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Our new home

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I'm not sure Bank! I really should get out the contract and read the stage information in that!

We just received our invoice for frame stage today! So I'm guessing thats complete and the building inspector said everything is up to standard.

Gutters and facia went up today! Colours so far so good! When I first saw it on the ground in the shade, I was quite nervous it was going to be too black and white! But seeing it up its not bad at all. I can't wait to see the bricks! I think they will look really good!??

I believe the roof will start tomorrow to some degree- there is those big steel beams at the back left corner, believe them to be for the colour bond to sit on/bolt too? There is the sacking to do? The roof hasn't arrived yet, maybe tomorrow? I guess the windows need to go in and the wrapping of the frame before the bricks.

Rough in is to start next week. Apologies if I am repeating myself in sections I can't remember what I have written previously.
We got our wrapping put on today, you'd think they'd do that last so I can open my present when the house is built.

They also made a start on the roof, all the beams and roof stuff underneath the colorbond got done and the scaffolding around the house. Should be finished tomorrow with the roof, the sheets arrived today you can see in the right corner. It doesnt look like theres enough, but apparently it is!

Does this mean that windows should be arriving soon!? I'm waiting for bricks now!

Its really hard to take photos, the blue bin and rubbish pile is in the way and there is also the light pole.
Roof and wiring installed today, windows delivered! One window is already cracked
! Glad we don't have to replace it, it is the obscured bathroom window. Also hubby sad the door frame (and two side windows) were onsite but I didn't see them.

Thursday next week for the brick laying! Also got our cabler coming next Thursday. Hubby said not much happening tomorrow the roof guys have another job a few towns over so will be back on Friday unless they finished it after we left this arvo. Got the plumbers coming at some stage over the next week and possibly the windows tomorrow or Friday?

Great progress!

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast
Its coming along very nicely! I cannot wait to move out of my parents....

Nothing much happened onsite today, the electrician did finish up his work- I thought he'd finished what he needed to yesterday.

Should see the roof guys back tomorrow to finish a few bits and pieces, hopefully the windows may also be installed?

Fingers crossed :
Hubby spoke with one of the guys today on the phone who suggested bricks could even start sooner then next Thursday!
Been a busy couple of days!

Windows and doors installed yesterday. Notified company of error- the two double glazed windows we had to upgrade for energy rating were installed, only as regular single pane glass. The windows were ordered before the energy rating was back, so they have to order them again which will be a 4-5 week delay. Luckily it wont stop the build. They will just continue as is and leave the finishing touches to those two windows till they receive the new windows. Its great to walk through.

I didn't realise we were getting metal frames for the external doors, i.e. front door and rear access door in garage. So the front door might look a little funny- monument frame with the surfmist painted door.

The plumbers have been inside and done all the pipes and taps etc. The solar panel for the hot water service was also installed. Good news with this- we were getting the solar hws with gas back up as standard, but its been upgraded to solar hot water with evacuated tubes and gas back up. Apparently thats better then the other type, to me its a bonus as this was 100-200 more for them and not us. They will be making this standard for all future builds as they have had issues over the super cold frosty days with a few builds, will more than likely involve an upgrade in price too so definitely a bonus for us.

Bricks got delivered!!! Got there just before I had to pick up the kids from school, so just after 2.30pm and there was the big truck with a load of bricks and another truck with a crane lifting off the brick pellets. Only half the load was there thou, the brick man said he had to drive to the 'city' to pick up the next load today, Over a 4 hour round trip. So I watched a little, got the kids then came back to watch more put onsite. Unfortunately the brick layer is now delayed until next week
, lucky for us though he was squeezing us in and pushing the next jobs back a little, if our builder didn't do that then it would have been a month or so before he could get the bricky onsite.

The builder was working inside today, i'm not sure what was going on as I didn't go in, I did notice he had removed the cross beams from inside the garage (the supports), so it will be easier to walk through now.

Think thats all for yesterday and today.

Windows! That big front window is huge, I was standing in front of it thinking how much Id have to clean it.

Boral Heathwood- So far we are happy with them! Nice and grey, Oldest child thinks they are green. I think those two odd bricks are just upside down- there is the nice grey side then that side- why its like that I don't know, as long as the put the right side out when the brick the house!!

Dining room windows- that right window is meant to be double glazed.

Little bit of plumbing.
Visiting every day and its getting harder to see from the outside whats going on!!

We were onsite today doing a walk through with the cable guy- put in 5 data points, the nbn box, a door bell cable, tv data point, hdmi and speakers as well as a few other things that went over my head.

All our bricks are now here- I notice there are a few that have been pulled out and have been broken already!

The builder was there by himself straightening the walls up and he was quiet busy; the frame for the cavity slider was in place, the bath frame is in, the garage where the walls are up higher (the step up) there are noggins(?) guessing they are for the plaster to nail to and the skirting boards? front doors and others are onsite. There is board above the windows and behind the exhaust fan in the kitchen (not sure what thats for though).

Need to talk to builder regarding back sliding door- doesn't seem to close? possibly bent or frame out of whack, couple of power points in the wrong spot and I don't know if there is anything else we need to discuss. I just want to show hubby one of the windows in the living/family room- I looked at it yesterday and it looked like its been scratched in a swirly patten across the top- I thought it may have been like those stickers but its not (we have the stickers on the side panels of the front door) Will have another look next visit and get hubby to have a look at it as I don't want it etched like that- I'll take a photo it its still there. So far we are very happy with only a few 'minor issues'.

This window is cracked in the bottom left corner, I'm assuming they will just replace the glass when they need too. It feels small in there, though no smaller then the bathroom we had or are sing now, plus it doesn't matter its the boys not mine.

Hopefully it will look ok, like it as its a bit different from most front doors.

Cavity slider into the ensuite, oh I notice the shower also has a bit of wood in it, im guessing for the rail of the shower head.

This is the range hood area of the kitchen??

The back of the NBN box in the garage/theatre wall.
Did some shopping today- got 'those' stools from Kmart in black. We did lay bye some similar ones with a round seat at early settlers while they were 3 for the price of 2 but I really wasn't that keen on them. These ones were 3 for the price of one of the early settler ones- so if I decide I don't like them atleasts its cheap to replace.

Also found a couch I like- it comes as a set including a recliner, a 2-seater and 3-seater (4 of which also recline) its super comfy and fairly cheap, however its fake leather and i've had a bad experience with fake leather before. It also comes in suede or real leather (real leather is $2,600 more thou!). This would go into our theatre room, Im don't know what colours it comes in, they had a black on display which would be fine. Not sure what material I would prefer- I am thinking i'd like to go back in sans kids and ask for the colour/material samples.
I think everyone on H1 has those stools
They are awesome.
I think everyone on H1 has those stools
They are awesome.

Haha I reckon so! Its just a matter of white or black!
to the Kmart stools, we love ours! ... are_type=t
Looking good. I will be watching this one with interest !
Roof looks great ( we will be picking that same colour )
I have my final builders interview this coming friday and my build will be starting hopefully not long after oct long weekend!
Hi Dan,

Yep the colour is great! I was worried it was going to be too black, I can see though compared to my next door neighbours (3 units
) They have black tiles and night sky gutters???

Im now worried that the surf mist will be too white! hahaha can't win. I posted display home photos of my bricks a page or two ago with the light coloured colour bond, we didn't ask the display home what colour it was and I showed my colour consultant the colour and she thought it was surf mist so fingers crossed it looks ok in the end. I think I will sill like it better then the other house in the estate with the same brick as mine- they have gone woodland grey roof (i think) and more of an evening haze for the facia and I think it blends in too much.

How exciting! It will take forever to get to that point or so it seems and then they actually start works! Hopefully your on site soon

Looking good. I will be watching this one with interest !
Roof looks great ( we will be picking that same colour )
I have my final builders interview this coming friday and my build will be starting hopefully not long after oct long weekend!
no bricks still. some one was onsite yesterday morning and has stacked a wall of bricks ready to go but nothing since yesterday morning.. it's frustrating to see nothing happening and it's not even raining.
Things will hopefully move along quickly for you !!
. Bricks have started!!!!!! So glad they started from the front!!! It's looking good so far and I can imagine it's going to look good with the roof and fascia too. The grout will dry lighter too. Happy dance! Will come back later tonight after run and work to see where they get too there is five guys working!!!!
Looking good... with five tradies going for it you'll be bricked up in no time!

- B

A vue of the pines on the Gold Coast

Got our front door hung today! The bath got some work done and our bricks started, finally. Cant see/tell about anything else. The ducts are supposed to be going in soon??? Plaster is next week.

Bricks!! Half the garage wall completed. Not sure why the bricks have a face side and a rear side- this is obviously the rear sie of the bricks. glad they put them round the right way hahaha because this is quite brown. Looks fairly messy right now- will they clean this side or not worry about it because it will be behind plaster? Not sure how they will do the outside either! as its 200mm off the neighbours fence.

Looking out the front, or looking at the roof its got silver strips across it now (may have been up earlier, I think).

Id like to know why they didn't finish this section! Its just the corner they have gone all the way up on the side but here not quite done. Towards the back of the house the concrete is kind of stepped down (thicker/higher concrete at the back than the front) and they have done a row of bricks to make it level. with the front of the house.

This is where they got to at lunchtime.
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