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Our Arden Home - Votivo 43

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sorry manj I'm jumping the gun lol i thought you had already done all that and was on the home stretch to digging dirt...sorry my bad. I can't believe the wait time for appointments wow!

No worries ..
will keep you updated
Yah! Today I was contacted by our Admin, colours booked for 1 August, tender for 25 September ...little things make me happy these days ... ❤️❤️
Finally checking out your thread - love love love your paintings - they are amazing.

I thought at the beginning that you had your colours all locked down, they look great, and now at the end I see you have your appointments booked, you seem quite ahead of the process and organised with having a detailed idea of what you want with colours. Good thing is that time will fly as you will be extremely busy with organising the house demo, and your appointments will be here before you know it.

Wide frontage for your block is wonderful, what's the length if you don't mind me asking, don't you just really appreciate the larger block in the established suburbs.

Congrats on getting your Admin appointed.

Good Luck!
Finally checking out your thread - love love love your paintings - they are amazing.

I thought at the beginning that you had your colours all locked down, they look great, and now at the end I see you have your appointments booked, you seem quite ahead of the process and organised with having a detailed idea of what you want with colours. Good thing is that time will fly as you will be extremely busy with organising the house demo, and your appointments will be here before you know it.

Wide frontage for your block is wonderful, what's the length if you don't mind me asking, don't you just really appreciate the larger block in the established suburbs.

Congrats on getting your Admin appointed.

Good Luck!

Aww! Thanks Rachael13
decided to paint to kill some time since there were delays with our sales quote .. yes have been to Cosham several times .. 5 mins away from them ... no probs at all .. 40m .. ever since I got the call from admin I have organised for a demo quote, downloaded the underground electrical pit form and spoken to council to check if any special requirements ..
my days are getting busier lol .. thanks KIT Rachael13

so excited for you manj congratulations on moving to the next stage
so excited for you manj congratulations on moving to the next stage

Aww! Thanks
soil and surveying to be done by end of the week .. we are moving forward

Brief update- soil and site survey was done last week .. awaiting both reports

Ooh, I like the Amalfi! Went through the display yesterday

All the best
Ooh, I like the Amalfi! Went through the display yesterday

All the best

The Amalfi is an awesome floor plan

Here we go .. the soil and survey reports have been received .. so we have a H1 soil type and require piers to go 1m deep .. more $$ I guess

Nice to get the soil report so quickly. The engineering team will review what's required and you'll have a idea of the site costs at tender. It appears that new estate costs are much lower as the builders know what they have come across with previous houses. KDR's - our type of builds, are a little mystery as the houses have been there for so long and there is little history of the area.

Every step forward is a bonus, celebrate each step forward.
Nice to get the soil report so quickly. The engineering team will review what's required and you'll have a idea of the site costs at tender. It appears that new estate costs are much lower as the builders know what they have come across with previous houses. KDR's - our type of builds, are a little mystery as the houses have been there for so long and there is little history of the area.

Every step forward is a bonus, celebrate each step forward.

Thanks Rachael.. yes absolutely .. we are anxiously waiting for tender .. hope we don't get a heart attack
🤣I'm anticipating around 50k .. we might need retaining walls as well ..
oh well onwards and upwards ... hope yours is going well too

Hey Manj,

Just came across your thread - we're doing a KDR with Henley, building the Amalfi 34. How are you going with the demo part of the process? Have found that to be so time consuming and with a massive range in quotes prices!!

Hey Manj,

Just came across your thread - we're doing a KDR with Henley, building the Amalfi 34. How are you going with the demo part of the process? Have found that to be so time consuming and with a massive range in quotes prices!!


Hi Emma .. the Amalfi is a great design
we are in the very early stages with colours and tender during August and September .. for demolition I have chosen CDE demolishers - we have been quoted a very reasonable price for our house, carport, shed and granny flat .. they also do the asbestos removals and capping sewers etc to Henley's spec...

Hi Manj

Just found your thread after seeing your posts on other sites.

Your first post here says you're not going further with this builder?? Is that correct? I thought from your other posts that you were continuing with Arden.

Where is your KDRB? We are also KDRB, approaching colours now.
Hi Manj

Just found your thread after seeing your posts on other sites.

Your first post here says you're not going further with this builder?? Is that correct? I thought from your other posts that you were continuing with Arden.

Where is your KDRB? We are also KDRB, approaching colours now.

treedance .. we were going with Henley homes .. building a single storey 34sq called the amalfi ... however Henley proposed a cut and fill of 1.2m and we didn’t like it so pulled the pin at tender .. found Arden by chance and our super duper sales consultant organised a site visit by Arden sales manager to see our block before we committed to signing up to ensure they can build in par with street level ..

We are in mount waverley .. we are going for contracts next month ...

Our original plan of building a single storey with Henley was unsuccessful due to the massive cut and fill they proposed in September 2017. Our block is sloping front to back with 1.2-1.4 m across the building envelop

We have now signed tender with Arden homes for a double storey 43SQR home called Votivo - they have proposed a minimum cut and fill with the house almost in par with street level. Whilst the site cost is way more than Henley has proposed we have agreed due to the only fact of them building the house elevated without a big cut and dropping the house below street level.
External Colou

Internal colours
beautiful coloour choice there..cant wait for my colour selection.

Thank you banyan27, when is your appointment? By far the best stage of the build for me is choosing colours...

Good luck and enjoy!
Manj - I was wondering how you were going and if you'd moved forward. We changed buildings as well along our journey.

I have to admit I love colours both times and we change dramatically between both builders.

Am so please that your house will no longer be below street level.

Good Luck, I'll be checking in your progress
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