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Caddens penrith

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We have a fall of 2.5M over the build area, the foot print is about 16M X 12M and another 3M X 4M alfresco

our tender with clarendon shows total site costs of 48K

The site costs do need a bit of clarification, you see most initial house prices do have some site costs included, my guesstimate is around 15 to 18K of site costs are included in the original price a builder gives you. Using that figure I would say the additional site costs for this 2.5M fall is 30K

We had another informal quote from Montgomery - the site costs were around 25K extra

So site costs of 20 - 30K extra for a 2.5M fall is around the range you will get, if you get lesser I think you are doing fine. The 28K from Elderton seems to fall within these ball parks.

That's may take on site costs, I think anyone building in Caddens will get very familiar with site costs, cut and fill, drop edge beams et al by the end of it


To my knowledge as an agent, 2.5m fall in Caddens would incur additional $20000~$25000 upon the area. So you got the quote 25k ,I think it is reasonable
Our façade is almost finished, cant wait for the scaffolding to come down and we get a good look at it.
Although even through a mess of pipes it looks awesome!!!
Give you all a clue : it's the only house with colour and anything other than Surfmist or Monument
Looking good kiwifire!

Almost 18 months after buying our land we will finally have handover on 12th August!

I notice in that time a house on Barnea has been built and is now up for sale.
That house up for sale on Barnea is going for offers over $850k. Crazy!!
No way !!! $850k
Guess we just have to wait n see, another one
From kurmond homes is for sale at around
It's 31 sq or a bit more, it wud go for ard 800k

Anyway I am quite keen to see what it sells at
Can anyone who has built retaining walls or fences recommend contractors?

For our block we will need a 14m x 0.6m retaining wall, and fencing to 3 sides (I am thinking metal posts with wooden slats, as I have seen this around Caddens).
Is anyone in the same boat as me and waiting for stage 5 land to register so they can start the council approval process?

Landcom initially said registration was due in August/September and now its well into October =.=

Im probably looking at a price hike in the construction contract now. sucks.
PCI next week ... Handover on the 20th (maybe)
Really looking forward to moving in and starting on my landscaping... Anyone recommend a good excavator as well need some earth moved ?

Clocks ticking ... Not long now
Oops I forgot ... Has anyone gotten connected to the NBN yet? Was it a hassle ? I've just spent 45min on the phone for them to tell me they don't have our address registered & that NBN isn't available in Caddens
Some one is to call me back .. Sigh
there is some info. on status here:

dont know what exact area it covers though.
Did everyone see the price list released for Caddens Rise?

The land sizes are much bigger (to fit in with the surrounding suburb), but the average price is $500,000 and even for the smallest block 653.5m2 it is $470,000

Considerable price jump as you could get 1000m2 in stage 3b for $400,000
Happy days for those of us lucky enough to get land in stage 2 release and be in our house now

Hi anyone....
We have a lot on cadda ridge drive in Caddens and just wanted to know about the acoustic requirements, do you need double glaze windows or are there other options? I contacted council hoping they would be able to give some advice, considering they are the ones who approve it. however I was not in luck. 

Anyone out there started their build in the stage 5 release?
Hi anyone....
We have a lot on cadda ridge drive in Caddens and just wanted to know about the acoustic requirements, do you need double glaze windows or are there other options? I contacted council hoping they would be able to give some advice, considering they are the ones who approve it. however I was not in luck. 


I am on Cadda Ridge drive too. Did you find out about this?

try this:
Can someone recommend a landscraper local to Caddens area, we need to get plans done and get a quote. and will be using them later for the landscaping. Looking to start building soon.

Hi Sheridan,

I've seen your posts earlier but hadnt looked at the details much, saw you blog just now and all those pictures, really great. Love the sunrise photographs n yr hubby seems quite a painter.

We are at 17 Morello terrace, and are at tender stage, so shud see construction begin in 4-6 months.

Will have a few questions for sure as we go along. Might even start a blog, feel very encouraged after seeing yours, although not quite sure i cud do it as well.

keep up with yr updates, its motivating for the rest of us.

Hi anyone....
We have a lot on cadda ridge drive in Caddens and just wanted to know about the acoustic requirements, do you need double glaze windows or are there other options? I contacted council hoping they would be able to give some advice, considering they are the ones who approve it. however I was not in luck. 


I am on Cadda Ridge drive too. Did you find out about this?

yeah, you can have thicker glass or have a specific sealer around the window. Didnt cost to much only a couple of hundered dollars for the whole side of the house. Not expensive, if your builder does come back with a price tag of thousands I would question it.

Also be careful of some builders charging you for salinity. We went to tender with one builder who was going to charge us $2k for salinity they found in their soil test. However we pulled out due to a number of reasons and selected another builder and when the other builder did the soil test, no salinity came up and no charge! funny that. I was pre warned about the first builder that they may do that and I even said that to them before the soil test came back and they told me they wouldnt charge it just because. Friends of mine had the same thing happen to them and they had a independent person come out to do the testing and came back clear and the builder then reimbursed them the charges.

We are finally happy with the builder we have now selected and we are up to contract signing. We have had our external appointmenet and we have our internal appointment this week.

Also for landscapping plans, if your builder tells you that you need a professional plan I would investigate it. As our builder told us we dont need one, we can do it ourselves. As long as it is to scale and we inlcude te requirements of what is needed. I also confirmed this with landcome design team.
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