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Lis’ Santorini – DAH - We've moved in!

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Anyway, we’ve booked with a new company who is due to start work on our place today – Stay tuned…

We had one no show but will wait and see what he will say. Please do tell me how they are and photos of their work or website will be good if they did a good job.
Congrats home baby. Gud atleast it'll be set by the the lil bundle of joy arrives. Hope u'll be done with all the work soon, take one day at a time.
And on the brighter, bright side... we're expecting the first Little Vundaful in November so high five to us mamas

Wow!!! High fives all round
Congrats to you too V! At least you guys are nicely settled in your place now, and the front garden is looking great.
Congratulations on the new baby!

but grr to 2 months wasted time!

And, you know you can't say you've done all that stuff and not show pics!!

Thanks tinkster
Ok, here's a few pics just for you...

~Dressing Room - My Side~

~Dressing Room - Hubby's Side~

~Entry Hall~

~Living Area~


~Sink Splashback~

More to come later...
looks gr8 Liz
Thanks OH, as you said, just trying to take things one day at a time...

A few more pics:
~Master Bedroom

(with the latest Ikea purchases)

~Spare Room


~Laundry (now with built in laundry hamper & underbench cupboards)

~Home Theatre

And best news of all, work on our liquid limestone has FINALLY started
Pour is happening tomorrow
Woop woop! Looks amazing! Great tile and bench choices
Looks great Lis... Can't wait for pics of LL. Mine's booked in too later next month.
Can you look out what sealer they are using? Ie. What is labelled on the sealer bucket.
Congrats Lis! And the house is looking good! Now you just need to move in once that driveway is done!!!
Thanks everyone! House is finally starting to look and feel like a home

Blinds have now gone in, and I'm so pleased with them. Feel as though they really tie everything together now.
When the flooring first went in I absolutely HATED it! The colour was much more orange than I imagined. Even double/triple checked they installed the right boards, checked the quote again, and even went back in the store to make sure that it was the right thing! It's amazing how the light in the store can change a colour, as well as seeing it on a larger scale. Then the paint in the living areas took on an unexpected pinkish tinge at night
Was seriously considering repainting already! Well now that the blinds are in all those things don't seem as bad (or they're just growing on me!)

Apologies for the poor quality photos, forgot the camera and only had the phone on me.
~Master Bedroom - Might put some coloured/patterned sheers over the top later...


~Home Theatre

~Living Area


~And at long last - working on the driveway

Looks great Lis... Can't wait for pics of LL. Mine's booked in too later next month.
Can you look out what sealer they are using? Ie. What is labelled on the sealer bucket.

Patterns are currently being cut into the limestone, and then it still needs to cure and dry for a few more days. Only after this will the sealing be done. If I'm there when it happens I'll keep an eye out to see what they use.
Looks great Lis... Can't wait for pics of LL. Mine's booked in too later next month.
Can you look out what sealer they are using? Ie. What is labelled on the sealer bucket.

Patterns are currently being cut into the limestone, and then it still needs to cure and dry for a few more days. Only after this will the sealing be done. If I'm there when it happens I'll keep an eye out to see what they use.

Lis lux gr8 !!!
Our selections are so close ....will upload some photos later...
Ooooo yes, they really do tie it together! What a gorgeous house, bet you can't wait to get your butt in there!
Well, after 4 months we are FINALLY in!!!
Well actually we've been in 2 weeks now, but have been super busy to get on the forum.

Still sorting out a few teething issues like the dishwasher that took several hours and a few trips to Bunnings to install all because of the large, boxy, water filter 'thingy' at the end of the dishwasher drain pipe wouldn't fit through the hole allowed in our cupboard, and almost flooding the laundry with the first washing machine run
For some reason we never realised before that there is only 1 inlet water tap in the laundry cupboard for the washing machine instead of one for hot one for cold ?!?!?!?!

Oh, and STILL having dramas with the liquid limestone. It's been poured and cut but because of all the wet weather we've had it hasn't been sealed yet so still can't drive on it....

The new house is starting to look like home, but think it will still be a while till it truly feels like home
Welcome to the neighbourhood! Sounds like you had 'fun' with all manner of water around your place. Glad you're in!
Congrats Lis! We will hopefully be not too far behind you with moving in... we are also dragging our feet!
Our LL driveway is being done next Monday. Be good to see a pic of yours once sealed!
Congrats, Lis

Oh, isn't that tiny hole in the cabinet for the dishwasher plug an absolute PITA?!?! It took us a couple of DAYS to get it installed, cos we were running around frantically trying to get the right tools to cut the cabinet. Our dishwasher was an impulse buy, and Bunnings wasn't open so I was on the phone to dad asking him for all sorts of suggestions and tools!

We eventually made the hole bigger, only to find that the electrician had placed the power point approximately 10-15cm directly above the tap, so the big valve on the end of the hose clunked heads with the plug once it was put in to the power point (dangerous, much??!). We had to move the power point over, or else we'd never be able to have the dishwasher connected!

As for the washing machine taps, we have both hot and cold taps under the trough cabinet. I only use cold water to wash, though.

Fingers crossed that your liquid limestone is sorted soon
Moved in 7 years ago but no Occupation Certificate

Building A New House

Joe, it depends on your certifier but we are noticing the ones we deal with are really cracking down. So i would recommend you follow your approved landscaping plans to…

No Interim Occupation Certificate - NSW but moved in

General Discussion

Hi Simeon, Thank you for laying it down for us. Makes sense. Appreciate it very much. Have a nice day. Cheers

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