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Our "Daydream"279".... It's OURS!!! carpet in

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Your block is my dream!

Man am I jealous much? How fast was that to get through certification.


I really can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
Yep... certification took only 22 days!! We were told should be about 4-6 weeks.... Yah for cor@l homes!
Lets hope the rest goes a s quick..(yeah right)
Just got a phone call from head office... site start date is for the 13th of November!!!!

now more waiting.. 2 weeks and 2 days to go before start...woohoo
First signs of action!!!
We have now officially started our new home

Yesterday they did the peg out for the earthworks, then today the bobcat came in with heaps of soil/sand and spread it all out flat.
We are having a screw in pier system which will be done tomorrow after the site meeting at 7.30am. Aparently because we have a HP soil type they will have to scarify the area. Then hopefully the plumbers will be in on monday next week.
Anyhoo, here are a few pics if you are interested. View from the front.

Oh my goodness - they started early! Wow
Jellylegs...any news regarding your plans in council? Did you ring coral yet for an update?
Not yet - still waiting on our approval to be approved
Fingers and toes crossed we'll hear something next week.
Wow, your plans are not approved yet and Coral have started?
Our start date was about 2 months after we had approval and all modifications finished.

Good luck with the rest of the build, I hope it all goes smooth.
bit of a mix up there i think. We (seakyl) have started as our plans have all been approved, but jellylegs(also building with coral) is waiting for their council approval.
just thought I'd post a few pics of our progress....

screw in piers done

plumbing all done..(after pic) ready for the slab hopefully on friday or monday next week!
Congrats on starting! are you effected by the bad storms up QLD? l know when we were due to start it felt like suddenly melbourne turned into the raining capital again! soo annoying!!
No problems with the storms so far this season.Just a bit of rain. We live about 3 hours north of where the storms hit Brisbane, so we are the lucky ones!
Well...... we finally have a slab

I will post some pics later tonight if anyone is interested. We also were told today that the frames will start going up tomorrow. They were delivered last week(friday)
I just also want to say that I know many people say about the hardache of building, but so far our builder has been great. Even emails get replied to very quickly.
Just an update if anyone is interested....
Slab prep..

frames delivered...

slab poured 1st dec

and some frames going up.. Woo Hoo
the games room

the sliding door for our bedroom

front of the house

our entry
Congrats on the frame! Looks like your a day ahead of us - slabs poured on the same day, however, we didn't have any frame action today - hoping tomorrow!!
Congrats on the progress, that's fantastic! Your block looks beautiful, all those trees around it are so lovely!
Why do I get the feeling that your house is going to finish before mine? Congrats on the frame.
Well done - looks like a big house and love the trees!
Looks good so far, are the drainpipes I can see in the pictures for a sealed rainwater system? Is this now a requirement in QLD?

Looks good so far, are the drainpipes I can see in the pictures for a sealed rainwater system? Is this now a requirement in QLD?


Not sure what you mean by a sealed rainwater system.?
We have no town water or sewage at our new place and will rely totally on rainwater and our water treatment system.
We actually prefer this way cause our rates are really cheap! about 900 or so per year

Thanks everyong for the comments about the trees.. We just love this rural estate.Its called Oakhurst Gardens. love the flat block and the SPACE!! just over 1 acre. and best of all its only about 4 klms from town.
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Ramping Carpet Up To Bathroom Level

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they can, it's a fairly standard solution when the slab isn't recessed. the falls need to be in the main floor, if it hasn't been done then you need to ask them to redo…

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Thank you. Do I use timber floorboards for stairs or do people use timber treads? Or is both the same?

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