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Is there a chance they will be finished prior to Christmas, or is it a definite 2019?
We thinking prior, and then we still have trades to come in so we will be in in Jan most prob, unless flooring guys have enough time to get their stuff done which is the only thing that will prevent u us from getting in sooner
It will be a good start for 2019, Sandra must be excited and stressed.
Il drive up today on the way home to see which house it is .
It will be a new year new start and we are eager to get in.. It's is the one next to the single storey before the drop in land..
How is your move going, getting things done..?
Found it, it will be exciting when they start paining.
You guys have met both of your neighbours haven’t you?

I’m just waiting for things to get delivered as I sold most of my stuff when I sold the previous house. It will take months to properly settle in, I have couches that will take 3month to get delivered - who would have thought.
i didn’t really think to start organising much prior to house settling so now I am paying the price by sleeping on a blow up mattress hahah
We hope our colours Sandra picked go well together, so far it all is working. We meet our neighbour in the single storey not the the other side and also the guy in the back acreage. We have bought a lot of new furniture as well and is all in sock with the retail stores so when we ready they will deliver. One doesn't seem to catch every little thing so I'm sure we will get our surprises yet or delays.. Hang in there before you know it you will be all done and can relax. We may even be moving in as you are getting furniture moved in then you and Sandra can curse the unpacking and arranging furniture
Hahah don’t you worry, I think you guys will be moved in way before me. I think Sandra will love arranging the furniture as you will probably be the one moving it haha. I hope this summer isn’t overy hot though.
I can’t wait to see your colours , when I first saw mine I was freaking out , but it has grown on me now .
Ha ha, perhaps.. We going to make the movers work for their money that's for sure.. I'll be re assembling loads of furniture so I'll be happy to be busy... Then the gardening starts so much there too do, got to have the pool ready for summer... Your colours are looking nice and work well together, guess it all grows on one..
OOps just saw this. Sorry.
Are you doing your own gardening? My land scarpers will finish on Wednesday, thank god.

Any news on the house? How is Sandra?
Hey Tajana, see your landscaping getting done, looks nice.. Well our fencing round the front gone, boundry fence up and driveway to be gone on the 15th, may have keys in December but sure still.. But electrical and pumbing fit of also in the next week to come as well as painting.. After that not too much except final fit off and touch ups I guess. We found out our vinyl is not being made no more but they going to make one final order for us, so guess we getting the last of the colour selection ever.
Sandra is doing well to, thanks for asking, we both just want to get into our house already.. So much to still do and in doing the gardening myself and may get brother in law in to help.. Broken back to come.
Your place looking good with the shutters up now.. You feeling settled in more?
Next time you drive by compare the shutters to the upstairs venetian blinds and let me know if it looks weird or does it look ok being different? I am so indecisive, i dont even know what i want. Maybe ask Sandra, she will be honest with me haha
Im still waiting for so much furniture to come so still feels empty but its getting there.

I took my daughter to the park yesterday and walked past your house, its looking great, a big place. You guys are building the same house as Paul arnt you? Have you met the other neighbours yet, the ones on the other side ? Do you know how many town houses are across the road? omg 21 questions.

Ps, it will be broken everything after its all done, not just your back haha
To be honest didn't even notice it, but we will drive past on the weekend and have a look.. As I just told Paul we getting there for the final lights collected today, all the ilights that is..
We only met the one neighbour this far not seen the others even go to site, so it's weird.. John is a pleasant guy, he took me on a walk thru his place the same day he got his keys..
We wish those town houses were sold and not to rent but believe an older couple bought the management rights so how they keep it under control, it looks like a good few and then come the whole block in front of us.. Not sure I want to know..
I'm sure Sandra will agree the shutters look good, we also went with shutters, they need to come measure soon so it's ready to install along with screen doors. So much on our plate to arrange, one thing we don't have to stress about is furniture as that is ordered and ready for delivery.. Hope the movers don't cause damage but will be there keeping an eye on the day.
Have you placed a retaining wall in the back in addition.. Looked like it when I drive past and fence was off?
And yes same house as Paul just different facade and changes internally in some areas.. Going to need a few weeks to recover no doubt.. Plus we camping away from 26th dec to 31st so once back we may start moving in there after.. Fingers crossed
I mean the shutters down stairs and Venetian blinds up stairs .
Yours will look fantastic as you have shutters up and down.

I felt like stealing some of the renting signs on the main road regarding the town houses the other day hahahah, but then I was too lazy to get out of the car and figured they would just put new ones up.

So lucky, I’m back at waiting up to 13 weeks for the couches as I decided to change the cover fabric for all 3.

Well good lucky to us regarding the town houses, it’s so nice and quiet ATM. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into a chaos .

I have a few photos , I’ll post them.
And yes same house as Paul just different facade and changes internally in some areas.. Going to need a few weeks to recover no doubt.. Plus we camping away from 26th dec to 31st so once back we may start moving in there after.. Fingers crossed

Facade and landscaping is looking fantastic Tajana!!
He he he, we will have a look Saturday or Sunday and if we see you we will chat.
Yeah I'm hoping the rentals are not a bunch of crazy loud ppl.. So many families and young kids we don't need hoons in the road either. Your back yard looks so big now it has grass, and the landing is looking good... Planning on doing anything up there?
I see allot of the houses have not laid grass to the curb is that just landscapers? Or is the council going to do that. Also did you go for a broad leaf or seems, im doing sir Walter, 5 tons of grass they say it will take... my aching back...

The long still.. OMG, guess now you get the chance to feel the possible colour that may work and can change it... He he
Hi all! Hope you're enjoying your mornings waking up in your gorgeous homes.... While we sad in our rental! Lol

Seriously though, it's getting exciting/stressful as we near the finish line and my mind is buzzing with 1000 ideas for decorating, landscaping etc! Need to calm down! 1 step at a time....
😂 sandra if it makes you feel better we just started site works Tues so rental for the next few months over here!
Sandra i can so see you staying up until 3am with a vision board of all your ideas. (Glass of wine or a valium will do you wonders lol).

YASSSSS let me know Grant, i think it looks silly. Maybe i can even just get shutters for the top front of the house windows (the extra 3) as the bottoms ones look way too white compared to the blinds.

So the grass: My grass is not laid to the curb because the landscapers ran out of grass hahah, but will be finished on Wednesday to the curb.
The reason the others have laid it only to the wooden stick is because everything after that point is councils responsibility. So council is meant to do that. I have to lay my own, because the grass i am laying is Sir Walter also it will look silly as they only lay a certain grass (i can find out for you what its called, if you like - i forgot.)

Broad leaf or seems? I am sorry i have no idea what that means? hahaha
Gas Abolishment - Brisbane city council

General Discussion

Thanks for your advice, I will reach out to ombudsman

Welcome to 2024 - Gyprocking prices have increased 40%!

Building A New House

Tradie may sit at home but will need to get house plastered as well or will you sit it out?

Custom builder or pay for own floor plan and take to builder

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Hi Mofflepop, I would recommend finding a building designer to prepare plans, they should design to your specified budget. The benefit is you can tender the project out…

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