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Anyone else building in Glenmore Ridge?

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We were out there today hoping to see the bricks started since it was a nice day as it isn't that muddy except for the back of the house, but alas bricklayers must have been enjoying the sun.
Richard - thanks, we noticed a few piles of bricks knocked over and a lot of chopped bricks! Also noticed that the electrical box has had some work done and now has some bits and pieces in it.

We were out after lunch, we will run into you sooner or later

Weather for next week looks like rain and more rain so looks like another week of no work
We got part of a roof tiled, I would have thought that with a full week of rain the tilers would have been there all day.. but not... oh well...
Hi All,
we spoke to the builder today and have a loose handover date of the 24th!!!
just have to wait for afew nice days for the drive way,

Richard D
Wow Richard - congrats - not long and you will be enjoying the fun of moving in!!

I drove by this morning and the estate is coming along well. Everyone is doing a really nice selections for their homes.

The last of the blocks across the road from us was cut yesterday but the block on the corner beside me still nothing. I wonder if they now have to pay stamp duty?

I am really getting excited now even though we still have a long way to go its exciting to see it all coming together and getting a feel for the rooms. Having picked off a plan, you really don't get a true feel of the house until you walk into it.

Anyone thinking of a pool? if yes, have you looked at any pool builders? We have had a few quotes. I am still in two minds of the reasoning behind the cost, is it worth it with kids, will it get used, does it add value to the home.. or are we crazy in adding that much more onto our mortgage?
Congrats Richard. Not long now. You will see us stopping by at or house once you are in.

I was called today and the bricklayers have finally arrived to start. Thank goodness the weather is ok, just hope it stays like this. Fascia, gutters and roof is booked in for next week weather permitting

We are thinking of a pool but not straight away. Pools definitely get used. Adding value to the house maybe depends on how well it is done and landscaped. I don't think they add that much to the house when you go to sell but can be a deal breaker if one house has one and the other doesn't. I can't wait to get ours but will be a year or 2 away after we move in.

We would like to wait a few more years as well just to save the money rather than adding it to our homeloan, but once the block behind us starts then we won't be able to get excavators in.

Our kids are at the right age for a pool, both can now swim without any floaties so it means that they can swim more and jump in etc and get more use. They like diving down to get things off the bottom of the pool... me I am happy just to sit in the water and watch them.

The crunch is basically an extra $50 per week on top of current repayments if we added the pool cost to the loan... hmmmmm decisions.

CamKat - I will have to check out your bricks. I know ess and tims bricks were done in a week, roof on in a day and now it looks like they are preparing for the internals.. its taken us 8 weeks for brickwork and top roof to be done.... curse xmas shutdown and rain...

How are everyone who has kids, how are they finding the building process. My kids are totally into it and my 8 year old asks lots of detailed questions. Its funny to hear him speak to others and use building terms....
if anyone does do a pool, can i get your dirt? i need heeps of fill!!
we are going with a large spa, costs $9K instead of $30+k,
we dont have any kids....yet.
Richard, I have just PM'd you
Good to have clear skies today. Bricks are slowly creating our walls
Hopefully more clear skies this week and we should be all bricked!
Clear blue sky and no tradies on my site yesterday or so far today....... grrrrrr
i am heading out tonight, anyone want pics/updates?
Richard D
i have power points and lights!!
tiles are almost finished.
some internal tapes are in now aswell,
we have also started to meet people down there now,
Hey Richard, we were there last night around 7p didn't see you though. Sounds like you will be in soon. Our bricks should be finished today and tomorrow gutters and fascia are booked in to go on. Next week the roof which only takes a day
i have a weird issue....
my house has finished to fast.
i did a budget for the house to be finished in 2 months, but we might get the keys in 7 days.
the credit cards are going to get a work out now.
Did anyone else grab a sneak peak of stages 14, 15 & 16 yesterday?
I am sitting here in a state of fury. We went to check out the house today to find the builder next door erecting timber fencing. We are in a bushfire zone and it states that we must install colour bond fencing. Further to this they are installing the crappiest materials with untreated steel posts. We have not been contacted or consulted at all about the fence.

We called the builder and they don't give a damm. We are spending 10K in bushfire items that we have to do as stipulated by council and then if a crappy timber fence goes up it basically errodes any bushfire protection.

Stockland have no legal leg to help us, even though they are the developers. I have 5 neighbours, and I sure in the heck do not want 5 types of different fences, let alone crappy looking fences

What would you do in this situation.. just ignore it and hope that you dont get asked for the money or would you fight it?
Hi Cass,
we will have 2 types of fence i think, one side wants timber ( the short side )
and we want colourbond, and we are a corner block so the street side will be colourbond,
i have tried to contact my back neighbours but it is still owned by a division of stockland so no luck, so i will just have to put up a colourbond.

we have the driveway going in now and that is one of the last things!!
Cass, that's no good. When we found out you could do colorbond I was happy as I would prefer that over timber. Looking at the neighbor behind us I think they are doing timber, although I hope it was before the new rule came in. Maybe I should contact them and see as it will be our back fence and we will see it the most so don't want timber. We have no neighbors on one side which saves that hassle and the other side there is no movement so will be colourbond going up there.
Surely if it's in a brushfire zone they can't put timber up???
i am waiting for my driveway to be finished... and now we have 28 days of rain!
Ah yes the rain is back... I wonder if it will take another 4 weeks to get the rest of my roof on!

The ugly fence is up. Council will not help, Stockland do not have any legal authority to do anything about it. Basically, we have the take it to the department of land and fight it.

I have had to spend so much money on bushfire protection, which even that is a pick and choose and lots closer to the bush then what I am have not had to do anything....

I rang masterton homes today to find out what they are putting up and they are doing colourbond, so at least our 32m fence side will be colour bond.

Just so everyone knows. If you want to put up a fence you have to issue a fencing notice to your neighbours and get 3 quotes. I still have no idea who any of my neighbours are and we still have a vacant block at the back and one to the side of us...

I just hope our SS can get our scaffolding down this week so the site can be cleaned up and we can move onto the lower roof so we can lock the house up....

Richard - I do hope that the rain holds off, but at least it gives you another week or so that you needed.

CamKat - your house is coming along now - looking great.

Ess and Tims house is flying along!!!

We have been "homeless" now for 9 months.. its getting hard now not having any of our belongings with us.. as they are all in storage but fingers crossed that hopefully by May we will be in.
Purpose of site survey: boundaries, slope, trees? what else?

Owner Builder Forum

A survey must’ve completed by a certified surveyor. This form part of every DA requirement

Anyone building with Zac Homes?

Building A New House

Wish you all the best. Once you signed the contract, they will find millions excuses to charge you. And have seen their sites unfinished for a long time.

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As title suggests, looking at using the interlocking Pentablock stacked stone products to replace failing timber retaining…

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