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henley Emperor nouveau Q1 at the point plumpton

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I will let you know if we get the same ss.
Well I've had my first bit of bad news. When we signed our contract we were told we weren't in a brushfire zone. Ive heard a lot of people having to pay this so I asked again before we went to tender and again at contract. We have now been told that council has extended the brushfire zone as of August and we now have to pay $4000. Council knew all along these sites were for residential properties a year ago and now they've decided to change the boundaries. This is why we have our safety bank account but had we been told this during colour selection we might have decided not to upgrade as much. I'm sure there are poor couples out there that haven't budgeted for it. I hope there are no more surprises.
We just signed our final plans. We have been told it looks like we will be starting next week. It's been a long time coming but it looks like its full steam ahead now. I have forgotten half the stuff we picked so am very eager to see it all start. Ca
I noticed yesterday one of our neighbors has started building.
yay we have started. They are hoping to have slab done in the next week. Cant wait to see it taking shape.
just thought I would give an update. Now that Christmas is out the way, time to focus on our home. Our frame is nearly finished, the roof went up yesterday but I haven't taken a pic yet. Its exciting to see it all taking shape.


Found out they're building our house in the next estate near us for the good Friday appeal. I hope it doesn't go for less than what it's cost us to build.
roof is up

Looks great so far,exciting for you to see great progress....
Looks great!
Hi 1st time building, I'm newbie to this forum and planning to build the emporer nouveau q3..I have put down $850 to hold the price and is still at beginning stage. Before I put down my 2nd deposit I would like to know if you have manage to get any discounts etc from Henley. Also when they did the site survey was the amount fixed before you signed the contract? I would hate to find after I signing contract that there is a surprise with the cost of rock removal etc. Any info on Henley experiences would be much appreciated.
Hi tiveena. We had fixed site costs. Probably wouldve been a bit cheaper if we didn't fix but we didn't want to take the gamble and there be big issues later on. We are building in plumpton and there is a lot of rock so we wanted to be covered. Where are you building? We signed about 1 year ago and our starting base price was running a special at the time so our starting price was discounted 10,000. It's gone up a lot over the year. There were no further discounts but we felt we were getting a lot included. One thing I will let you know is that we picked the broadway facade and that put my kids room upstairs on the side of the house. Council wanted us to frost the windows for privacy which I wasn't happy about. I wanted my daughter to be able to look out if she wanted to see what the weather was like. In the end Henley changed the plans to put the window at the back of the house. This came at no extra charge. I've had a lot of problems along the way but henley has been the ones to deal with them. Can't speak highly enough of the team working on my house. I get weekly updates from both admin and my ss. Good luck with your build it's such a beautiful home. Did you watch the rch charity auction. Was happy to see the price it went for. Let me know if I can answer anything else.
Hi 1st time building, thanks for the info. I am building in Aurora Estate in Wollert. You're lucky to have the $10k promo. I had a walk through with the sales consultant today and was discussing about windows may need to be obscured. I thought it was only obscure for bathroom/ensuite windows only but now that u mention about the bedroom fingers cross I won't have this issue. I am planning on building the ultima facade. Also, did you get any credits for standards inclusions you change ie flush door to sliding door? Another issue that's I'm trying to understand is whether to let Henley install refrigerated aircon. They had quoted the add-on Brivis zoned aircon for around $13k and upgraded the ducted heating to 5star for $2.5k. In total that's like $15.5k for 17kw of power.. Is this overpriced and can I install the aircon after handover? Or is the Brivis reverse cycle better and more efficient?

How is the house so far? If there were issues is henley quick to rectify?
Hi 1st time building, I didn't watch the Good Friday appeal, however have just saw it on the net and it sold for $717k.
We didn't do aircon through Henley so can't help you there. With regards to windows, council wanted ALL upstairs windows on both sides to be obscured. That's when Henley moved it to the back. It actually costs more to put a cavity door. We were credited the cost of staining the stairs cause I didn't like the colours they had. They are leaving them raw and I will varnish them when I move in. Cannot speak highly enough of how on the ball Henley has been. My advice would be trust your admin and ss and build a good repour with them. I get weekly updates from both of them. Sometimes there is nothing to report but they still call to keep me in the loop. Fantastic service.
Thanks for the advise 1st time building. Reassuring to hear that they provide good service.
just some more recent photos

Hi 1st time building, pictures look great. You must be excited as its look almost complete. How long did it take from when you signed the contract? I still haven't deposited the 2nd deposit as yet but will have to make up mind very soon as the 6mths to keep base price is almost up. How long did it take for Henley to start site survey once you deposit the 2nd deposit?
Hi. Can't remember exact dates. I know once we payed the second deposit our land hadn't been titled yet. Once we got the all clear on the land I remember driving pat 3 days later and there was 5 big holes in the ground from the soil test. Our biggest hold up was our council approval. Had problems with garage being on the fence line. Henley said we could challenge and they said we had a 50/50 chance of being approved and that it could take up to 5 weeks to get an answer. To eliminate this we moved the garage 15cm. Then resubmitted and then was told the windows on the side had to be frosted but then Henley again saved my daughters room being frosted by moving it to the back of the house. So most of our hold ups was council. Once everything had the go ahead they were on site 1 week later. So our land was released three months late and council stuffed us around so
It's hard to give an accurate time frame from signing to starting.
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