amount of time till the reinspection for the final OC, this is how it works...otherwise so many houses would not get OC's, if you think about the known & unknown issues that crop up that don't prevent living in the home, however that do prevent providing an OC according to the rules

Enjoy the weekend!

Sent from my iThing via Tapatalk

Thanks pixiGT, appreciate your response. Wasn't aware of the interim OC. We were worried about what to do with the flooring and skirting. I thought it was Suss when no one has made any mention any difficulties around this in forums and other pages, so thought I'd ask. Thank you

Hi everyone. Has anyone/is anyone building with McDonald Jones Homes, or with a builder that doesn't include flooring and has a "skirting board policy"? In summary, if you choose to do your own flooring then they don't install the skirting boards (or paint them), but you might not get your Occupancy Cert. if you don't have that; they you don't get final payment. how have people managed their way around this? E.g. Have you had them install the skirting, then had them taken off when putting down the flooring? Anyone know how Campbelltown Council deals with OC without skirting on? TIA

Interim Occupancy Certificate will be issued, then you will have a given amount of time till the reinspection for the final OC, this is how it works...otherwise so many houses would not get OC's, if you think about the known & unknown issues that crop up that don't prevent living in the home, however that do prevent providing an OC according to the rules

Enjoy the weekend!

Sent from my iThing via Tapatalk

Thanks pixiGT, appreciate your response. Wasn't aware of the interim OC. We were worried about what to do with the flooring and skirting. I thought it was Suss when no one has made any mention any difficulties around this in forums and other pages, so thought I'd ask. Thank you

Just remember that Council will not supply your garbage and recycling bins until you can prove de the final occupancy certificate.

[quote="ChristineA"]Hi everyone. Has anyone/is anyone building with McDonald Jones Homes, or with a builder that doesn't include flooring and has a "skirting board policy"? In summary, if you choose to do your own flooring then they don't install the skirting boards (or paint them), but you might not get your Occupancy Cert. if you don't have that; they you don't get final payment. how have people managed their way around this? E.g. Have you had them install the skirting, then had them taken off when putting down the flooring? Anyone know how Campbelltown Council deals with OC without skirting on? TIA

Interim Occupancy Certificate will be issued, then you will have a given amount of time till the reinspection for the final OC, this is how it works...otherwise so many houses would not get OC's, if you think about the known & unknown issues that crop up that don't prevent living in the home, however that do prevent providing an OC according to the rules

Enjoy the weekend!

Sent from my iThing via Tapatalk

Thanks pixiGT, appreciate your response. Wasn't aware of the interim OC. We were worried about what to do with the flooring and skirting. I thought it was Suss when no one has made any mention any difficulties around this in forums and other pages, so thought I'd ask. Thank you

Just remember that Council will not supply your garbage and recycling bins until you can prove de the final occupancy certificate.


Thanks Marko - good to know.

Does anyone know what the Willowdale requirements are for a drop edge beam, particularly for zero lots? My brother just made mention of it, though he's building with Lendlease up in Jordan springs. It's a requirement for them, so wondered about our estate:

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Building A New House

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