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Finally Chosen

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nearly.. nearly broke out the camera phone.. but thought better of it...

Always break out hte camera phone, and if you dont have one, ask the nearest person to take a pic and send it to you because those nosy people at Home One wont let up!

Congratulations by the way.
wow, that is a fantastic layout, congrats!

i cant seem to find the D F homes website? Can some1 please direct me?

The Macquarie floor plan is great - I liked all of the displays when I walked through but chose the Lismore as the size and floor plan suited my needs.

DFH have been a dream so far - couple of little issues picked up at pre-plaster inspection but they've fixed the items I raised with them. The paperwork took a little while but once that was finalized it has been all systems go.

Overall, they've been great to deal with and very very quick. My site start was 1st April and I was advised last night by my SS that handover will be in about 8 weeks.

I hope everything goes as smoothly for you too lildutchgringo
THX for the info Kryten..........

good to hear good news..... i just saw a thread on s*****s and the comments were not overall very nice... so i'm glad we made the change....

and dont worry people the camera phone is now constantly on stand by.....

pics will be inevitable.....

oh and the other day we saw our street starting to take shape... its looked like paddocks for the last 9 months....i think i saw where our drive will be....

very exciting....

hmmm....are you building in Tarneit ?

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