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Lennox with celebration homes

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We loved the brando so pretty much everything will be like that just not the floor tiles we are going for the grey look
Another good tip for a successful prestart is to ask for a copy of your addenda - this is what the prestart person fills in with all your choices. At least then you know what decisions you are going to have to make on the day. Good luck!
I have a blank copy of the addenda and also have the complete one from the brando
Oh a wall oven, i love it!! i wanted one but wasnt sure how to design it in without losing benchtop.
Have you thought about a door through the garage so you can get down the other side easily?
Hey AshShep I didn't think about that :/ I'm sure if my boyfriend wanted something like that he would have said though haha
I had originally done the same as you with the fridge space taken out of the WIL and the wall oven. But when we got to pre-start they told us we could only have the 600mm oven in that space so we changed back to the original plan because i really wanted the big 900mm oven! Good luck with your pre-start, it's so exciting!
What?? They told us we can have the 900 :/

This is our bathroom selections the grey wood looking tile will be a feature wall in the shower with the white everywhere else
What?? They told us we can have the 900 :/

Lucky you...that's what i wanted!!! I know they have changed a lot of things since we had our pre-start in March - that must be one of them!

This is our bathroom selections the grey wood looking tile will be a feature wall in the shower with the white everywhere else

Love it!
Great colours! We originally wanted a wall oven but we were told that we could only have 600mm as well, but this was in 2013 when we did our prestart . . . . so long ago now . . .
I'm still very jealous of your kitchen layout . . . wondering if my OH would mind knocking a wall down to move the fridge in our kitchen. . .hahaha!
I'm worried now that I've been promised something I won't get now :/
Hey elly, sorry to worry you. Maybe drop your CC a quick email to confirm and you could even go as far as to ring TheMaker (the people who make and install the kitchens for CH) and confirm they do a wall unit that fits a 900mm oven. Just to explain, when we went in for prestart in 2013 they had a really old kitchen display that had the really old westinghouse oven in it with turn knobs on, not like the new version with the digital touchscreen like i've had installed. Maybe it was just the old 900mm oven that couldn't fit in a wall unit.

The floor tiles I chose
hopefully my boyfriend likes them
I'll get a hold of our sales consultant to double check but it does say it in our plans so fingers crossed
hi elly 93

nice choice i would like to say they do 900 wall oven .we are going for one i don't like oven under the stove it is not safe choice for young kids.and my wife would hated if she have to bend over every time to check her cake baking ok lol
great colour choices
Prestart all finished
almost didn't get my 900mm oven they wanted to charge another $700 on top but then found in my contact of sale it had provision for a 900mm oven thank god! And we came in at $153 under what we started going into Prestart
Good pick up on the oven!
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