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Our First Dream Home G&P Builders

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Wow it all looks great SN! Agree, butlers looks fantastic.

Tiling in the bathrooms looks lovely, with those nice glossy tiles. Great choices!
Thank you everyone. I’m loving it all so much. Have to decide the kitchen herringbone grout colour by the end of the day. Misty grey or white. I think if we go with the grey we would need to change our pendants. I’m leaning towards leaving it white but MrSparrow is hardcore loving the dark grey grout. He wants the herringbone to punch you in the face as you walk in the door
🤛🏻🤣. Punch in the face isn’t really my style lol.
Thank you everyone. I’m loving it all so much. Have to decide the kitchen herringbone grout colour by the end of the day. Misty grey or white. I think if we go with the grey we would need to change our pendants. I’m leaning towards leaving it white but MrSparrow is hardcore loving the dark grey grout. He wants the herringbone to punch you in the face as you walk in the door
🤛🏻🤣. Punch in the face isn’t really my style lol.

I was wondering if you had a made a choice on that yet haha

meet in the middle (although its leaning more to your side haha) with Misty Grey
A huge pat on the back for your tiler he has done a beautiful job, he has even lined up all the veins in the marble tiles
Love Love Love

I’m sure you will pick well with the grout to your splash back

I can’t believe how lovely your facade colours are, I remember you worrying about the front windows in your plans and now look at it

As usual CC I have procrastinated the crap out of the grout decision lol. I eventually decided misty grey at the eleventh hour
. I think it is the best compromise it won’t quite punch people in the face but you will be able to see the beautiful herringbone from anywhere.

Our tiler has been amazing Tribe. I’m not sure if I mentioned it but we had a stuff up with our shower grates and I had to get a new one overnight freighted from Reece and he was such a nice guy about it explaining how and why the options would or wouldn’t work and he has really taken his time and done an amazing job on all of the tiles. He was such a good sport about the herringbone grout as well. Such a nice guy. Here are some updated pictures of the bathroom niches.

Another picture of my amazing splashback in the morning sun lol. I can’t wait to see it grouted tomorrow 🤞🏻

The neighbours were out this morning

I am loving my facade colours Tribe but I can’t wait to see the window trims finished, I am still worried they’re a bit unevenly spaced but I think I’m overthinking it as usual. I think the painter is back tomorrow. I don’t know what I’m going to do with all my free thinking time when the house is built 🤣. Thanks for all of your advice and support throughout guys.
I'm soooo excited to see the kitchen grouted. I hope your husband loves non black grout too, i'm sure he will

your whole house is just so beautiful, I want to move in haha
procrastinated the crap out of the grout, least your choice is sorted and it will look good, I like the definition of a good lay pattern with darker grout.

What a top tiler, to take so much time and pride in his work is fantastic, I love your tiling and your niches look awesome. I’m so pleased you didn’t do a feature in the niches, I know it’s a personal choice thing and I get the attraction I just wouldn’t have it myself.

Can’t wait to see your tiling grouted up

The windows look great, they will look so sharp when painted.

Owh look at your cows, I see them every morning when I go for a walk, one was out of the paddock yesterday and I don’t know who it scared more the dogs or me, it started walking towards me and I didn’t realize it was on my side of the fence
needless to say we bolted.

Your on to thinking about driveways??

Hahahhaha yes it seems like their will be nothing left to think about when the house is finished, ohw there is and bag loads you won’t be bored that’s for sure. I haven’t even started on our landscaping apart from dig hole, shove pool in it, slap a fence up no more than $2,500 and done

CC I’m sure you will love your house so much more than mine because it will be all you

The moment we’ve all been waiting for lol. The misty grey grout.

I was there when the tiler was half way through the side of the kitchen so just a teaser shot of the kitchen but the butlers was complete. The tiler said it will dry slightly lighter.

The bathrooms are grouted but not siliconed yet.

Tribe, I did actually want the marble herringbone in the niches and when it was first tiled I kind of regretted not doing it but I do love the look of it with the white grout and I think I will like it once all the tapwear is in.
The laundry and powder kind of look the same but here they are grouted anyway

I met the wardrobe/shower screen guy on site because we missed choosing our frame colour at selections and apparently the white of their frame and the door option we chose are different whites and I wanted to see them in person. Luckily because the way they had quoted the glass for the ensuite shower screen had a piece of aluminium in the middle where the seat was. The red line is the random piece of black frame.
I don’t think I would have been happy at all to see that installed. MrSparrow reckons I wouldn’t have even noticed

MrSparrow and I laughed about your morning cow run in Tribe. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before that happens to us. My grandfather was a cattle farmer so I have a little ‘cow experience’ lol.

I’ve been tossing up some driveway ideas. We were looking at concreting it ourselves just getting the concrete truck in but the supply cost is at least double that of the supply and install cost of an asphalt driveway. I like the idea of the asphalt because it has that rural look about it and I think it will match the dark facade nicely. But I’ve only done limited research on the asphalt yet.

I already have my post hand over list going lol. Is the $2,500 for the pool or just the fence Tribe?
Your tiles look great.
MISTY GREY LOOKS GREAT!! omg, it works so beautifully with all the white, I personally think you guys made a great decisions, how much do you guys love it? Does hubby like the lighter effect rather than the black grout?

you will have to post a fully dried shot for me, because now I'm undecided again hahaha, I actually saw your post straight away when you posted it - after two hours searching for photos and then thinking 'i'll stick with my choice i think' ... till i saw your post again, and then i said i need to stop thinking about it for a few days. I'll have to pick beaumont tiles staff's brains again. Just need to work out if the dark grey would take away from the marbling effect of the tiles, or if misty grey would be too light/weird for the medium grey Oyster stone tops

I'm sure either will look fine, but we only get one choice don't we haha

your bathrooms look really stunning too, those tiles are gorgeous. That look is hard to get in terms of looks, and so you must have picked the perfect tile because it really looks beautiful.
Those bathroom tiles look awesome!
Thanks guys. After the tiler finished they came and taped everything up for the painter to start today so I’m not sure when I’ll get another pic but you can be sure as soon as I do I’ll put it up

Got an email today with the dates for the final trades to be booked in and a date for the pci was through

21st June!!!

Hubby took some pictures of the internal paint work. He called it - A white world, you need glasses it's like sterile government alien crash site type ****. The official name is Lexicon 1/4 🤣

On the tv wall I’m going to do a feature wall. A deep blue or green.
Looks lovely. Teal is my favourite colour. I want to do pops of it and cushions for the lounge
It goes with so much and is gender neutral. Your progress has been great to watch

WOW! the front of your house looks so damn amazing, your colour choices have really come together, i'm impressed. It's a great looking house

We have gone 1/4 lexicon for our trims, so i'm glad its a blinding white haha. Your place is going to be so light and inviting because of it.

Your feature wall is also going to be stunning. I am such a lover of teal, but those two blue walls are really doing it for me, so lovely! Love it paired with the grey
CC I’m sure you will love your house so much more than mine because it will be all you

The moment we’ve all been waiting for lol. The misty grey grout.

I was there when the tiler was half way through the side of the kitchen so just a teaser shot of the kitchen but the butlers was complete. The tiler said it will dry slightly lighter.

The bathrooms are grouted but not siliconed yet.

Tribe, I did actually want the marble herringbone in the niches and when it was first tiled I kind of regretted not doing it but I do love the look of it with the white grout and I think I will like it once all the tapwear is in.
The laundry and powder kind of look the same but here they are grouted anyway

I met the wardrobe/shower screen guy on site because we missed choosing our frame colour at selections and apparently the white of their frame and the door option we chose are different whites and I wanted to see them in person. Luckily because the way they had quoted the glass for the ensuite shower screen had a piece of aluminium in the middle where the seat was. The red line is the random piece of black frame.
I don’t think I would have been happy at all to see that installed. MrSparrow reckons I wouldn’t have even noticed

MrSparrow and I laughed about your morning cow run in Tribe. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before that happens to us. My grandfather was a cattle farmer so I have a little ‘cow experience’ lol.

I’ve been tossing up some driveway ideas. We were looking at concreting it ourselves just getting the concrete truck in but the supply cost is at least double that of the supply and install cost of an asphalt driveway. I like the idea of the asphalt because it has that rural look about it and I think it will match the dark facade nicely. But I’ve only done limited research on the asphalt yet.

I already have my post hand over list going lol. Is the $2,500 for the pool or just the fence Tribe?
Stunning tile selections. Your home looks beautiful.

Thanks guys. CC I stressed over those external colours for ages. As I do for everything lol. I had the boards I painted standing up around my house for months. I’m so happy with how it’s turned out.

The painter finished up and the electrician was there bright and early the next day and the plumber started around mid morning. It’s starting to feel like a real house. I’m so excited now to see the flooring go in and really bring it all together.

My oldests ikea pendant. He built it himself.

The girls pendants.

you really have nailed it with your colour selections, and I know you put so much thinking into it, and it's paid off. I can't wait to see the main flooring go down

LOOOOVE the misty grey grout! it really looks nice
Wow SN. Totally agree, beautiful choices and can’t wait to see your flooring!!

Thanks guys
. Still no flooring it’s scheduled for 15-20th so it won’t be long now.

I didn’t put up pictures of the front door last time. I’m in love with it. I think I will do a deck entry like allot of the metricon displays I’ve been to, at some point.

Our ensuite showers went in and I feel like they kind of ruined my bathroom 🤣. It was so nice and open lol.

The cleaner came and did the first clean and everything looks so good I reckon we could just move in. My daughter has finally stopped asking if we are moving in now after each thing is installed. She thought we were moving in when the frames went up. It’s been a long road for the kids.

The shower screens and mirrors went in. I’m a bit disappointed about our ensuite shower screen. Because the door opens away from the bath (which I made sure was on the plan) which the screen people seemed unaware of when I met them on site, the glass on the seat side has to be further in to have the door finish evenly against it. This means that part of the aluminium is against the edge of the niche. It looks better in photos than it sounded when the screen guy called me but still a bit disappointing. He did call and say there was two options; covering the edge of the niche or they will go away and remake it to have the door opening towards the bath. But I can just see one of my kids flinging it open into my beautiful bath and breaking something.

I am so happy with my choice for the wardrobe doors for the kids rooms. The white matches the windows and just blends in which will hopefully let the kids colour and decor choices shine through.
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