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Front water tap - located in front of garage??!!!!!!

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easily fixed...

I did realise it was photoshopped.....although nothing would surprise me.
Do you know if the meter sits with the tap or somewhere else in the garden?

Hi House-To-Be,
I don't think there's a requirement to have them together. The meter needs to be on a location acceptable to the water authority, but there's no such requirement for the tap. Even the meter can be where you want, as long as the location is within water authority guidelines; best thing is to check with them before you talk to the builder.

Thanks Duminda, I'll take it up with PD tomorrow. Front garden near the boundary is the best spot for us, don't want it anywhere near the driveway.
Our local authorities requirement, probably fairly common - not no discussion on taps - yep I was one that paid to have it moved.....

- Water Meters are not to be located in positions that will impede meter readings and/or replacement, e.g. behind locked doors, inside units/buildings, ceiling spaces etc.
- Authority must have direct access to all meters at all times
- All meters must not be located at a height greater than 1.5m from the finished floor level.

Only the main **** (it's the correct term.....don't be rude) needs to be street side of the meter so that they can isolate the meter for repairs.

Also think about what landscaping and fill you might be doing around your meter. I put about 0.5 metres of fill around the meter and had to build a little sump so that they could access the meter. If you are putting fill in get them to raise your meter.

Thanks for the info T-D-L.
Our water meter is also placed in the middle of our driveway and our building supervisor has washed off his hands off saying its not AV Jenning's responsibility... We have gone to consumers affair,. and waiting ......

Consumers affair guy has told us that if we have not changed the plan after the water meter/tap was installed then its the builder's responsibility to have it in an appropriate place... Lets see what happens....

Moving the Tap/water meter is a costly affair.. roughly $1000 ( hire a plumber who charges $450-$500 and this plumber has to apply to water dept for the move of tap/water meter. Application fees to move the Tap - $85.00, Plumbing fees- $175 or so and Tapping fees - $ 150. or so). all these fees goes to water department....

City west water told us we can move 600mm any side. application must be lodged to the water dept, at no cost.... only u pay is for the plumber.... but 600 mm is not gud enuff for us..coz our water meter is rite in d middle of our driveway...

@ miss 81

I just came across dis post now.. i know its a lil late.. but please lemme know wht happeded.. did Simonds remove it for u?
We had the same problem building wit M but we argued the point that it wasn't in any of our plans of our house where the tap would be situated So we demanded they move it at there cost and they did

That's interesting. Our tap positions are all marked out on the site plan (and we added an extra one at the contract signing for a measly $127). No sign of the meter though, perhaps that's worth following up.
Yes, so were ours cynarion, and we had the option of moveing them - we moved the back one at a cost of around $100 from memory.

We also had a similar problem where our water tap and meter was placed within the driveway. After looking at the site plan with the estate we came to the conclusion that it had been placed in the wrong spot.

We were told it was going to cost about $300 for retapping (as we could also only move it 60cm according to city west water), also as the water pipes were on the other site of the road we were going to have to pay the cost of drilling under the road, exposing the pipe, and cost of plumber.

We ended up lodging a complaint with Building Advice and Concilation Victoria, but ended up withdrawing the complaint when the developers agreed to move it at their cost, and verifying that it was now clear of the driveway. We had to sign a contract with the builder at the start to say that all water tap meter issues were not the responsibility of the builder.
Guys…time for some update…… Consumer affair guy ( lets call him R)contacted us and he said he thinks, we can solve it by talking (to builder). Last day for the builders to get back to us was 28th Nov. They never got back. R is still clinging to hope that we can solve this issue without VCAT. He will call builders tomorrow.. he also delayed it by a week… not happy…
Everything seems so hard.. we have been w/o driveway for 2 months… I think I will just let it go and pay my plumber to remove it….
Oh and I called up water department once again today to confirm who’s responsibility is it… they said it’s the developer who puts the water point where it is…. Builders have got nothing to do with it. So you might have to pay to remove the tap.

Looks like I lose builders WIN (as always)…

People out there,,, ne help,, ne suggestions what we can do next…. 
Our tap has to be on the house too, and we raised this with PD at tender. We were told "we don't do that" and that we'd have to move it ourselves after handover.
At that early stage, we were way too accepting and let it go, since we had plenty of other things to deal with. He also told us that it was likely that "they" (we assumed the water authority) would stick the meter in the middle of our driveway. "They" didn't.

Of course, we were peeved when we saw umpteen PD homes going up on our estate, all with taps on the wall of the house.
The guy was obviously an idiot - if they wouldn't move the front tap, fine. But what we were asking for was an EXTRA tap....he just wasn't listening. Which we now realise. D'oh!

Anyway, it seems that it's a common thing for major builders to just shrug their shoulders and give you the old "It's not our problem" when it comes to positioning of the water meter.
Sorry, but you actually find that it's not the builders fault! You should blame your developer.
The plumber installs the water meter and tap in the location supplied by the developer. Sure it doesn't make sense to install it in a stupid place, but it's beyond the builders responsibility......
why would anyone put it in the middle of the driveway though, whether builder or developer
does anyone understand the reasoning behind this?
And if it's the developer, it's even more stupid, because they designate where the crossover will go, so they know full well where the driveway will eventually be.

I assumed it was idiocy on behalf of the water mob. I expect idiocy from utilities providers, it's all we seem to get.
Last year the gas company billed us for somebody else's meter, then accused us of stealing gas from our own meter. Morons.
When your administrator applies for your water meter, they have to provide the water authority with a house and site plan.....
you would think the meter would be put in the middle of the block, but they obviously just put it where ever.....of course they aren't to know what side you want the driveway on (if you have a roll over kerb).
And if it's the developer, it's even more stupid, because they designate where the crossover will go, so they know full well where the driveway will eventually be.

It's just daft.

:roll: Last year the gas company billed us for somebody else's meter, then accused us of stealing gas from our own meter. Morons.

OMG that's hilarious!!! (sorry, probably wasn't at the time)
No, it was rather frustrating - don't get me started.
I can almost see the funny side now though.

I was told by water department, dat its no one's fault (tap and meter being in the middle of the driveway), She said its the developer who puts the service point. Water dept will put the tap to that service point as long as it is not on the crossover. Developers do not whether we will have single or double garage....
Builders have got nothing to do with it (according to water department) ...

now we bought this land from previous owner, he would have bought the land from developers i guess.. do u think contacting my developper woudl help at all (if i manage to find out who the developer was)

MBBN... u said "When your administrator applies for your water meter...." wht do u mean by administrator.... is it the builders???
Yeah, sorry your building administrator....I cant tell you how many calls I used to get from clients regarding this issue (when I was working in melb - since working in regional vic I haven't had one complaint).
I know that alot of you are having problems with your builder, but can I say (sorry, just defending the industry) that it is so very easy for clients to blame the builder when it isn't really their fault. I.e. if you have rock on your land and costs esculate due to that (not the builders fault that a soil report didn't pick that i tell clients, rock and not knowing the costs is just the nature of the beast - we don't have x-ray vision - just like clients don't)......harping on the rock thing because I am going through a site cut with s**t loads of rock at the moment!
Builder said that when we handed the land to them (builders) the tapping was already there so they cannot be held responsible. they came up with the offer that they will remove the tap at cost price., So we still pay them money, but builders wouldnt keep any profit in that (not much of an offer, is it)

In the mean time i talked to a lawyer (free advice) and he strongly believes that its builder responsibility regardless of where the developers have put the tapping. Builders should have found out where all the services were and should have drawn out the house plan accordingly. They should have brought this up, at the time of building and could have added that to our cost. Now that they havent done all that, they should just remove it at there cost.

I will speak to the builders on monday as today the guy did not come to work.

i am getting sick of it, but this lawyer has given me tiny ray of hope...
MBBN.. how do u find out who is ur building administrator?
Anny, depends on who you are building with but the compaies I have work with would liaise with the clients right from the start. If you are still dealing with a sales person I would just check with them. i would back it in that there is 1 person working on your file that knows the ins and out of it. It's just too much of a headache when there is more than 1 person looking after a clients file....
Tap in rain water tank?

General Discussion

Can a plumber put a tap on a rain water tank which is full? Tank is similar to one in photo. Cheers.

URGENT·····Garage Boundary Wall Water Proofing Issue

Building A New House

thanks Chippy, i hope they have applied sealer but i am doubt to be honest, so i am gonna do this job after handover.

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