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Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

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"Long story short- if your lonely and want someone to talk to, use axiom."

This just literally made me LOL in the middle of a meeting! Thanks for the chuckle. So have you gone through Commonwealth? Did you have a 5% deposit to do so? I'm about to email my Resolve guy with our bank statements and latest payslips so we can get the finance application rolling... SO nervous!

Glad i could make you laugh!

We went through Resolve but they applied with Commonwealth. No deposit. Did it as a low deposit loan. Good luck puglover! Let us know how you go!
If applicable- remeber HECS debt- they forgot to mention that to us as both myself and my fiance both have one of those suckers.
Okay cool, it's good to see all these low deposits getting approved, maybe I'm being nervous for nothing with my little 5% deposit! And thanks for the advice re HECS debt, I certainly have one of those awful things albeit this will hopefully be my last year with one, WOOHOO!
Puglover! Me too! last semester about to begin!

I do want to update on a phone call from Axiom today:

They want $800 for their services. When my fiance asked why its not covered in loan, he said that he was sure and that there wasn't enough to cover it. When Heath asked why we weren't just paying the difference he again didn't know why but wanted Heath to tell him when we were paying it.

I told Heath to tell him (i'm in a standoff with answering theirs calls due to exam tomorrow) that we want a cost breakdown from them to see if we were paying for them to drive out to get papers signed the other day. That is the only reason we can think of as to why the fees are higher and therefore cannot be covered by the amount in the contract.

Heath also said that Axiom rep kept asking when we were going to pay the fees. The numerous amount of calls i got from them in the past fortnight and NOT ONCE did they mention paying fees.
We just paid for our venue for our wedding and wiped out our savings account.
Hope he's happy to wait...there goes my post exam holiday!!
Actually you've just raised a really good point for me - I'm looking at our Estimate that Resolve gave us at the beginning, and under Solicitors Fee there is $0.00 - and we were specifically told at that session to use Axiom to keep things simple. So at no point has there been any mention of a fee for using Axiom, and don't you think that they should disclose the fee upfront? That's rather unconscionable.
Hey all, had my meeting last night with Resolve, went well, mortgage application forms are signed and taken care of so very nervous, and will be until it's all completely approved! Next steps is the PWC meeting where we get to pick all our colours etc so I've been frantically going on massive walks and drives around the estates snapping photos of my favourite facades and landscaping looks. My husband thinks I've lost the plot. Has anyone gone with artificial turf? I must say i really struggle with it, it sticks out so badly in my current neighbourhood because everyone else's grass is so badly maintained, and half the people park on their nature strip turf so it just looks awful!

I also thought I'd come back and clarify that $1000 has been budgeted in our estimate for Axiom's services. According to Resolve we should expect to pay less than that, but when I first meet with Axiom I'll definitely be asking for their Fee Schedule!
Oh - and has anyone used an independent building inspector for their build? My friend did and eventually discovered that their inspector accepted "under the table" payments from the builder to pass defects, so now I don't know what to do (to clarify their builder was NOT Homebuyers Centre)
Puglover- we're. Putting down artificial grass but only because our Anrrican Bulldog has allegeries to EVERYTHING :/
Ohhh your poor puppy, my pugs always get hay fever in spring. Are you able to train your dog to go to the toilet off the turf? I had fake turf many years ago and my kelpie got a tummy virus and long gross story short - we had to rip it up.
She's already trained to go toilet when told (to avoid inside accidents) but we have no plans to put down any concrete in the front or backyard. Its not just grass though, plants are also the enemy.
Omg after hand over service sucks!!!
How so.........,

Nothing has been done on our list that was meant to be done before hand over. They assured me that they were done! But nothing and some of them are silly little things. Like I'm still waiting on light gloves that weren't install at handover to be installed.
That would be very frustrating. Hope it gets resolved soon.

Oh no Box that’s so disappointing to hear. It would really put a bad taste in your mouth after the excitement of moving in. Were these things you identified pre-handover or only once you moved in? We’ve just moved into a cheaper rental to save more while we build, and it’s a brand new townhouse and we’re seeing all sorts of problems coming up that should have been picked up at the final inspection which we're now having to get fixed – walls that aren’t straight, outdoor powerpoints installed behind downpipes so un-accessible, poor quality plastering, doors that don’t close etc. It’s been a great learning experience for us.

We’ve been through hell the last week and a half with our application. We submitted our mortgage application forms with Resolve on the Monday, only to have my husband unexpectedly lose his job on the Thursday! From a financial perspective it wasn't a huge drama - I'm the main breadwinner and my husband's wage is more our weekly spending money, but I thought I'd better ring Resolve and let them know. To my shock and dismay our broker told me that it was over – nothing could be done. We’d need to withdraw our app and re-apply once my husband has had a new job for six months!

To say I was devastated was an understatement, I got off the phone and cried for a few hours, and then sent our sales guy from HBC a text to let him know. The next morning he rang (on his day off) and he was amazing - so understanding and empathetic. I told him what Resolve said and he replied “Umm, what is he talking about? You earn more than enough on your own to still qualify for Finance!” He then spoke to the broker who emailed me that afternoon and said he’d be looking at other lenders for me! Fast forward a week, my husband had a new job! I contacted the broker to let him know only to discover he was unwell and nothing had been done with our application – and our Subject to Finance clause on the land was expiring in one day! I freaked. In the end we were passed onto another broker at Resolve who rang me and said he had no idea why I was told we were not eligible without my husband’s wage. He said he’d resubmit our application with just my wage (he said we can use my husband's wage as security if needed), and he had already checked and Axiom had already ordered an extension on our Subject to Finance clause for us which was great. The builder rang us after that call and was so apologetic about our experience so far, but now I'm super super stressed about the whole thing.

Saturday we then had our pre-start meeting! Talk about a roller coaster! We upgraded our flooring, and got overheads in the kitchen, caesarstone benches, a glass splashback, the extra large oven and an upgraded plumbing package. Really happy. We opted to get our heating done elsewhere, and we will be replacing our shower tiles after we move in because I haaaate white tiles (have them now and a nightmare to keep clean).

Now I just need finance and it’ll all be happening!
Pug lover WTF!!!!! Thats the worst and best news ever!!! Whose was your initial consultant? You can change the tiles. Just pick another from another pallette and say you want them. I did and it that with my carpet and it was fine. Good luck!!
Hey Parrious, they let us make quite a few changes outside of the "theme" we chose - the flooring and splashback colour were outside of the theme, so we were pushing the envelope with the bathroom tiles by the end of it, lol, so our pre-start consultant put her foot down and said no. That being said, we probably won't change the tiles for a while, its definitely a "nice to do" not a "have to do." Our first priority will be getting the heating/cooling system in, the deck, outdoor kitchen and landscaping - not to mention the solar panels I am coveting.

I've also started obsessively driving around my current estate taking photos of landscaping I like so I can build a vision board. My husband thinks I'm mad given we don't even have finance approval yet.

What themes did you go with?
I did the same! Lol can't. Velieve theu said no though.. :/ we did the same with the heater/ aircon, outdoor patio and lanscaping. What theme did you choose?
We went for the Torquay exterior with the upgraded contrast render, and we had to upgrade the roofing. We also chose the Graphite interior, however we've got the upgraded bench top, and the upgrade floor option from the Cottesloe theme, and our glass splashback is in Whisper White which has a pale green tint to it.
I agree with you box their after service sucks, I wouldn't recommend them any more due to their lack of after care.... stills waiting for things 8 months later!!!! I am over it, get passed between people and nothing actually gets fixed!
That is so disappointing! Is it to the point where you have to take it further, as in, get legal advice or something? Eight months is an absolute joke!
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