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caz_770 in Baldivis - Front Landscaping

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Hi Vans! Yeah, I was very lucky with those storms! I thought my mum was checking my house once a week, but turned out she went once, right at the beginning of my last swing, then didn't bother going again! I was so worried when I heard that as I knew Perth had had those terrible storms and thought I'd go home to half a house or something!! It turns out the house was good as new, phew!! I also found out that I have my friend who visits and checks up on my place and the mailbox, just to make sure it's all ok... And I never even asked her too! It's so awesome having thoughtful friends like that

I went out and bought my first (and only) air con unit the other day! It's a split system for my bedroom, so I can sleep!! I could only organise the installer for the 28th though, so will just have to suffer in the heat until then!

The process of buying the air con was a bit painful. The research on the Internet was fine (and fun!), but getting one from a retail store was frustrating. I hate to say it but, sales guys are a***holes!!! After the initial, polite, "Can I help you?" They seem to get impatient and unhelpful and unwilling to.... Well..... Sell you anything!! Is it because I'm female? Do they think I'm just wasting their time? Do they think I'm just going to end with, "Well, I just have to discuss it with my husband/partner first." Because they only ever seem to allow me one question, then that's it. If I ask more than one, I lose them.

So, anyway, after trying HN in Port Kennedy, Good Guys in O'Connor I ended up buying from HN in O'Connor. I knew as soon as I walked into that store I was going to buy from the guy. He was obviously there to sell people air conditioners and didn't muck around with attitude and false "deals". He just wanted to make the sale and was enthusiastic about customer service. It's interesting that the Franchisor of the one in PK gave me attitude and completely lost me over a $100 difference in price and a difference in attitude!!! And they were the same company! I didn't even go to a competitor (although, I guess they kinda are competitors as they are franchises....)

Anyway.... I hope to have an awesome, cool, quiet air con for the long hot humid summer ahead!
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