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Anyone building at George's Fair, Moorebank?

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Thanks Paul, re insurance, that's one question I had not got around to but was concerned as when I enquired after purchasing the land I didnt have a street name so they could give me a quote.
Booked the venetians today to go in before settlement & booked the landscaper to start after handover. Now to cross my fingers it all falls into place and doesn't implode lol. It's all happening
Took these two pics on my way home last night from the pub

Actually there 4 shots in each pic but they will be going in my Coffee table book for my build and I thought I would share with my GF buddies

The Fair, where the new Burrow will be dug by Mecha-Wombat, on Flickr

George's Fair Sales centre by Mecha-Wombat, on Flickr
Can I be the first to say.....Love the first shot. Thats MAD! Composition is great, the lighting is excellent and the tree is the icing on the cake. Well done!
Hay MW, nice GF pic. can I use it on my blog lol
Of course you can guys just download it from my flickr in what size you want that goes for any of my GF buddies
Ta MW, changed it, it now has a Mecha Wombat theme, need to fix it a bit though, do it later
Great photos MW!!!!

How did your move go? I don't envy you especially in all the rain. I don't know about anyone else but one more move and thats it for a very long time (I hope) just worked out after the next move we will have moved 10 times in 10 years OMG that is crazy

I hope all this rain isn't delaying anyones build too much.

We are "patiently" waiting for approval should be soooooon we hope.
Still moving ATM and doing the rest tomorrow I am soaked through
I may be offline till tuesday but small term pain IMO

We are moving ahead with the build stuff still just a few things from EBH to sign and confirm and then hopefully some movement on the block.

you should have seen the looks when I was taking these pics as it was close to midnight last night and I had so many people stop and stare like I was doing something wrong HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh you poor thing. I feel for you.

On another note, I've just been looking at the Das on the council website and seen there are 2 Clarendon display homes approved on Maddecks Ave across from the park but I can't figure out exactly what blocks they are. Number 66 & 68. I wonder if there will be any others?
That guy with the truck would be worried, probably thought you were sending it to the RTA for parking in the carpark lol
May I ask "WHAT" you were doing at GF at midnight, if its not a silly question

That's why we moved down the road to Hammondville, 5 mins and I'm at the new house
, drop in every night on the way home from work.
I was out with mates at the Ettamougah pub (really crappy pub in Kellyville but it has cider on tap)

I had to pass through the area to get home and I have wanted to get those shots for months now (I usually forget my camera or tripod or both when I come through) but with the rain it just added this beautiful look and I wasnt going to miss the opp.

Plus any excuse to go and see if anyone has a pegout in 3A is a good excuse HAHAHAHAHAHA

Also just made a new pic while taking a break from the moving frivolity

George's Fair G by Mecha-Wombat, on Flickr
The displays maybe where the old carpark was ??
hi everyone, got sent an email from jacki today to say there is a new parklands release lots now selling. been to the website, and cant seem to find it, as the only current brushwood lots come up. has anyone any idea where these lots may be?. well my house will be on the market soon, after all this rain.and then i will be one step closer to fulfilling my hubbys dream and mine, finally purchasing our lot at gf..cant arrive quick enough i reckon, just hope my house sells quickly. wish me luck and will keep you all posted.
hi everyone, got sent an email from jacki today to say there is a new parklands release lots now selling. been to the website, and cant seem to find it, as the only current brushwood lots come up. has anyone any idea where these lots may be?. well my house will be on the market soon, after all this rain.and then i will be one step closer to fulfilling my hubbys dream and mine, finally purchasing our lot at gf..cant arrive quick enough i reckon, just hope my house sells quickly. wish me luck and will keep you all posted.
An update on our journey:

Paint started Tuesday. Should be complete by next Tuesday. Thats one week for 3 coats thru a double storey. Happy days!

Caesarstone for kitchen went in today.

Starting next week:
week 20: Plumbing, electrical, alarm, A/C and carpentry fit off after paint.
week 21: Insulation, shower screens, mirrors, final clean and walk thru the next week.
week 22: Fix defects plus Bamboo floor the following week.
week 23: Final walk thru then carpet the day before handover
Wooooohoooo infocus, does that mean 5 weeks till you move in ?
I'll be waving at ya from the front yard, as long as they don't build yet in that gap lol.
Wait till ya see the painting !!!!
Hay MW love the new pic even better, nice job
Should be around 4-6 weeks til handover I would imagine but dont want to get my hopes up.
Infocus, 5 or so painters were leaving your place when we drove past about 5pm today
Yeah its good isn't it when you see them hard at it on a Saturday. Fingers crossed they're back tomorrow..

Our garage door went on today also but I haven't seen it down yet.
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