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Sharon's Build HGWA countdown to splashback

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Ok not sure if this will work but try this link to see pics
Ok not sure if this will work but try this link to see pics

Looks good

Where abouts on The Vines, we are building our version of the Bordeaux on Lexia
Our roof went on this week
Ok not sure if this will work but try this link to see pics

It's so refreshing to hear a good story

I was getting worried, now thinking.... Well I would rather be happy in a slow built house, than unhappy with a home we could move into in 22 weeks

Goodluck to everyone building with HGWA, I'm sure the build will be great!!
hi sjb2312
it worked and I got to see the photos of your bricks too!

I must say I am jealous of the bricks, they were the one I fell in love with and then got told at prestart that they are no longer build with that brick
Glad it worked.
There are a few Homegroup houses being built near ours with this brick so it must be recently that they discontinued it.
Most of our changes are at the front of the house, we widened the entrance so we could have a 1200 door and put 2 mini windows in (stole from the display house the grand I think)
We moved the en suite loo under the eaves to allow a bank of drawers between the cupboards and extend the bench top. I won't go into the shower changes, about 3 revisions to get the shower right!! We enclosed the study and added cupboard and then flipped the pantry added a little store room.
Just drove past and theres a heap of wood for the roof
Congratulations on your slab date. I can't wait to see pics as the build starts.

I love your me corner too, every girl needs her girl space.. If a man can have his cave ...!?!
My idea on a mud room in the garage
This is the place where the kids will put their bags, shoes, hats and coats.
I am over my kids having their shoes and bag throughout the house. It's not just seeing the shoes, it the sand that comes out of them.

These are from ikea (look under children storage)
I am wanting two side by side and hooks in the space between them.
There should be room for the adult shoes too.
I like that idea. I might steal it.

here are some other mud rooms in the garage.

this is the one I love it's custom made (of cause)

this one is more do able and looks like it ikea stuff too

Good idea . If only my carport wasn't going to be my storage for my partners tools for a while . We are going from a 7x7 shed to nothing for a while .
so cars may be parked outside trying to look for a cheep way to store them in the carport that makes it not look like a place of junk .
Any sign of some action on your block yet cupcakes?
No movement on the block ATM

I got a email on Friday saying that the earth works are due to start on the 10th and the pad 5 say after.

I still drive by twice a day
Haha you sound like me!!! The trades of other houses must know my car by now!!
How do you stay excited about the build? I lose all enthusiasm as it takes so long between things happening
im loving your mud room idea and i must say the custom one is my fav too, i stuck a store room in my hall way for all the kids bags and shoes i dont get a say about the garage according to my husband.

you sound like me, always driving past. im still excited about the whole thing too and often wonder if the trades wouldnt mind me hanging around if i bring them morning tea

Yes I am excited!!!!!!!!

Ooh why?? Portaloo?

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Thank you so much everyone. This all makes a lot of sense. I guess when you talk to a builder who butters up everything to look very polished, you get to start believing…

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