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Westy's Demo/Rebuild in Perth: SOLD

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Nothing done today.
They sure wasted their time if they took the day off to watch the grand final though....
first time ever anyone was on our site on a saturday, our rendering guys finished our house off today! posting pics up now ....
Nothing done today.
They sure wasted their time if they took the day off to watch the grand final though....

Aint that the truth. Have they assigned you a new SS yet?
No idea about SS, we've had contact from the office but nothing's been said about a new SS. I guess they have a few weeks grace while the walls go up as all the SS would do at this stage is probably just check their work, and I can (will) do that anyway.
No idea about SS, we've had contact from the office but nothing's been said about a new SS. I guess they have a few weeks grace while the walls go up as all the SS would do at this stage is probably just check their work, and I can (will) do that anyway.

You should hit them up for a refund of 4 weeks SS wages off the house price since that cost isn't required and see what they say
Nice thought. I'd also like to hit them up for mental anguish, but I don't think that will happen!!

The brickies were AWOL yesterday, so goodness knows if they'll be back today. Not sure how they can do 2 days' work and then go elsewhere, so who knows what's going on. I guess that's why you need an SS.
The brickies came back today
and did the left side wall to 20c and the window frames, along with putting in the back sliding door frame:

I'm pretty disappointed with some of the bricking work though, it's a bit ** frankly, and since we don't have an SS I'm going to have to let the CM know. I checked out the walls they did last week and there seems to be a difference in quality, so it makes me wonder if there's different guys there this week. Either that or they let an apprentice loose today. Here are some fine examples:

They've also managed to get mortar on the new colorbond fence in quite a few places, and I don't think it will come off easily.

[Edit for photos]
wow - looks like they've let their 3yr old kid have a crack at laying bricks blindfolded ..... i'd be straight on the phone, and demanding them to take it down and re do the brickwork omg that is shocking!
I wouldn't have said that you don't normally have a offcut at the end of a wall, you would put a full brick on the joins!!!!

Either way I wouldn't be too impressed !!
i would be kicking it in myself!! not good enough...
Thanks for the input guys. The rest of the bricking is ok, but we are definitely not happy with those parts above. I sent an email to the CM with the photos but haven't had a reply yet. If he waits too long to check it out they'll be covered up as the brickies started the inside of the external walls today. The brickwork today looks better but there is definitely one brickie that is better than the other one.

Oh, we've also had our front door frame delivered and some scaffolding-type stuff, presumably so they can do the tops of the walls as they are 31c throughout.
That bricking looks very * west, hope they sort it out for you
Hi westy ~ so much progress! Looks great ~ but I completely understand why you are worried about those bricks. They do look a bit d.o.d.g.y don't they.
Hope you get a response soon that you are happy with.

Have you had much communication with your new SS so far? Have you met him? Fingers crossed that he agrees with you...
We don't have an SS, VT. He resigned around the time our slab went down (I wasn't told until I tried to email him and cc'd the admin person), and we still don't have a replacement a month later.

I emailed the construction manager again yesterday to get a response about the bricks - his reply was "it doesn't look like any issues from the photos". My response:
Are you kidding????? He said he will try to have a look next week but by then it will probably all be covered up.
We will go and check it out today and if the subsequent work is still bad we'll look at getting an inspector.
Mate that sucks that your work is a bit **. Why do we have to watch them like a hawk. Can't these people imagine how they would feel if it was there place.

We have dramas also. See my post.

I emailed the construction manager again yesterday to get a response about the bricks - his reply was "it doesn't look like any issues from the photos". quote]
Ummm are they the same photos we looked at.
Maybe there antivirus software for emails has photoshop built in.
Yep they sure were. There were a few others as well, including the mortar splattered all over the new fence. At least he said that would be cleaned.

They didn't do a whole lot yesterday, only about 7 courses on half of the right side, and they set up the scaffolding/walkways to finish the tops of the walls (but didn't start working on them). I'm beginning to suspect they are paid by the day... 5 days down and they aren't even close to finishing the external walls. Here's a few pics of the alleged progress:

any news on the bricking ??
Yeah any news? Our brickie has been sick so no action at our place either...
Oh wow Westy, that internal bricking is quite **
Guess I really shouldn't be complaining about how long it's taking my guy to get the job done properly. Really hope the CM gets it sorted for you.
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