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Starting Over - Our Build in Blakeview Grove (SA)

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Well, we've narrowed down prospective builders to three - Burbank, Metricon and Dechellis - based on build quality and company stability!! Hopefully we can keep our original plans with only minor changes, I'm not 100% sure how the copyright works. Next step, getting quotes from all and comparing inclusions!
Good luck with round 2. Hopefully because you already know what you want you can catch up to where you were again
Oh wow all the best with it all!!!

Thanks everyone. It's been great to vent on here to people who understand! We sent our request to terminate the contract to homestead yesterday. For our peace of mind it was the right thing to do.

Two separate people from homestead have now told us that the Vic and NSW companies are as good as dead, and there's a high chance people in other states could be left with half finished builds.

So we're starting from scratch! This weekend will be spent going to displays and getting quotes from other builders, hopefully because we know exactly what we want and have a lot of things already done the process can be sped up a bit

I'm so glad you did this given everything that's been on the news this week. How awful ?
We are in the process of working through everything with APS. 😊

So sorry all this happened to you - thank heavens you got out. What a can of worms!

Thinking of you!
Sorry to hear about all the dramas TheGirlie! Good luck with choosing your new builder! Am interested in who you end up going with as those are our choices!

Well we're 90% sure we're going with Dechellis now - communication was a major issue for us last time but the sales guy with Dechellis has been brilliant, going out of his way to get things done for us! And their inclusions and current promo mean we will hopefully save a bit of money later on
we have a meeting tomorrow to go over costings again and hopefully sign up!!

Ohh dechelis is in our top two!! Who was your sales guy?

Hope it all works out and things move quickly from here.

Do they have a plan you love already or doing custom?

Ohh dechelis is in our top two!! Who was your sales guy?

Mark - he's based mostly at Blakes Crossing and Evanston - we just have a really good feeling about them!

Hope it all works out and things move quickly from here.

Do they have a plan you love already or doing custom?

Thanks meshelf
we're hoping to keep our previous plans as long as we can get them released, and Dechellis have been super cool about it, they've quoted us on the exact same house right down to individual items and selections!! Other builders have been quite pushy about using one of their plans and modifying to suit

If they release the plans, I'd defiantly build that house. It's suits your block and I can see a lot of thought went into it. We couldn't find a cookie cutter house to suit our block so we designed our own and went with a smaller builder. I think their pricing is quite fair. Maybe a little more but I know they pay their tradies a bit better so it has a knock on affect.
At least you're going in knowing exactly what you want.
Hope everything goes smoothly.

I just looked back at your plans! Looks amazing! I hope dechelis is the right fit and your plans are released!

We got the best news yesterday!!

Spoke to the liquidators again and then received an email last night releasing us from our contract and allowing us to use our plans!!

We also signed with Dechellis on Tuesday so it's full steam ahead for us now, I want to get as much done before Christmas break as is humanly possible lol

That's great news!!! Glad could move on quickly!

Congrats! So happy for you! Wish we could say we have signed but still not even close!
Looking forward to hearing all about the build (we had Neville from dechelis and is was great)

Oh, I'm so happy for you!
You really dodged a bullet, and the plans release is fantastic.
Good on Dechellis for coming to the aid of the party...
They would have been a contender for us, but they don't do steel frame.
Go out and buy a lottery ticket while the luck holds!
We got the best news yesterday!!

Spoke to the liquidators again and then received an email last night releasing us from our contract and allowing us to use our plans!!

We also signed with Dechellis on Tuesday so it's full steam ahead for us now, I want to get as much done before Christmas break as is humanly possible lol

That's fantastic news, let's hope it's smooth sailing from here on..

Ok, so it's been awhile since I updated this
but I have been lurking around and keeping up with others builds.

We've still only got an empty block of land, we really did have to 'start again' and because we are technically building a custom design now the process has taken a little longer than we expected. Good news is we signed final contracts yesterday and the only thing left to do is selections then we can get building!! We won't be in by Christmas like we were hoping, it'll be more like February/March but that's ok - I've made myself stop worrying about the time and I'm just trying to enjoy the process and hope for a good quality build

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