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Weeks Custom build - Virginia Grove - SA

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Wow! That’s so disappointing. Can you push back on them regarding the Garage size? You would think they would honour the quote as that’s what was signed.
I know Trevor is on leave at the moment - should be back next week.
This makes me anxious about whether or not to build with them. I really hope things work out for you with the bank and the rest of the build!
Quick update.
So after a short conversation with the new sales guy, it appears that the garage costs that were added on have now been absorbed by weeks as it was their mistake.
I'm still debating with them over the windows and glass, cabinetry and other things that suddenly appear to not be included etc. Their reasoning of "you live in a flight area" didn't really answer why I hadn't been told at any stage that my glass budget would be almost double for this reason.
the original plans and paperwork that we have signed had, for example, 5mm glass on a kitchen window. Now suddenly that same thickness glass is $800 more on top of the original quote because they suddenly remember that we live in the flight path and they just simply forgot to mention that and yet the pricing shows "upgrade to 5mm glass"
At the moment I'm rather disheartened by it all and there is definitely now some fairly solid trust issues with the builder as it feels like we are just going to get screwed for more and more money at every turn. Its hard to know what is legit and what is pure fluff being that I'm not overly experienced with any of this sort of stuff.

Still waiting to see what the bank have to say too now with the all new and improved costings
I’m feeling so disappointed for you Hugebloke. Have you gone back over the original quote and see what has been included in the pricing? I only mention this because the quote from the other builder we’re looking at appeared to include things we required but when we went through the costings thoroughly, they weren’t.
So, if you haven’t already- check the costings and if it has been included, push back on the builder. Is there a builders ombudsman or something you can contact for advice?
Finally, Trevor is now based at St. Claire. He is back from leave. Would it be worthwhile sending him a message via text or email to organise a time to meet and sort that out? I would be really interested to hear of your outcome and how Weeks resolves this. I really hope you receive some good news.
Goodness me... well, you seemed to get the rough end of weeks even earlier than us! Dont waste your time with trevor... he just went completely missing after making assurances with us. I feel for you, but i am not surprised at all. In a lot of cases, weeks are just full of sh*t.

Our settlement got delayed because they didnt order our gas log fire with enough notice... plus a raft of other dramas... they are a company that drastically lacks any foresight and everyone there just seems way too over worked (another thing we were assured wouldnt be the case).

I hope you can get your problems sorted!

so finally i have returned.
Its been a battle thats for sure but here we are, all approved and with settlement due on 20th dec.
Between the builders dragging there feet, the banks changing conditions, the banks pulling our loan because the builder couldnt get us paper work quick enough, the evaluators telling the bank that virginia is an agricultural/industrial flood plain and therefore they didnt want to back our loan.....the list goes on and on.
We should be signing paper work something this week to make it all legit but progress is progress right.

in the mean time our lease is up on the 17th of dec and now we have to find somewhere cheap enough to survive while paying rent and mortgage.
When it rains it pours right? lolol

will update our floor plan and selections soon.
so finally i have returned.
Its been a battle thats for sure but here we are, all approved and with settlement due on 20th dec.
Between the builders dragging there feet, the banks changing conditions, the banks pulling our loan because the builder couldnt get us paper work quick enough, the evaluators telling the bank that virginia is an agricultural/industrial flood plain and therefore they didnt want to back our loan.....the list goes on and on.
We should be signing paper work something this week to make it all legit but progress is progress right.

in the mean time our lease is up on the 17th of dec and now we have to find somewhere cheap enough to survive while paying rent and mortgage.
When it rains it pours right? lolol

will update our floor plan and selections soon.

An immediate family member built with Weeks and it took 2 YEARS from signing the contract to finally moving in last month
He had similar issues in that every change made by the builders to the plans or to the costing, caused issues with the bank and the delays meant his loan had to be reapplied for. Then the footings came in over $20k more than originally quoted (on a very small, flat block!!!). He could not afford that so the plans had to be changed yet again to reduce the size of the the house. This all took weeks and weeks to sort out until he finally threatened to cancel, then they started being more amenable.
In the final build stages, there were days at a time where no tradies were on site. He had items stolen (incl motor for roller door, which has still not been replaced). Houses under construction in the same street even had cookers and hot water systems stolen.
He waited weeks for the concreting of footpaths and driveway to be done around the house and this seemed to hold up other trades completing the interior.
Two years to build a 145sqm house. Seriously?
That’s great news Hugebloke! Now the fun begins 😊 I hope you find somewhere cheap to live in the meantime and the build doesn’t take 2 years! That’s insane.
We ended up pulling the pin with Weeks. We got council approval and on the same day they came back with the final HIA contract. The price had jumped by over $44000 😖 & we hadn’t even been to selections. The contracts guy was not really willing to compromise, only suggesting changes on our part. They obviously have more than enough work than to chase our business. Back to the drawing board....
howdy, folks. sorry for the quiet treatment. sorting this stuff out has been quite taxing.
after my last post, we nearly lost our loan because the bank evaluation wouldn't support property in an 'industrial, agricultural flood plain". our broker went into bat for us and argued through and through and the bank finally came to the party and drew up the papers properly (support your brokers' folks!!!!they are worth it)

so after hot weather nailed our build yet again, here is today's update.

I obviously skipped a few steps but you get the idea.
we have lift off.....after a year we finally have lift off.

howdy, folks. sorry for the quiet treatment. sorting this stuff out has been quite taxing.
after my last post, we nearly lost our loan because the bank evaluation wouldn't support property in an 'industrial, agricultural flood plain". our broker went into bat for us and argued through and through and the bank finally came to the party and drew up the papers properly (support your brokers' folks!!!!they are worth it)

so after hot weather nailed our build yet again, here is today's update.

I obviously skipped a few steps but you get the idea.
we have lift off.....after a year we finally have lift off.

That’s fantastic news!!! So glad everything has come through for you! Looking forward to seeing your build.
Infra Red
That’s fantastic news!!! So glad everything has come through for you! Looking forward to seeing your build.

Hopefully it's all. Smooth sailing from here. Aiming for august handover. Hopefully. As our short term runs out in sept hahahaha
Infra Red
That’s fantastic news!!! So glad everything has come through for you! Looking forward to seeing your build.

Hopefully it's all. Smooth sailing from here. Aiming for august handover. Hopefully. As our short term runs out in sept hahahaha

Glad to see you get through it all! Fingers crossed for a stress free build
awesome guys keen to see some progress
Looks like things are coming along nicely at your block.

Not to sound stalkerish, but we are building in the same area and there isn't much blue steel going up apart from ours and yours

Hope things go smoothly from here, sounds like you have had some huge headaches along the way.
Hahahaha, stalk away mate. its not an overly hard one to find being where it is

where abouts are you building? yay neighbourino's!
it sure has been a mental ride. would i do it again? for sure, would i use weeks? so far yeah, but the bank....omg. the bank can go fist themselves. that saga would be a whole website on it own

Things are coming along really nice now. roof went on today, all our glass has been delivered and should be in by the weekend.
we have had a quick walk through and its really starting to come together and look real. its the hardest part i have had to deal with, not being able to visualize it but now thats not so much of an issue

Looking fabulous.

We are over the bridge from you, in the Lakes releases. You can spot our blue steel pretty easily
We are a bit behind you, as only have one wall bricked but no roof, but we will get there. (I will add, we aren't building with Weeks though.)

We were relatively lucky with our bank, but there have been a few frustrations along the way we could have done without- hoping they all fade into the distance once the build is done and we are living happily in our new homes.

And yay neighbourino's indeedy!
I reckon I know the one. I quite often walk around and check out other builds to see what the go is. get ideas, admire, etc.
another friend I have made via Instagram and a #virginiagrove hashtag is over your way as well, so there are lots of happy new friends to be made.

Im sure hoping that August comes quick and i can get busy finishing the place and forget all the crappy but necessary parts of this journey.

Do you have a build thread on here as well?
its that stalkerish curiosity i guess
No build thread on here. Our house will be all the more visible once the bricks are completed, as we are the unfashionable couple who chose light brick and a light roof.
We love it, but it isn't for everyone.

But do post the occasional pic on insta, so will check out #virginiagrove
No build thread on here. Our house will be all the more visible once the bricks are completed, as we are the unfashionable couple who chose light brick and a light roof.
We love it, but it isn't for everyone.

But do post the occasional pic on insta, so will check out #virginiagrove

Saw your place yesterday. Not coming along too badly at all!

personally I think light colours look awesome together, but ultimately as long as you love it bugger anyone else right? We went dark roof and light facade to break a mid point between our neighbours but at the same time be a scheme we liked. Hopefully stand out a bit more once the garden is done with some timber additions in the front.

Can't wait to see how yours comes along. Not far behind us!!!
The lid is on, glass is in, gas work done.... It's all starting to come together nicely. Especially in terms of being able to see it all physically as I've really struggled through this process to visualise things like room sizes n layouts. Not to mention colours and textures 😂

The chaos of life has prevailed. we are still back and forthing with the bank about all sorts of fun stuff but I don't really care at this point. Things are still progressing and as long as that's the case im happy.
Here is a few updates for anyone following along

Starting to actually look like something

Snuck in for a quick sticky beak. sitting window and glass splashback let an insane amount of light into the room, even on a dark day.

Skipped a few steps again but shes coming along nicely.
Pre-construction stage- Variations taking 6+ weeks to comple

General Discussion

The fastest thing a builder will do is bank your cheque, those systems work perfectly with lightning speed, everything else is slow burn. Just the way it is.

Wisdom Homes- VARIATIONS taking more then 7 weeks!!!

Building A New House

Can someone please offer some advice? Im DESPERATE. Because I'm completely and utterly exhausted. How long are variations taking with other companies at the moment? We…

Custom build | Facade colours

Building A New House

I'd get the gutters to match your roof and pipes to match the paint - otherwise they become a feature. Nice pick with the paint colours!

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